CHAPTER 19 - Omkara Ties Ishana's Lace

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Swetlana is nervously pacing at the entrance while Savitri sitting on the sofa shaking her head looking at Swetlana...
Savitri: Why are you worrying this much, Swetlana??? They are not small kids... They might be on the way now...
Swet: No, daadima... Madhu also went with Ranveer... She must take medicines on time... I'm scared she will faint once again like this morning...
Savitri: Nothing will happen like that... Ranveer with her, right?? He will take care of her...
Swet: I know that, daadima... But, my heart is worrying for her...
The Oberois come that time and listen to their conversation... They are very surprised to see this side of Swetlana...
Rudra: (whispers) Bhaiya, I still can't believe that the cunning Swetlana becomes Sweetlana now... How is that possible??
Soumya: Love, Rudra... Love can change any bad person to better...
Om: Soumya is right.. Her mother's mislead made her to make a lot of mistakes... She realised her mistake and change to good... Jail life taught her a lot...
Savitri realised their presence and invites them inside... Swetlana thought RanMa and turns to them excitedly but changes her expression after seeing them... They too realised that...
Shivaay: What's wrong, Swetlana?? You don't like us coming here...
Swet: No... It's not like that... (Looking at the entrance again and looks back at them) Please come... (They walk inside and take their seats... But, Omkara's eyes are searching for one person only... But, he couldn't find the person..)
Savitri: I don't know what to do with this girl... At first, she was thinking about her husband... Now, she is thinking about Madhu... Swetlana, I said they will come... You come and talk with them...
Swet: Ok, daadima... (Goes and sits beside Savitri)
Savitri: So, what do you want to have?? This afternoon I couldn't asked you because all were rushing...
Annika: That's ok, daadima... We are here to give you this... (Hand over few parcels) ShiOmRu made this... You all definitely never have your dinner yet... That is why we brought these for you...
Savitri: That is very sweet of you all... But, you must at least have coffee here... Ishu's hand made coffee will be very nice...You must try it.. (They agree to have it.. Savitri looks towards kitchen) Ishu, please make some coffee... Kalyani bhabhi's family are here...
Ishu: (from kitchen) Ok, paatima... Five minutes... (Omkara smiles hearing her voice... Shivika and RuMya notice that)
Ishana brings the coffee and serve them one by one... Omkara is the last one to be served... Omkara takes the glass from her hand and their hands touched slightly... But, that is enough for them to feel a jolt in their hearts... Ishkara have an eyelock... All smiles looking at them... Ishana is the first one to break their eyelock... She goes back to the kitchen... She holds her heart which is beating faster...
Ishu: Why this happening again?? His eyes, his touch, his closeness are doing something to me... These are affecting me very much... I never felt this kind of sensation before...(calms a while) It's nothing, Ishana... You just feel sorry for him... Exactly!! That's the reason I'm feeling like this... Nothing more than that... Ok.. Now, continue with your work here...

At living area

Shivika, RuMya and Omkara are having their coffee... Rudra accidentally hit Omkara's hand and his coffee spilled on his shirt...
Shivaay: Rudra, what you have done??
Rudra: Sorry, O... I hit your hand by mistake...
Om: It's ok... I'll go and clean it...
Swet: I'll show you the kitchen...
Om: That's ok... I'll manage...
Swet: Ok.. It's on your right.... Careful...

