IshDev FB- SHOT 7 (LAST) - Ishana is Shattered

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Months passed, Ishana is back to normal with her family's and Dev's love and care.. Ishana stops her studies because her hand is still shivering and she can't continue her studies with this problem.. Her family asked her to take a break from studies for few months.. Ishana too agrees with them.. So, she used to help Nivi, Tia and Mithra at their business.. Sometimes, she will help Dev with his work.. Besides that, she also trying to find a solution for Swetlana's problem..

One fine day, Ishana is doing something in her lap top.. She heard Daadi's voice calling her..
Daadi: Ishu!!! Come down now!! (Ishana rushed downstairs)
She saw daadi fumes in anger.. Swetlana is crying while Siddharth just looked at her blankly.. She saw a man sitting on the sofa with his back faces her.. She goes and saw the man.. She was shocked to see Ashok smirking at her.. She wanted to pull his collar and drag him outside.. She opens her mouth to say something..
Ashok: You are the one killed her baby, right?? (Ishana is shocked with his question) I told them but they are not ready to believe it.. So, I got this paper which were signed by you for the abortion.. (giving her the paper.. She looks at it and closed her eyes in pain.. She looked at SidLana who are having tears..)
Siddharth (goes to her): Ishu.. (Ishana looks at him and just nods her head crying and she runs away from the house)
Daadi and SidLana were shocked and confused.. Ashok gives evil smirk seeing Ishana run which noticed by Siddharth.. Ashok leaves from there.. NiTiMi come back from work and see Ashok leaving.. They saw SidLana's worried face and understood something went wrong.. They asked them what happened.. Daadi told them everything..
Tia (goes to Swetlana): Bhabhi, you know our Ishu baby right?? She won't do anything without reason.. There must be any solid reason for her doing.. Please don't be upset with her, bhabhi.. She can't take it..
Swet: I'm not angry with her, Tia.. Of course I felt bad that I lost my baby.. But, I won't blame her for this.. It's my sin before made me lost my baby.. I just wanted to know why she hide this?? But, she just ran away..
Nivi: Don't worry, bhabhi.. She will be fine..
Mithra: I'll call Dev and inform him.. (Mithra calls Dev and tells him everything.. Dev asked them not to worry and he will find her)
Dev searches for her and found her at a park where both of them usually will spend time together.. He goes to her and pulls her towards him giving a tight hug.. Ishana too hugs him back while crying badly.. Dev broke the hug and cups her face..
Dev: Don't you dare to do this again?? Ok??
Ishu: I felt bad, Dev.. I killed their baby but they didn't scold me.. If they slapped me too, I will be relieved.. But, they didn't even asked why I killed their baby.. I'm feeling guilty, Dev.. I killed a little life which supposed to see this world.. I'm very bad.. I'm going to suffer from this sins..
Dev: Shhh... Relax, Ishana.. First, you didn't kill the baby.. It's an abortion which you did to save your bhabhi.. Both of them will not survive if she continue the pregnancy.. By doing the abortion, you saved your bhabhi.. Understand?? Don't blame yourself.. (Ishana looks at him and hugs him)
They sit on the bench and spend some time.. Ishana got relaxed with her Dev beside her..
Ishu: How do you know I'm here??
Dev: (takes her hand and places it on his heart) My heart knows.. (cups her face) This heart only beats for you and it will never stop.. It only will stop beating for you when another heart starts to beat for you..
Ishu: (pushes him) Don't say that again.. Only this heart (touches his heart) will beat for me forever.. Other's heart won't beat for me.. Dare you say this again..
Dev: It just comes in a flow.. I didn't mean it.. I tried to be romantic..
Ishu: Romantic?? This you called as romantic?? Don't you have any other way to be romantic??
Dev thought for a while and decided to ask her..
Dev: Ishana, will you marry me?? (Ishana perplexed with his question)
Ishu (smiles): Of course.. I will.. I'm going to marry you in few months..
Dev: I'm not saying about that.. I want to marry you as earlier as possible.. That means tomorrow..
Ishu: But, what's the hurry in getting marry that too tomorrow??
Dev: I can't stay away from you anymore.. I want to make you mine the earliest I can.. I'm scared that I'll lose you..
Ishu (places her finger on his lips): I'm not going to leave you nor going to live without you.. I'm ready to marry you whenever you say and wherever you say..
IshDev share a hug.. After breaking the hug..
Ishu: Let's talk with our family.. (pulls his hand but he stops her)
Dev: We will tell them after we got married..
Ishu: But, Dev..(he cuts midway)
Dev: Please, Ishana.. We are going to have a simple marriage.. We will have grand marriage later..
Ishana can't refuse his pleading eyes that only showing his love and care towards her.. She agrees to him..
Dev (happily): Ok.. We are getting married tomorrow morning at temple.. Now, let's go to my house.. I'll inform your family that you will be staying at my house tonight.. We will go to your house after our marriage..
Ishana smiles and nods her head.. But her heart feeling bad that she is getting married without her family and without informing them.. Her heart cries badly.. Dev sent Ishana to his home and he goes out..

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