IshDev FB- SHOT 6 - Ishana in Guilt

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Cop: Don't be scared.. I'm ACP Ranveer Singh Randhawa.. This is Dr Rohan.. (shakes hand with Dev) I know you are Dev, Ishana's fiancee.. Now, listen carefully.. You have to leave with Ishana immediately after she get conscious..
Dev: But, why?? She is badly injured and you are asking us to leave..
Rohan: We are asking you to escape from here.. If not you both will land in trouble..
Dev: What are you saying?? Please say it clearly..
Ranveer: Dev, your Ishana crashed a girl and she is in critical condition.. Ishana too terribly injured..
Rohan: That girl is from a big family.. They are searching for Ishana like mad.. If they got her, they won't spare her.. They will make her life hell..
Ranveer: That is why we are asking you to leave as soon as possible.. Till now they didn't knew that Ishana is the one hit their girl.. They thought the person who hit her is escaped..
Dev: But why both of you are helping us??
Ranveer: I'm Siddharth's junior and Rohan is her jijus friend.. We informed to them about this.. They asked for our help to save her.. We knew how Ishana gives importance for safety and she always drive safely.. I can't believe that she crashed someone..
Rohan: Ishana's head is terribly injured but luckily no inner bleeding.. We only can know more after she gain consciousness..
They waited for Ishana to get conscious.. A cop came and informed the girl is dead.. Dev felt bad and wanted to apologize from them.. Ranveer and Rohan try to stop him but he doesn't listen.. He walks out of the room but got shocked and goes back to Ishana's ward.. Ranveer and Rohan confused looking at Dev.. Ishana is getting conscious but they didn't realise it..
Ranveer: Dev, you have to leave with Ishana now.. The girl is dead.. If they found Ishana was the reason for her death, they will not spare her.. I can't go in front of them because I already had probem with them..
Ishu (with a weak voice): What?? I killed a girl?? Dev, what is he saying??
Dev, Ranveer and Rohan are shocked to see her conscious..
Ranveer: No, Ishana.. It was an accident..
Ishu: (tries to get up) But, I caused a girl's death.. I killed her..(cries in guilt) I need to apologize to her family.. They must be shattered.. (crying badly)
Dev calms her but she is not listening and wants to go and meet the girl's family.. Her head started to pain and she holds her head.. Rohan injects sedative to her and she became unconscious again..
Rohan: Sorry, Dev.. I don't have any other option than this.. I promised her jiju to return Ishana safely to them.. I arranged a car for both of you to airport.. Ranveer already booked flight ticket to Chennai.. I will go and handle outside there.. Ranveer, you take them through back entrance.. My car is waiting there.. Don't worry about other staffs.. RaDuKa worked here before getting transferred to Chennai.. They got a good name here.. They knew Ishana is RaDuKa's sister in law.. So, they won't cause any problem.. Moreover, they are having high respect on them and please be careful.. Make sure they don't see you (pointing at the family).. You already had a problem with them.. They will have doubt if you go through back entrance.. Inform me after they boarded flight to Chennai.. (turns to Dev) Dev, inform her family before board the flight.. They must be worried.. Leave now.. (he went outside to the girl's family.. He looks back and signed them to go)
Ranveer and Dev leaves with Ishana (on wheelchair) through back entrance.. As, Rohan said, some staffs helped them to escape.. Ranveer sent them to airport.. IshDev boarded the flight and reach Chennai..

Raichand Mansion

All are worriedly waiting for IshDev at hall.. Arjun and Karthik come back from Bangalore after they got to know about Ishana's accident.. RaDuKa went to fetch IshDev from airport.. They heard car sound and all run outside.. RaDuKa and Dev get down from the car.. Ishana still not fully conscious, so Dev lifts her in his arms and placed her on the sofa.. NiTiMi sat on the floor beside her.. Swetlana caresses her hair.. Dev told them everything happened excluding her jail meet because they didn't know the main reason they went to Mumbai except RaDuKa..
Dev: Ranveer and Rohan only helped us escaped from the girl's family..
Karan: Rohan told that the family is the richest in Mumbai.. They will not spare Ishu if they knew Ishu is the one hit their girl..
Mithra: Richest family?? Who are them??
Dev: I don't see them.. I forgot to ask because of tension.. (he lied)
Swet(thinks): I just hope it is not them.. Or, they will found Ishu by hook or crook and will make her life miserable.. He will not care she being a girl and he will not spare anyone that caused his family in pain.. I just pray it is not that family.. Please God, don't make this family to suffer..
Karthik (snapped his finger in front of her face): Where are you lost, bhabhi??
Swet: I just pray for her..(Karthik smiles)
After half an hour, Ishana gain consciousness.. She looks at them and cries.. They consoles her..
Ishu: Bhaiya, jiju.. I don't know how it happens.. I can't remember..(crying hard)
Arjun (hugs her): Ok..Ok.. Relax.. (kisses her head)
Karan: Calm down, Ishu.. Don't strain yourself.. It will be fine.. You take rest first..
Arjun lifts Ishana to her room.. They made her sleep and leave the room.. All are confused with her behaviour.. Karan calls Rohan and told him about Ishana.. He ends the call after finished talking.. Raghav and Dushyanth came to him..
Raghav: What Rohan said, Karan??
Karan: He said may be Ishana is having post traumatic amnesia due to head injury.. But, he asked us to wait till tomorrow.. May be now due to panic she can't remember.. He asked us to ask her tomorrow..
Dush: Then, we will ask her tomorrow.. Let her sleep now..
They inform to their family.. They worried for her but RaDuKa consoles them.. They agreed and retired to their room.. Daadi asked Dev to stay there as well.. Dev agrees and stays in Arjun's room with Karthik..

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