Ishana is standing on a stool trying to take something from the top of the cabinet... However, she couldn't get it... She tried to take again but stumbles and fell from the stool... Omkara who comes there that time see her falling... He runs to her immediately and caught her in his arms... Ishana closed her eyes in fear of hitting the floor... She opens her eyes realising that she is safe and she knows who that person is... She looks at Omkara and both share an intense eyelock...
Om: (without breaking their eyelock) Are you ok??
Ishu: (without realising) Nothing will happen when you are there... (Realised what she said) I mean I'm fine... Thank you... (Omkara smiles at her...)
Ishkara realised that Ishana still in Omkara's arms... Omkara puts her down... Ishana felt embarrassed and turns to go but fate is not letting her to go... Ishana's back lace get stuck with Omkara's watch and it gets open when she tries to move from him... Her dress become loose and she tries to cover it with her duppatta... Omkara turns the other side to not to make her feel embarrassed... Ishana tries to tie the string of her back but she couldn't tie it... Omkara could feel her helplessness...
Om: If you don't mind, can I help you?? If you trust me... Or, I'll call someone to help you... (Move to go)
Ishu: (recalls the last night events) I trust you... (Omkara turns to her and she turns around)
Omkara walks towards her while Ishana adjusting her hair to make him to tie the string easily... He slowly take the strings without touching her back... He sees the scar which is slightly exposed... He felt bad and touch it gently... That small touch is enough to send shiver to her body... She closes her eyes controlling herself... Omkara noticed that and he ties the strings...
Om: It's done..
Ishu: (turns to him and slightly smiles) Thank you... (Looks at his shirt) Oh, no!! You spilled the coffee on you...
Om: (remembered why he came to kitchen) Yeah.. Actually, it was Rudra hit my hand and the coffee got spilled... I came here to clean it... So, can I??
Ishu: Sure... Please... (Omkara opens the tap and try to clean his shirt... But, the stain is still on his shirt... He wants to use more water but Ishana stops him..) Don't do like this... The stain will become more bigger and will ruin your shirt... It has to be soaked in washing powder for sometime... Then, it can easily removed..
Om: You are right... I'll do it after I go back...
Ishu: (felt bad to see him in wet cloth) If you don't mind, can you give your shirt to me?? I'll wash it and give back to you...
Om: It's ok... I'll go back and wash it..
Ishu: But, your shirt is already wet... You can fall sick if you stay long in this shirt... You give it to me... I'll give you another shirt...
Om: But... (Cuts by Ishana)
Ishu: Don't worry... I don't wear men's clothes... You can trust me...
Om: (chuckles) Ok... I trust you...
Ishu: (smiles) Come with me... (Takes him to her room)
Ishkara reach Ishana's room... Ishana opens her cupboard and takes a shirt... She looks at the shirt lovingly and a lone tear escaped from her eyes... She wipes it and hands him the shirt... Omkara takes the shirt and goes to the washroom... Ishana waits for him near her bed... Omkara comes out after changing his shirt... He gives her his shirt... She takes it from him and noticed him holding his chest...
Ishu: Why are you keeping your hand on your chest??
Om: It's nothing... Nothing...
Ishu: I won't believe you... (Tries to take his hand... He winced in pain..)
Ishana is shocked and removes his hand... She opens his buttons... Omkara startled with this move of her but Ishana ignores him... She slightly moves his shirt and shocked to see his chest burnt because of the hot coffee... She felt bad looking at it while Omkara smiles looking at her worried face...
Ishu: (looks at Omkara) It's must be very painful...
Om: This pain is nothing if compare to your's... (Ishu looks at him confused) I meant about this... (Moves her sleeve slightly and shows her scar... Ishana is surprised with his move but doesn't shows it...)
Ishu: Why are you still thinking about this?? Please forget about it... I'll bring oinment for this...
Ishana goes and bring the ointment... She comes to him and apply the ointment on the burnt area... Omkara looks at her admiringly... Each of her touch are sending shiver to all over his body... Ishana could feel his gaze on her and she accidentally rubs roughly on his bruise.. He winced in pain... Ishana is shocked..
Ishu: Oh!! I'm sorry... Very very sorry... (Blows his chest... Omkara having a sort of feel with this closeness which he unable to understand... His heart is beating faster feeling her breath... She stops blowing and continue applying the ointment gently... Omkara holds her hand stopping her from doing that... Ishana lifts her head to see him... Their nose touched... Both stare each other eyes... Their lips are only few inches away... They are confused with their feelings towards each others... Ishkara parted from each other and look away feeling embarrassed... Omkara look around her room and sees a guy's portrait is hanged at the wall... He knows who is the guy... Ishana looks at him and he smiles at her...)
Ishu: I think we should go now...
Om: Yeah... If not my duffer brother, Rudra will create a scene that I went missing...
Ishu: (chuckles) Too bad... You are saying your brother is duffer... I know he is childish a bit but he is not a duffer... He can make a tensed situation become normal with his humour... It's cute actually and that is what I liked in him...
Om: Not bad... You are supporting him.. In fact, he too likes you a lot... I don't know what bond you both are sharing that you become close in short time...
Ishu: It happens sometimes... And, Rudraa is just like another son to me...(Omkara chuckles hearing the way she pronounced Rudra's name... Ishana looks at him) You look good when smile...
Om: (stops and look at her) You look good in red... (Ishana's face changed... Omkara could see the pain on her face)
Ishu: (goes to Dev's portrait and touch his face) Once, it was the color I loved the most... But, I started to hate it after I saw my Dev lied unconsciously in the pool of blood... (Cries badly) I hate that color... Not only that color, I hate all the colors... My life has no color... It's just colorless... (Omkara feel bad for making her cry... He holds her shoulder and turns her towards him...)
Om: (wipes her tears) I know you are hiding your pain for your family sake... You can share your pain with me if you want... You will feel light... I know you lost your love but I could feel that is not the only reason for the pain that I can see in your eyes... There are something more that you are hiding within yourself... You can talk to me whenever you want... I'm a good listener... But, only if you felt so... I'm not forcing you...
Ishu: (nods) I never cried these years but since last night I become a crybaby... (Smiles in tears)
Om: (wants to lighten her mood) Don't steal Rudra's nickname... Crybaby belongs to him only...
Ishu: What??? You gave these many names to Rudraa... Very bad, Mr Omkara... Then, I'll call you Mr Long Hair... No.. (thinks) Yeah!! Zulfi Singh Oberoi... I'll call you that... (Gives a victory smile to him)
Om: What?? Zulfi?? Then, I'll call you Ms Skinny... Perfect for you...
Ishu: (looking at herself) What?? Am I looking that thin??
Om: Yeah!! I think you must be underweight... People can carry you using one hand only...
Ishu: This is too much Mr Omkara... I'm not that thin...
Om: I'm saying the truth only... Omkara won't lie...
Ishu: Really?? Thank you... I think we must go now... We can continue our fight later...
Om: Yeah... I'm here for long time ready... I must go now before they come here search for us... (Ishkara leave from there)

