CHAPTER 33 - ShivIka, IshKara, RuMya in pool

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IshMa's room

PriMa see Ishana lost in her thoughts smiling to herself... PriMa sign through their eyes to execute their plan... They go towards Ishana...
Madhu: (touches Ishana's shoulder) Ishu, come to the living room... We have to start our decorations for Priyanka's function...
Ishu: Yeah... I completely forgotten about that because of this tension... Sorry, Priyanka...
Prinku: It's ok, Ishana... You don't have to say sorry... We still have plenty of time for the functions...
Ishu: No, Priyanka... We should not care less about that... There are a lot of work need to do... It will be easier if we start early...
Madhu: Ishu is right... Let's go... (The trio leave from the room)

Kalyani's room

Savitri is crying thinking of just now while Kalyani and JhaNky are consoling her... RanKa come to the room and feel bad seeing their beloved grandma crying badly... Ranveer goes and sits beside her...
Ranveer: Please don't cry, daadima... We can't see you broken like this... You know right, you and Ishu meant a lot for our family... If one of you break like this, we can't bear to see it... Now, both of you are broken, how we will bear this??
Savitri: Did you see Ishu?? Is she fine??
Ranveer: I don't see her but I heard that she is fine... Her mother is able to console her daughter...
Savitri: You mean Swetlana.... (Ranveer nods his head)
Ranveer: Now, you don't have to shed these tears anymore... (Wipes her tears... Kalyani, JhaNky and Karthika just smile looking at them...)

