CHAPTER 47 - Omkara Romances Ishana in front of Family

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Next morning


SidLana room

Swetlana wakes up from her sleep and sees Siddharth is smiling looking at her...
Sid: Good morning, beautiful...
Swet: Good morning, handsome... (Bit her tongue realising what she said while Siddharth smirks looking at her) You woke up early today??
Sid: (hugs her arm) I'm not early today... But, you are late...
Swet: Really?? What is the time??
Sid: It's just 8 am... But, add another two hours...
Swet: (stretching herself) Owh, it's 10 o'clock... (Thinks a while and gets up in shock) What?? 10 o'clock?? Oh, God!! I'm very late!!
Sid: (calms her) Relax, wifey... Don't tense yourself...
Swet: How come I'm not tensed?? I need to make breakfast for everyone... Poor them... They must be very hungry... Daadima and Madhu need to take medicine on time...
Sid: (cups her face) I said relax!! All had their breakfast already... So, you don't have to worry...
Swet: (confused) Who made the breakfast??
Sid: (proudly) All the men made breakfast today...
Swet: (laugh) Really?? You all don't even come to kitchen at Chennai... But, here you made breakfast for everyone... Is that eatable??? (Teasingly)
Sid: (raised his eyebrows) Not bad, Mrs Swetlana Raichand... So many improvements... You started to tease me... You are getting more romantic... And, you started to take first step in our romance... I like this side of yours... (Swetlana blushes listening to him... She gets up from the bed and tries to escape from him but he holds her waist and bring her closer... She closed her eyes while he smiles...) Get ready fast... I'll feed you breakfast... (Swetlana opens her eyes in relief... Siddharth takes this an opportunity and pecks her lips slightly... He goes from there leaving Swetlana who is in shock...)


Omkara is getting ready to go somewhere... He goes to the living room and see all are sitting on the sofa involve in their talk...
Om: You all are not ready yet??
Shivaay: For what, Om??
Om: For what?? We have to go to hospital to see Ishana...
Annika: No need, Om... Ishana is getting discharged today... They asked us to not come to the hospital...
Om: So?? We will go and bring her with us... (All laugh looking at him)
Jhanvi: Om, they must be on the way now... Don't worry... They will come here first... (Rudra signs her to stop while Omkara looks at her confusingly)
Rudra: (hugs Omkara's shoulder) O, bhabhi will be coming here only... You don't have to be tension...
Prinku: Exactly, bhaiya... Bhabhi doesn't like to see you in tension... Already she is very weak...
Om: No, I'm not tensed... I'm fine... It's ok... I'll wait here... Moreover, she will be staying here only... (All look each other in confused)
Soumya: (whispers to Annika) Bhabhi, he doesn't know that Ishana will be going back to her house...
Annika: (whispers) I don't know how he will react after knowing it... Why this Shivaay didn't tell him yet?? Let me ask him...
Soumya: No, bhabhi... Don't say anything... Let's see bade baalwale bhaiya's reaction after knowing it... It must be very interesting... (Smiles teasingly)
Annika: (smiles) Right... We can know Ishana's place in his heart... Let's see... (They give hi five and laugh but stop seeing their families eyes on them)

