CHAPTER 71 - Ishana Stuns Omkara

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Omkara is stunned when Ishana hugs him suddenly... He just stands controlling his feelings...

Ishu: (cries) I'm sorry... I hurt you a lot by avoiding you... Please don't distance yourself from me... I can't stand it... Please...

Om: (without turning to her) You are the one started it first... Do you know how I felt when you avoided me and my touch?? Do you think that I'm taking advantage on you?? (Ishana is shocked with his question and leaves him... Omkara realised she has break the hug and he turns towards her and sees her crying badly... He feels bad looking at her...)

Ishu: How could you say like that?? Will I ever think about you like that?? (Pulls his shirt) Do you know how I felt by avoiding you?? I wanted to hold you, hug you but I can't... My guilt is stopping myself from doing like that... Your touch will always soothe my pain... I'm scared that my pain will gone and I don't want that to happen... That's why I avoided your touch... But, just now after you said that you won't touch me and come near to me, I can't stand that... I started to recall whatever you said just now... But, I'm still can't get rid the guilt from my heart... Your wife's Gauri's face always appear in front of me whenever I closed my eyes... That guilt is killing me whenever I see you... But, I can't stay without seeing you... I can't stay being far from you... And I'm scared to come near you... I don't know what to do... (Cries covering her face... Omkara holds her hand but she shoves him off) I'm worrying about this but you thought like that... How could you??

Omkara can't stand anymore and just hugs her tightly... She too hugs him back... The hug and closeness which they both missed since they got to know the truth...

Om: I'm sorry, Ishana... I promise you that I won't avoid you anymore... And you too have to promise the same to me... (Breaks the hug and cups her face) Hmm??

Ishu: (nods) Hmm... I won't avoid you... But, .... (Omkara places his finger on her lips)

Om: Shhhh... I understand... Don't worry... We will together get rid the guilt from your heart... There are few things saying that you might not done the accident... Maybe it's true...

Ishu: What if I'm the one did the accident??

Om: I will still be with you, Ishana... I already told you, nothing will change my love for you... I know you love me as much as I love you... But you don't have to confess it now... You cay say it when you felt to say so... But, our closeness will remain like before... Nothing can change that...

Ishu: (holds his face) Why are you too good??

Om: Not better than you, Ishana... I learned from you... (Ishana hugs him... Omkara thinks...) I know, Ishana... It's very hard for you to stay away from me... It will be more hard for you if I'm the one distanced myself from you... That's why I told like that to you... So that you will come to me... I too can't stay away from you because I used to be close with you... I know that it's not easy to remove the guilt from your heart... You want to be with me but on the same time you are feeling guilty being with me... But, I will definitely free you from the guilt which becomes burden in your heart... I lost my love once... I will not lost it once again... (Tighten his hug on her)

Ishu: (thinks) I'm sorry, Omkara... I know how much you love me... But, I can't love you... Not only because of guiltiness for causing your wife's death... There is another reason too which I'm hiding from everyone these years... I'm not dare enough to tell that truth to you... (Clutches his shirt tightly and cries hugging his chest... They stay like that for a while)

Shivika, RuMya, PriVeer and ArSidMa who realised IshKara didn't follow them, they came back to the study room and heard their conversation... They smile with tears filled eyes looking at them... They are happy that IshKara are together now even though Ishana didn't confess her love to Omkara... They leave from there leaving IshKara alone in the room...

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