At living room

Shivika and RuMya are sitting and talking with Savitri and Swetlana... Swetlana keep on looking at the main door while ShivIka and RuMya are waiting for Omkara...
Rudra: (whispers to Shivaay) Bhaiya, O went to clean his shirt or wash his shirt??
Shivaay: (whispers) I think he will come after drying his shirt...
Rudra: Bhaiya, I think the shirt must be dried by now... But, he still never come...
Ishkara comes that time... All look at them and noticed his shirt as well...
Rudra: (to Shivaay) Bhaiya, we thought he go and clean his shirt... But... (Continue by Shivaay)
Shivaay: He changed his shirt...
Swet: (to Savitri) Daadima, this is Dev's shirt... Ishu never give his things to anyone... But, now... How, daadima??
Savitri: Love is happening again for her... (Swetlana hugs her in excitement) What's wrong with you?? Today, you are overreacting for everything... Are you fine??
Swet: I don't know, daadima... But, I'm fine only...(Savitri smiles and pats her cheek)
Soumya: Bade baalwale bhaiya, we are waiting for you only... It's getting late... Come, let's go back... (Ishana laughs hearing Soumya) Why are you laughing??
Ishu: (controls her laugh) You called him what??? Bade.. baalwale.. (again laughs) That is why I'm laughing... Sorry!!!
Rudra: Bhabhi, you don't have to say sorry... We too were like this when she called him at first... Now, we are use to it...
Ishu: But, it's cute... Just like your Soumya... (Soumya blushes)
Om: You find cuteness in everything??
Ishu: If it is cute, I will say cute only... For example, his height (to Shivaay), his antics and biceps (to Rudra), your hair (to Omkara)... (Cuts by AniSou's laugh... Ishana looks at them confused)
Annika: What you said just now are touchy topic for them...
Ishu: Sorry... I was just... (Gives apologetic look to them)
Rudra: It's ok, bhabhi... I won't mind if you tease me... You are having all the rights to tease your Rudraa... (Ishana pats his cheek lovingly...)
They turn to leave and RanRaDuKaMa come that time...
Swet: Finally, you are back... I thought you will be back tomorrow...
Karan: Didi, we told you right that we need to meet the dean?? Then, why are you angry with us??
Swet: I'm not angry with you but with this two.. (pointing at RanMa) He took her with him and now only coming back...
Shivaay: Sorry for interrupting... But, Ranveer, Prinku said that she is going out with you... (RanRaDuKaMa are shocked listening to Shivaay..)
Swet: Priyanka?? You never tell us that... You just said that you are taking Madhu... Why did you take Madhu if you are going to meet Priyanka??
Ishu: Madhu, did you know that he is going to meet Priyanka??
Madhu: (become nervous) I didn't know about that... He told me after we reached there...
Ranveer: Yes, Ishu... I knew that she won't come if I told her that I'm going to meet Priyanka... That's why I didn't tell her... Moreover, she always staying inside the house only... I don't want her to feel bored... (Before they start to question him again) I wanted to take you as well but your Anni was deeeeppply missing her dearest hubby... So, I just took Madhu with me...
Swet: But, how five of you come back together??
Raghav: Didi, we thought to have some drinks after finished our meeting with the dean... There we saw them and we had the drinks together...
Ishu: Poor, Ranveer... His date got spoiled because of you four... Don't worry, Ranveer... I will arrange a superb dinner date for both of you... But, after the birthday party...
Ranveer: Thank you... You are truly my sister... Hey, Madhu, learn from her... (Elbows Madhu)
Madhu: Neengge shut up pannungge!!
Dush: Don't start again, Madhu...
Savitri: Ok.. Enough of your question and answer session... Go and have your dinner first... Swetlana, take Madhu with you... (They obey Savitri and leave from there after saying bye to the Oberois leaving Savitri and Ishana..)
Shivaay: Ok, daadima.. We are leaving now...
Savitri: Ok, beta... Sorry for making you to wait... They all still behaving like kids..
Shivaay: (smiles) That's ok, daadima... See you...
Ishu: We will come tomorrow to discuss about Priyanka's birthday plans... (Shivaay nods his head...)
The Oberois leave from Raichand Mansion... Before going out, Omkara turns back and looks at Ishana... Ishana too looks at him till he disappear from her sight... She goes inside and has her dinner..

Precap: Rudra to know about IshDev... RanRaDuKa having conversation about Ishkara... Priyanka's birthday planning...

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