Arjun and NiTiMiMa reached Oberoi Mansion after a while bringing Ishana on a wheelchair... Omkara rush towards Ishana making all of them chuckle... He kneels in front of her and holds her hand...
Om: How are you now??
Ishu: (smiles looking at his concern) Better... How are you??
Om: You are the one not well... But, still you are asking me... I'm good... (Both smile looking at each other... They realised their families gaze on them... Ishana tries to pull her hand but Omkara doesn't let her to take her hand and intertwine his fingers with her's... All look at them in awe...)
Rudra: (whispers) This O is starting his romance in front of our family... He was not like this before...
Shivaay: (whispers) Fear of losing her make him like this... Remember?? That night he almost confess his feelings to us... Now, he doesn't care about surrounding... He only wants to see his Ishana...
Rudra: (whispers) You are right, bhaiya... Yesterday, we teased him very much but he didn't get angry with us... Sometimes, I feel like he loves Ishana bhabhi more than Gauri bhabhi...
Shivaay: I too feel the same but don't say this to him... Only we felt like this and we don't know about him... (Rudra nods)
Tej: What you both are whispering secretly??
Shivaay: Nothing... We are just wondering where are others... Only Arjun and NiTiMiMa are here...
Arjun: Actually, bhabhi was not well last night... She was sleeping this morning when we are leaving to hospital... So, we asked bhaiya and daadima to stay with her while we go and bring Ishu with us...
Soumya: Where is RanRaDuKa bhaiyas??
Nivi: They asked us to go back first with Ishu... They want to discuss with the doctor about Ishu's health...
Shakti: What the doctor said about Ishana??
Tia: Doctor asked her to be in bed rest for few days... She need to be handled with care because her wounds are still fresh and deep...
Mithra: And her wounds dressings should be done carefully... They wanted to send a nurse for help but Arjun bhaiya refused to have a nurse...
Madhu: Arjun bhaiya was right... What is the need for nurse?? We are having three doctors with us and a nurse too... Why we need another nurse??
Pinky: Rights, beta... In fact, we too can do the dressing if they teach us... (All smile looking at Pinky)
SidLana and Savitri come that time... They go to Ishana and Omkara gets up from his kneeling position... They feel bad to see Ishana in wheelchair... Swetlana kneels and hugs her Ishu... Siddharth kisses her head hugging her shoulder...
Savitri: (kisses her forehead) Are you fine, Ishu?? (With teary eyes)
Ishu: I'm fine, paatima... Don't cry... Your Ishu is strong enough to bear this pain... (Wipes her tears)(towards Swetlana) How are you now, anni?? I heard you are not well last night...
Swet: I'm good... Your bhaiyas and jijus took a good care of me... You know what?? Today, our men made breakfast for us...
Ishu: (surprised) Is it?? (Makes a face) But, I don't know if I can eat those food or not... At hospital, they gave me porridge only... I want to eat something nice...
Om: (teasingly) I'll get pizzas and pastas for you... Is that ok??
Ishu: So sweet... But, I don't want them... I want to eat chicken briyani... That too spicy one... (All look at her in surprise and chuckle)
Om: (raised his eyebrows) Do you think that I was serious that I'll get those food for you?? Listen... Till you recover, you have to follow the doctor's advise only... (Ishana sighs thinking of having tasteless food while others laugh looking at her... ArSid just hug her shoulders smiling at her...)
Sid: Ok, everyone... We are leaving now... (Ishkara are surprised)
Om: Leave?? Where??
Sid: To our house... Raichand Mansion...
Om: (shocked) Why?? (The Oberois control their laugh looking at his reaction)
Arjun: (confused) We already moved there yesterday... Don't you know?? Shivaay, you didn't tell him??
Shivaay: I forgot to tell him because of tension... Yeah, Om... They moved to Raichand Mansion yesterday...
Om: But, why?? Our house is big enough for all of them to stay... Then, what is the need for them to move there...
Rudra: Yes, O... Our house is big enough but there is no room available at downstairs... Ishana bhabhi can't go upstairs in this condition... Where she will stay here??
Om: She can stay in my room... (All look at him in surprise... Omkara realised what he said...) I mean she can stay in my room and I will move to upstairs... That will be fine, right?? (All control their laugh looking at him)
Ishu: It's ok, Mr Omkara... You don't have to move from your room... Our house just behind only... In fact, I missed my thaatha's house a lot... Please... (Omkara doesn't want to let her go but he can't refuse her pleading eyes)
Shivaay: Om, come here for a while... (Omkara goes towards him... Shivaay whispers..) Om, what are you talking?? You know about her childhood, right?? She was in trauma because of her parents and dadaji's death... And, few years before she met an accident and again she was in trauma... We can't let her to be in trauma again... The chandelier fell here only... This can haunt her again... That's why I didn't say anything when they said that they want to move there... I can understand your feelings towards her but please agree for her, Om...
Om: Ok, Shivaay... In fact, I too can't refuse her eyes which are pleading... (Shivaay smiles and nods... Omkara goes towards Ishana and kneels) Ok, Ishana... I have no problem if you are moving to Raichand Mansion... (Cups her face with one hand)
Ishu: (smiles and holds his hand) Thank you... (Omkara takes her hand and kisses it making all of them cup their mouths in shock..)
Sid: (clears his throat) Om, so, can I take Ishana now??
Om: (gets up) Yeah... Sure...
Sid: Thank you...
Rudra: (whispers to Shivaay) Poor, Siddharth bhaiya... He has to ask permission from O to take his own sister... (Shivaay laugh and high five with him... AniSouPri too laugh hearing him...)
The Raichands turn to leave but stops hearing Priyanka's voice...
Prinku: Can we come with you as well?? (Looks at Omkara and then back to them)
Savitri: (smiles) Sure, beta... You all don't need our permission to come there... It's your house too... You can come whenever you want...
Tej: Shivaay, go with them as well... Take all the youngsters with you... We will come in the evening...
Shivaay: Sure, bade papa... (Looks at Omkara who is jumping happily inside his heart but doesn't shows it)
Pinky: (to Jhanvi) Looks at Om, jethani ji... He is controlling his happiness inside his hearts...
Jhanvi: Exactly... He doesn't know that his eyes are saying everything... His happiness are enough for me...
Kalyani: Don't worry, Jhanvi... Everything will be fine... He will get his lost happiness back soon... (JhaNky smile at her)
The Raichands leave from there with the junior Oberois...


RanRaDuKa are in the doctor's cabin...
Raghav: Doctor, we want to know one thing clearly... You said that Ishu's hand is weak because she is hit terribly by something hard... Do you think it happened during the accident or before that??
Doc: It can be either both... Like I said to her brother before... One, maybe the accident that you are saying is not an accident... Or, something has happened before the incident which you didn't aware of, or you didn't think it as serious... That's what I asked her brother yesterday... He said that nothing happened like that...
Dush: Doctor, she met an accident when she was kid... She lost her parents and grandfather in front of her eyes... Is that any possible that accident to cause her vein to be weak?? Because she was small that time and she must not know how to save herself... Maybe she hit something terribly that time...
Doc: (thinks a while) I'm not sure... But, there is a possible... I told Mr Arjun that I will find Ishana's old report to know about the accident... But, I'm surprised that her report is not there in system... (RanRaDuKa look at each other and recall how they asked Rohan to delete Ishana's record from the system... So that Shivaay can't find it...)
Karan: It's ok, doctor... You don't have to trouble yourself to find the report... We just want to know if Ishu is fine or her problem can be serious in future??
Doc: I can understand your concern for her... But, you have to be more careful now... Don't let her to lift anything heavy... Her hand is terribly weak now... But, don't worry... It can be cure with some treatment... Bring her here after her wounds are recovered... I'll suggest a place for you to take the treatment for her...
All: Thank you, doctor... (Leave from the hospital)

Precap: IshKara romance continues... ShiOmRuSid watch a video... Someone cuts the chandelier... ShiOmRuSid suspecting Ashok... RanRaDuKa try to join the dots... They suspect Ashok killed Gauri... Ishu?? ArSwet talk about Ishana... Arjun suspecting Swetlana's abortion..

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