Living room

IshPriMa are looking at the decoration items...
Ishu: Most of the decorations been delivered here... We have to plan where and how to decorate using these... We have to be very careful because we are having two functions...
Priyanka sees Omkara is on call at the poolside... She signs Madhu through her eyes looking at Omkara... Madhu understood and nods her head...
Madhu: If we have an artistic person with us, it must be very helpful... They will know well how to use these things...
Prinku: We can ask our Om bhaiya... He is an artist as well...
Madhu: Exactly!! Ishu, go and ask him... He can suggest us for these decorations...
Prinku: Right... You go and talk to him while we will look at other things... He is at the poolside... (They leave from there before Ishana could say anything)
Ishana walks towards the poolside... Omkara is on call and ends the call feeling her presence behind him... He turns towards her...
Om: (stares deeply into her eyes) Do you want to say something??
Ishu: (feels shy with his stare) Yes... We are confused how to use those decoration things... Can you help us with that??
Om: (smiles) You are asking me?? You are an event planner and you must have better idea than mine...
Ishu: I don't mind if it is just a birthday function... But, it is an engagement as well... That's why I'm confused... It's ok if you can't help us... I'll manage it...
Om: I never said that I won't help you... (Ishana looks at him... He comes closer to her) I said that your ideas must be better than mine... Tell me what should I do??
Soumya is chasing Rudra from the kitchen while he is running from her...
Soumya: Rudra!! Stop!! Give me back my paratha...
Rudra: No, I won't give you... You are not going to eat this anymore...
Soumya: Just one only, Rudra... Give me...
IshKara chuckle looking at their antics...
Ishu: They are so cute... (Looking admiringly at them... Omkara smiles looking at her)
RuMya are chasing around the living room... Soumya almost catches him but Rudra escapes and runs towards the poolside... He turns back looking at Soumya and shows his tongue... He turns in front and see Ishkara... Before he could stop himself, he collides with Ishana and she falls on Omkara... Both of them fall into the pool... RuMya are shocked looking at them... Omkara holds Ishana from getting drowned... He recalls the day when he saw her almost drowned in the pool... He looks at her while she holds him tightly...
Rudra: I'm sorry, O, bhabhi... Let me help you... Soumya, you help bhabhi... (Extends his hand towards Omkara while Soumya helps Ishana)
Omkara holds Rudra's hand and pulls him into the pool...
Rudra: (shocked) O, what have you done??
Om: (smirks) Enjoy!!!
Soumya who is helping Ishana laughs looking at Rudra... Omkara pulls her in the pool as well... Rudra claps laughing at her... Soumya get irritated and splashes water on him... Shivika come there as well...
Shivaay: All of you don't have shower this morning that you are having it in this pool??
Rudra: No, bhaiya... This long hair creature pulled us in this pool...
Om: He was the one pushed us first... That's why I pulled him...
Annika: (looking at Ishana who is sitting at the poolside with her leg inside the water) Ishana, you are wet too... Did they pushed you as well??
Ishu: Yes... Rudra accidentally pushed me and we both fell in this pool... Soumya helped me getting out from this pool...
Rudra: Bhaiya, bhabhi, you too join us... Let's enjoy with our wives... (Hugs Soumya's shoulder)
Shivika: No!!! (They are pushed into the pool... All look at PriMa who pushed them and are laughing like kids...)
PriMa: Enjoy!!! (Leave from there)
ShivIka are shocked but soon enjoy themselves splashing water on each other... RuMya do the same as well... Ishana just smiles looking at them... Omkara looks at her and goes towards her... He extends his hand towards her... She hesitates for sometime... He is about to pull his hand back but Ishana places her hand on his... He holds her waist and lifts her from her sitting position... He places her in the water and looks into her eyes... She blushes a little and turns to go but he holds her waist tightly from behind... He pulls her close till her back touches his front... Ishana starts to breath heavily and turns towards him... Both are looking each other lovingly... Some of her hair fall on her face... He tugs the hair behind her ears... Ishana feel uncomfortable standing in the pool without balance... Omkara takes her hands and places them on his shoulders... But, Ishana brings them more closer and hugs his neck... Omkara smiles looking at her... Both of them are completely lost in their own world and don't care about the surrounding... Omkara recalls their last night moment and smile to himself...
Ishu: Why are you smiling??
Om: You don't remember about last night??
Ishu: I too want to ask you... Just now you said that last night you told me that you don't hate me... But, I didn't see you last night... Then, how??
Om: Who said that you didn't see me last night?? You were with me last night and but you are not in your senses... It's because of the medicines you took...
Ishu: Really?? Did I trouble you a lot??
Om: Nope... I love that side of yours...
Ishu: I want to know what I did last night... Tell me, please...
Om: You want to know?? (Ishana nods... Omkara holds her face with one hand... He brings his face closer to her... Their lips are just few inches away... Ishana closes her eyes... Omkara smiles and in husky voice) I won't tell you...
Ishu: (surprised) Why??
Om: You have to remember yourself... I'm not going to tell you...
Ishu: But, I can't remember... Please tell me...
Om: (holds her waist and bring her more closer to him) You will remember... If you felt that whatever happened last night is important, you will remember it... Try to recall those moments... (Ishana just looks at him dumbfounded)
Ishu: So, that is the reason you were ignoring me this morning??
Om: (teasingly) Brilliant girl!! You found the reason... But, still can't remember it... (She pouts while Omkara laughs at her... She pushes him...)
Ishu: Please don't do this to me... Already I forgotten an important incident in my life which I'm trying to remember till now... You are asking me to recall last night event too... What I will do now??
Om: It's up to you... If you feel that is important, you try to recall... If not, then it's ok... You don't have to remember it...
Ishu: (holds his face) I will try to remember them... Every moment I spent with you are important to me... (IshKara stare into each other eyes deeply)
Shivika and RuMya are splashing water at each other... They see Ishkara lost in each other's eyes... They smile looking at them...
Rudra: These two always lost in their eyes...
Soumya: Actually, they are talking through their eyes...
Annika: I never saw Om like this before...
Shivaay: Yeah... I too haven't seen him like this... He actually loves her a lot but is not realising it... (Annika is about to say something but stops hearing a voice...)
Voice: So, all are enjoying in the pool??
Shivika and RuMya turn to the voice which belongs to Ashok... IshKara too break their eyelock and look at him... Ashok stares at them and clenches his fist in anger looking at their closeness... Ishana too stares him in anger... Omkara recalls the clip he saw just now and he too looks at him angrily... He realised that Ashok is staring at Ishana and he could feel that he is looking at her lustfully... He stands in front of her protecting from his lustful gaze... Ishana adjust her dress which is clinging on her body... Shivaay doesn't want any problem to occur now...
Shivaay: Let's go or we all will catch cold...
Shivaay gets out from the pool and helps Annika out... Rudra to does the same as Soumya... Omkara wants to get out first before helping Ishana... Ashok goes towards Ishana and extends his hand while smirking...
Ashok: I think you need my help to get out from here... Take my hand...
Ishu: (controls her anger) I don't need your help...I know to take care of myself... You may leave from here...
Ashok: How you will come out, Ishana?? You are shivering some more...
Ishana get angry and about to say something... But, before she could open her mouth, she feels someone lifts her... She looks at the person who is none other than Omkara... He lifts her in his arms and come out from the pool... Ashok stares at them in anger and jealousy... Shivika and RuMya smiles looking at the scene... PriVeer and MaKar too come there that time... PriMa give high five to each other looking at IshKara... Omkara is about to put Ishana down but he sees Ashok is still there staring at them... Omkara lifts her back and holds her tightly... Ishana confused with his act and looks at him... She could see anger in his face looking at Ashok... Ishana struggles to get down but Omkara holds her more tightly... He walks passing Ashok towards upstairs with Ishana in his arms... Ishana holds his shoulders tightly... Ashok just stares at them and leave angrily from there...
MaKar: Porukki!! (Looks each other in surprise)
Others: What???
Prinku: What's that??
Madhu: It means scoundrel or creep in Tamil...
Shivaay: Karthika, you know Tamil too??
Karthika: Yes, sir... I'm from Tamil background...
Madhu: Really?? Even I'm from Tamil background...
Karthika: I know it...
Madhu: (surprised) How?? (Karthika startles and thinks what to answer... Madhu is looking at her waiting for the answer... Karthika signs Ranveer to help her..)
Ranveer: I told her... I thought both of you can be friends... You both are looking good together... (MaKar look at each other and turn away feeling irritated... Others just chuckle looking at them...)

