CHAPTER 59 - Ishana is Saved!!

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The guys informed their family about their failure to find Ishana... Their family are sad but they console the guys...

Sid: (towards Shivaay) You all are here since yesterday... Go back and take some rest... We will manage everything here... Please, Shivaay... Don't refuse me...

Shivaay: Ok, Siddharth... If you get to know anything, just give me a call... (Siddharth nods... Omkara hesitates at first but Shivaay somehow convinced him... The Oberois leave from there...)


Omkara's room

Omkara is lying on the bed thinking all of his moments spent with Ishana... He smiles thinking about them but soon it vanished when the flashes of she being kidnapped came into his mind... He gets up in jerk... He could feel his heart beating terribly...
Om: (holds his heart) Why it's beating like this?? It will beat like this whenever Ishana is near me... But, I don't know where she is... Why I feel like she is here only?? (Takes his mobile and looks at her picture) Where are you, Ishana?? I'm suffering a lot here without seeing you... (Places his mobile on his chest and lies on the bed)

Next day at Raichand Mansion

All are sitting in broken state thinking about Ishana... No one slept well and eat well since Ishana went missing... They just ate a little to save some energy to find their angel...

Swet: (lying on Siddharth's lap) It's been two days since Ishu got kidnapped... The kidnapper said that he will tell us about his demand... But, till now he didn't say anything...

Sid: That is what I'm thinking about... Why he want to take long time to tell his demand?? We are ready to give him anything...

Arjun: I don't care if we have to get in the street to save our Ishu... I'm ready to give him my business empire as well... I can start from the beginning...

Nivi: We too are ready to give our businesses to him... (TiMi nod their heads in agreement... SidLana hug four of them...)

Ranveer: I can understand your love for Ishu... But, I felt the kidnapper's demand are not these... (All look at him in confused) If he wants these properties, he must have asked on the time he kidnapped her... He won't wait till now... He must know well about our family and we can do anything for Ishu... There is some other reason for him to kidnap Ishu...

Raghav: What can be the reason other than this??

Madhu: I think he wants something from Ishu... (All look at her in confused) Maybe Ishu only can give what he wants...

Dush: What are you blabbering, Madhu?? Ishu has nothing with her... What she can give him??

Karan: Right... If he wants anything from Ishu, he must have kidnapped one of us... Why he have to kidnap Ishu??

Madhu: You don't understand what I'm trying to say... I'm trying to say that he wants something which Ishu only knows about it... Ishu must refuse to tell him about it and that's why till now he doesn't say anything to us...

Arjun: That means his demand is from us... But, what it could be if not our properties??

Madhu: I don't know, bhaiya... But, one thing I can sure that Ishu is hiding something from us...

Sid: (mutters) Not something but she is hiding many things from us...

Ranveer: Did you say something??

Sid: Actually, I wanted to go and search for Ishu but no idea where to find her... Our last hope was the GPS tracker only, but that too failed...

Savi: How long we are going to be like this?? It's been two days and don't know in what condition they are keeping our Ishu... Why all the troubles are falling on her head?? (The girls hug Savitri)

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