CHAPTER 84(B) - Omkara is Safe

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Ishana is shocked to see the machine showing straight line... The doctor looks at the machine and shakes his head...

Ishu: (screams) No!!! This cannot happen!! (Cries hysterically) He can't do this to me!! I can't live without him... (NiTiMi try to console her but she pushes them...) No... I won't let anything happen to him... He promised me that he won't leave me... (She barges into ICU making the doctors and nurses shock...)

Doc: Madam, please wait outside... We are treating him...(She ignores him goes to Omkara...)

Ishu: (holds his face)  How can you do this to me?? You promised me that you won't leave me... You promised that we will lead a happy life... You promised that you won't let me to become a widow... What happen to those promises?? (Sobs)  Now you are making me to become a widow again... (Sobs) You can't leave me!!! Come back to me... (Sobs) I can bear Dev's death... But, I won't be alive if you leave me too... I can't think a life without you... (screams) I LOVE YOU, OMKARA!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I love you very much... (Her scream is too loud till it caught everyone's attention... Other  staffs and visitors too come to the ICU and watch the scene... Ishana looks at Omkara but he doesn't react... The Oberois and Raichands cry looking at them... The doctor signs at the nurse...)

Nurse: (goes towards Ishana) I'm sorry, madam... Please wait outside...

Ishu: No!! I won't go!! (holds Omkara's hand tightly... The nurse pulls her hand from him till Ishana's grip become loose... Ishana almost leaves his hand but she felt a tight grip on her hand... She turns and sees Omkara holding her hand tightly with his eyes are still closed... The doctor and the nurse look each other in confused... The doctor looks at the machine which is showing normal lines...)

Doc: (smiles at Ishana) He is out of danger... (Ishana smiles in tears) Please wait outside... I need to do further check up on him... (Ishana nods and goes out from ICU... Both families are relief to to know Omkara is safe... Other people leave from there... ShivRuPri hug Ishana after she comes out... TejVi too hug her...)

Rudra: I told you right, bhabhi... Your love will save him... See, he is safe now... (Ishana nods at him... The doctor comes after a while)

Doc: He is out of danger but he has to be monitored for another few days...

Tej: Can we see him now??

Doc: You cannot see him now... We will shift him to normal ward in few hours... You can see him that time... (A nurse comes and whispers something to the doctor... She leaves after a while)

Doc: (Towards the family) That girl is conscious now... You all can visit her... (All agree and walk towards the ward where Madhu is admitted)

They see Madhu is lying on the bed and her face is looking very pale... Madhu smiles weakly looking at them... Ranveer goes towards her and holds her hand...

Ranveer: (kisses her forehead) You scare us... I thought that I had lose you... (His eyes are welled with tears)

Madhu: (weakly) This life given by you and Ishu... It won't go so soon... (Ishana cries and holds her hand) I'm fine, Ishu... Don't cry... (Wipes her tears... Ishana kisses her cheek)

Shivaay: (goes to her and holds her face) I'm the one supposed to get stabbed but you came in between... I'm sorry, Madhu...

Madhu: What you will do, bhaiya?? No one expected like this... But, who is that person?? How dare he?? (Holds her stomach and winces in pain...)

Arjun: (goes to her and side hugs her) Madhu, we will talk about this later... Don't strain yourself... Your wounds are still fresh... (Madhu nods and thinks something)

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