CHAPTER 74 - Omkara is Heart Broken

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In the Forest

Omkara who couldn't sleep and sees others are sleeping hugging their partners except Ishana who is sleeping on Swetlana's lap... He realised ShivIka and PriVeer are not there and decided to find them... He walks out from the hut and sees four of them in a deep discussion... He walks towards them but they didn't aware of his presence and involve in their talk... He just stood without disturbing them and listens to their conversation silently... He feels bad to know about Madhu but still he feels proud of IshRan and the Raichands for taking care of Madhu as one of their family member... He is about to leave from there when their last sentence caught his attention... He turns towards them in shock and breaks his silence...

Om: What?? Ishana is married?? (ShivIka and PriVeer turn towards him in shock... They didn't expect him to know about it like this)

Shivaay: Om?? You...

Om: Is Ishana married?? (Goes towards him and holds his shoulder) Tell me, Shivaay... Is she married?? (With hurt filled voice)

Shivaay: (with tear filled eyes) Om.....

Om: Don't lie to me, Shivaay... I heard everything... So, this is the truth that you want me to know from her, right?? (Tears started to make their way out from his eyes... AniPri already started to cry... Shivaay tries to hold him but Omkara holds his shirt) Why, Shivaay?? Why?? Why it's always her?? (Burst into tears)

Shivaay doesn't has answer for his question and he just hugs him and cries... AniPri too hug them... Ranveer feels bad looking at them...

Om: (breaks the hug) But, how Shivaay?? They said that she supposed to marry him that day... Then, how come she is married?? And no one aware of it?? (Shivaay looks at Ranveer and he signs him to tell him... He knows that it's no point of hiding it from him anymore)

Shivaay: That is what they have been told, Om... But, the truth is Ishana and Dev already married that day... (Omkara is shocked)

Om: That means she lost him after their marriage??

Shivaay: (nods) After few minutes of their marriage... (Omkara sits in heart broken... Shivaay hugs him) Please, Om... Don't fall weak... You have to be strong for her...

Om: How, Shivaay?? How I will stay strong?? Her life ends right after it got started... How much she has suffered this years?? She hides everything inside her and pretends to be happy for her family... Her situation was more worse than me... Why the God is so cruel that this poor girl has to suffer like this?? Since small she suffered... Her own father sold her... That Ashok caused Swetlana's abortion but the blame took by Ishana... Someone else involved in Gauri's accident but again that blame goes to her only... And, this one some more... In her life, she only faced more miseries than happiness... (Shouts) Why??? Why only her?? These many pain and sorrows for this one girl... What wrong she did that she has to face all these?? (Cries)

Annika: (cups Omkara's face) Don't be like this, Om... If you fall weak like this, then how the pain can be removed from her heart??

Prinku: (kneels beside him) Yes, bhaiya... You only said that you will become her healer... How you will heal her pain if you are broken like this??

Om: But, this pain is too much for her, Prinku, bhabhi... Even, I can't bear it... How she...??? I don't know how to heal it this pain...

Annika: You can heal it, Om... (Omkara looks at her) With your love... Your love is the only healer for her pain... For that, you have to make her to say about her marriage to you...

Om: (shocked) No, bhabhi... I can't hear it from you also, how I will hear it from her??

Ranveer: You have to, Om... This is the only way if you want Ishu in your life... She is not accepting your love because of this only...

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