CHAPTER 70 - Omkara and Arjun Reveal Something

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Dining Room

All are sitting at the dining table... Shivaay is serving Ishana...

Shivaay: Your bhaiyas and jijus told me that you loved chicken very much. So, I made chicken manchurian and pudina rice for you...

Ishu: (smiles) Thank you... (She started to eat the food followed by everyone...)

Omkara who is sitting in front of Ishana continuously looking at her lovingly... Rudra notices this and signs everyone to look at him... They chuckle among themselves silently... Ishana realised his gaze on her but she doesn't look at him and continue having her food...

Annika: Enough of looking at her, Om... Let her eat first... Poor girl... She is struggling a lot to avoid your gaze on her... (Omkara realised that everyone is looking at him... He turns to his plate and has his food... Ishana smiles looking at his state... All have their food silently...)

Om: (after a while) I need to tell you all something... (All look at him questioningly) I decided to reopen Gauri's accident case...

Shivaay: Are you sure, Om??

Om: Yes, Shivaay...

Shivaay: Fine... I'll talk to Siddharth and commissioner to reopen the case... (Omkara nods and looks at Ishana who smiles at him... He winks at her making her startled... He smiles at her reaction and continue having his food...)

The Oberois ask Ishana to stay for some time... Ishana agrees and stay there chatting with AniSouPriRu... Ishana sees the time and realised it's already very late...

Ishu: It's getting very late... Can I leave now??

Shivaay: Come, Ishana... I'll send you back... (Ishana agrees and about to leave with Shivaay but Omkara stops Shivaay)

Om: Shivaay, I'll send her back... (Shivaay smiles and about to agree)

Ishu: No... (All look at her in surprise) I mean, I can go myself... My house is not far... So, no need to come with me...

Kalyani: No, putthar... It's already dark now and not safe for you to go back alone... Let Om come with you... Om, you go with her...

Om: Sure, daadi... (Goes towards Ishana) So, shall we?? (Ishana agrees hesitatingly)

IshKara leave from Oberoi Mansion... They walk going to Raichand Mansion... Omkara thought to take her in car but he wanted to spend some time with her... That's why he preferred to walk... Both of them walking silently...

Ishu: Thank you... (Omkara looks at her) For agreeing to reopen Gauri's case...

Om: I agreed for you only, Ishana...

Ishu: I know...

Om: Why I feel like I'm talking with different Ishana?? (Ishana looks at him questioningly) Ishana that I know can't stay away from me and she can't stand if I avoided her... But, now, you are trying to avoid me and and staying away from me... Why?? Because I confessed my love to you?? In one day, these many gaps between with us... I think from tomorrow you will not even look at me... Right, Ishana?? (Hurt can be heard in his voice)

Ishu: It's not like that... You are mistaken...

Om: Really?? Do you still remember the night after you discharged from the hospital, you asked me to promise that whatever happens, I must not ignore you or stay away from you?? Still remember that... I'm still keeping my promise but you have forgotten the promise that you asked me... (Ishana recalls the night where he cared for her wounds... Tears are flowing from her eyes... Omkara sees it...) Sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you... Let's go... (Ishana wipes her tears and continue to walk with him... Suddenly, the electricity went off and the whole area become dark... Ishana gets scared and started to breath heavily... Omkara is shocked to see her like that... He holds her shoulders...) What happened, Ishana??

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