CHAPTER 90- Challenge for IshKara and PriVeer

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Hi, dearies... I'm really sorry for not updating yesterday as I said... Actually, Malaysia had election on Wednesday and was busy in that... So, couldn't finish the chapter earlier... Thank you very much for those who commented and voted for previous chapter.... Now, let's go for today's chapter...



Arjun's Room

Arjun is sitting on the bed thinking about something... RanKa come and see him lost in his thoughts... Karthik touches his shoulder...

Ranveer: What are you thinking??

Arjun: Ishu's wedding...

Karthik: What are you thinking about that??

Arjun: No, yaar... Last time we couldn't do any of the rituals for her wedding except her engagement... After that, she directly married Dev and......... (He couldn't complete the sentence... Ranveer hugs his shoulder) This time we must do all the rituals for her wedding and should not miss any of it... Everything should be the best for her...

Ranveer: Don't worry, yaar... We will do as you said... If I'm not mistaken, Om too didn't do any rituals before his wedding... He also directly get married to Gauri...

Arjun: (nods) Fine... We will discuss with our family first about this... Then, tomorrow we will discuss with the Oberois about this...

Karthik: Ok, yaar... It's getting late now... I'm going to sleep first... So sleepy... (Yawns and lies on the bed... ArRan shake their head looking at him... Ranveer takes Arjun outside from the room)

Arjun: Why did you bring me out from the room??

Ranveer: You know something, Arjun?? I will be very happy if this double wedding become triple wedding...

Arjun: (smiles) Madhu and Karthik, right?? (Ranveer nods)

Ranveer: Madhu is my sister, yaar... How I will get married before her?? That's why I and Priyanka wanted to postpone our wedding... But, Priyanka is Om's sister... He must thought the same too... That's why I agreed... But, I want Madhu to get married as well...

Arjun: I can understand, yaar... Madhu loves Karthik and he too feels the same for her... But, that idiot is not realising it!! (Presses his head) I think we need to make him to realise it...

Ranveer: (thinks for a while) I know whom to ask... (Arjun looks at him questioningly) Rudra's Love Angel... (Smiles)

Arjun: Soumya??

Ranveer: Yes... She definitely can help us in this... We will talk to her tomorrow... Let's sleep now... (Arjun nods and they leave to their room)



ShivOmRu are sitting with their legs inside the water while having the tea made by Omkara...

Shivaay: It's been long time we didn't spend time like this... (OmRu nod) The last time we sat like this when we talked about PriVeer's engagement...

Om: Right... After that, we were busy with their functions and so many incidents occurred... Everything are solved now... We found the real murderer of Gauri... Kali Thakur!! He got his punishment for his crime...

Rudra: Don't talk about him anymore... His chapter is closed now... We need to celebrate this moment... I can't believe my Ishana bhabhi is getting married.... Oh, God!!! I'm so excited!!! (ShivOm look at each other and turn to him)

Om: Rudra, your Ishana bhabhi is getting married to your brother, that means me... Remember that??

Shivaay: Om, he is very excited that his Ishana bhabhi is getting married not you...

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