CHAPTER 57 - Ishana is Kidnapped!!!

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Ishana is getting better... Her wounds are recovering... She doesn't have to sit on the wheelchair anymore... She is not fully recovered but still she can walk on her own... However, her right arm is getting more weaker... Kalyani and Savitri told about Ayurvedic treatment for Ishana's problem... AniSouNiTiMi search in internet about it and they manage to find an Ayurvedic ointment for Ishana... They bought the ointment and apply it on her hand as per the instructions...
On the other side, all the guys are busily searching for Ashok... ShivSid are losing their hope for not finding Ashok after taking so many steps... But their wives console them... ArRanRaDuKaKar too are trying from their side...

One day, Ishana was walking with PriMa at the lawn of Raichand Mansion... RanRaDuKa went to the accident spot to find for some clues regarding IshRi accident... While ArSid are busy searching for Ashok... SweNiTiMi are busy with their house works... PriMa don't want Ishana to feel alone... So, they took her with them... They were chatting and laughing among them... PriMa tease each other and started to run here and there chasing each other... Ishana just laughs looking at them... Madhu's leg tripped and almost fell but a hand hold her waist stopping her from falling... Madhu looks at the person who is none other than Karthika... Both are staring each others eyes and completely lost in them... Ishana is stunned looking at their position while Priyanka chuckles looking at them...

Ishu: Priyanka, what is going on here??
Prinku: She fell, he saved her...
Ishu: (shocked) What?? He??
Prinku: (realised what she said) I mean supposed to be he catches her but here she catches her...
Ishu: But, why are they staring like this??
Prinku: This is called eyelock... You should have know this... How many eyelocks you had before this....
Ishu: Is that a statement or question??
Prinku: I don't know either it's a statement or not... But, definitely not a question... (Laughs)
Ishu: (slaps her arm) You are getting very naughty nowadays...
Prinku: Credit goes to you and Madhu, bhabhi...
Ishu: (sighs) Now, what we have to do with them??
Prinku: Simple... Break their eyelock...
Ishu: How??
Prinku: Like this... (She walks towards MaKar and screams at their ears... They are shocked and leave each other... Both of them look here and there feeling awkward..)
Ishu: Madhu, what happened?? Are you ok??
Madhu: (stammers) Yeah... I'm fine... I go inside first... (Runs from there)
Ishu: (looks at Karthika) Karthika...
Karthika: I forgot that daadima called me just now... I'll go and see her... See you... (Runs from there leaving Ishana stands confuse... Priyanka laughs looking at Ishana's reaction)
Ishu: Why are you laughing, Priyanka?? I'm worried about them...
Prinku: Why are you worrying about them??
Ishu: Madhu's behaviour is weird since this girl came... Both of them always fight with each other... But, sometimes they will lost in each other eyes...
Prinku: (mutters to herself) Just like you and Om bhaiya...
Ishu: Did you say something??
Prinku: Yes... I heard Madhu had a heart transplantation few years before... Is that true?? (Ishana nods her head) I think that heart must belong to a guy... That's why Madhu is attracted to this girl...
Ishu: (shocked) What?? Is this possible?? But, Madhu loves another guy... How come now with...??
Prinku: (shrugs her shoulders) I don't know... I just said what I felt... Leave that... I need to go back now... Come, I'll take you inside...
Ishu: No... No... I will be bored here... All are busy with their works... Take me with you as well...
Prinku: (teasingly) Really?? Or you want to see Om bhaiya?? (Winks at her while Ishana blushes)
Ishu: (smiles shyly) No... No.. It's not like that...
Prinku: (smiles) Ok... I'll tell daadima that I'm taking you with me... Wait here... (Ishana sits on the bench in confusion while Priyanka goes inside Raichand Mansion... She came after a while...) Come, let's go... (Leaves from there)


IshPri reached Oberoi Mansion... Priyanka asked Ishana to wait at the living room and she leaves from there... Ishana is pacing at the living room thinking about MaKar.. Omkara is walking towards there while looking at his mobile.. He saw Ishana is in confusion and goes towards her... Ishana doesn't realised his presence... They bumped each other and Omkara lands on sofa with Ishana on his lap.. Ishana doesn't realise it.. Omkara saw she is still in confuse state.. He snapped his finger at her face..

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