Ishana's room

Omkara places Ishana down and makes her to stand properly... Ishana looks at him...
Ishu: Why you were angry on him??
Om: Of course I will be angry on him... He is the one hurt you...
Ishu: (confused) What??
Om realised that she didn't know that he knows about Ashok... He doesn't want to tell her and wants her to tell him herself...
Om: I mean he hurt you just now by saying about Swetlana's abortion...
Ishu: But, he said the truth only... He cares for his sister... (Lies)
Omkara thinks that she still taking the blame on her although Ashok was the reason... He turns to go but stop hearing her voice...
Ishu: Sorry... (Omkara turns and look at her questioningly) I lied to you...
Om: About??
Ishu: That he cares for his sister... (Turns her face) He doesn't care for her at all... (Cries in anger) He is the most worst person I have seen in my life... (Omkara expected this but not this soon... But he never stop her this time and let her to tell everything she wants to say) He gave my bhabhi a strong medicine which caused her to lose her baby... Because of that she was unable to conceive... (Cries badly) He and his mother made me to abort my mother's baby...
Om: (side hugs her shoulders... Ishana places her head on his shoulder) Shhh... Relax, Ishana... He will regret for his deed... He is the sinner, not you... He definitely going to be punished for doing the cheap act... Not only him, his mother as well... Both of them not deserve to live in this world... You don't worry...
Ishana lifts her head and looks at him... She caresses his face lovingly and realised that he is wet... She remembered they were in swimming pool just now...
Ishu: Oh, my God!!! (Omkara is surprised) You are wet!!
Om: (looks at himself and smiles looking at her) Not me... We are wet... (Ishana looks at herself and then at him... Both laugh..)
Ishu: I'll give you a towel... (Turns to go)
Om: It's ok... I'll dry myself in my room... (Ishana nods her head... Omkara turns to leave but stops remembering something... He looks at her...) Is there anything else that you need to share with me??
Ishu: No... That's all...
Om: (expecting her to tell him about Ashok's misbehavior towards her) Really?? But, I could feel your eyes are still hiding something... Nevermind, you can tell me whenever you feel to share it with me...
Ishu: Thank you... I never shared my pain with anyone before... You are the only one that I shared my pain... I don't understand why, but I feel comfortable with you... I don't feel anything wrong whenever I'm with you...
Om: (smiles hearing her) I'm feeling the same too... I couldn't find the reason too... Ok... Change your dress... I'll see you later... (Leaves from there... Ishana smiles to herself)

Precap: AniSou tell ShiOmRu about their talk with Swetlana... Flashback of SwetAsh... Swetlana challenges Ashok... Omkara thinks of Ishana... PriMa are worried... Karthika cares for Madhu... MaKar moment...

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