CHAPTER 32 - ShiOmRu learn about Ashok's Deed

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AniSou show Ashok his room and leave from there...
Annika: (while walking) Soumya, I'm not feeling good looking at this guy...
Soumya: Not only you, bhabhi... Most of us don't like his presence including Swetlana...
Annika: Right... When he said that Ishana aborted her baby, she almost slapped him... She was hell angry on him...
Soumya: Exactly, bhabhi!! I think there is something behind this... I can't believe Ishana did like that... She is very loving towards Swetlana and threat her like a mother...
Annika: No, Soumya... Sometimes our situation will make us to take this kind of decision... I saw Ishana's eyes are filled with guiltiness and she looked down unable to meet our eyes... But, I strongly believe that there will be a solid reason for her act...
Soumya: Right, bhabhi... I too feel like that... But, whom we should ask about this??
Annika: That is what I'm thinking about... (AniSou saw Swetlana coming out from Ishana's room... They walk towards her... Swetlana surprised to see them) Is Ishana fine now??
Swet: She said that she is fine... But, I know she is not... She doesn't want me to worry... So, she lied to me...
Annika: Can we talk to you for a while in private??
Swet: Sure... But, where??
Soumya: At my room... There will be no disturbance... Rudra always be with bade bhaiya or bade baalwale bhaiya only at this time... So, we can talk freely there... Besides that, it is sound proof and no one can hear us...
Annika: Soumya is right... Shivaay's office files are in my room... He used to come to take the files... I think Soumya's room will be perfect...
Swet: Ok... (The trio leave to Soumya's room)

Priyanka's room

PriMa finish telling ShiOmRu everything about Swetlana, Kamini and Ashok... They are shocked listening to it...
Shivaay: (angrily) What kind of person are them?? Giving those pills to a girl and make her to not conceive...
Rudra: They don't deserve to call as a human... Both of them are worst than the devils...
Om: I thought Swetlana suffered after released from jail and lives happily after married Siddharth... But, she suffered a lot after that and she didn't know the real reason for her suffering...
Ranveer: (finish making call) But, Ishu took all of her suffer on herself... She didn't tell Swetlana about both of them... Ishu knows that Swetlana loves them a lot... She doesn't want her bhabhi to feel betrayed by her own family... That is why till now Ishu take the blame on herself for aborting the baby...
Omkara closed his eyes feeling bad for Ishana... He recalls the night when she confessed about killing the unborn baby and last night she cried for it...
Om: Poor girl... She is dying in guiltiness till now... I too misunderstood her that time... But, she did what was right... (ShiRu hugs his shoulder)
Prinku: Ranveer, what RaDuKa bhaiyas said?? They felt bad??
Ranveer: They are super angry on him and want to come here... But, I somehow convinced them... They said that they will send a video to me... If Ashok tries to do something, he asked to threaten him by showing that to him...
Shivaay: What video was that??
Ranveer: I don't have idea about it... Need to see after they sent it...
Rudra: His target is Swetlana, but you are worrying about Ishana bhabhi too... Because she is protecting Swetlana??
Ranveer: That is one of the reason... But, there is something more than that... I'm worried that he might try to do the same to her like before...
ShiOmRu: What??
Ranveer: He tried to (his mobile beeps) One second... I think they sent the video... (He plays the video but it is loading slowly)
Om: Tell us what he did to her...
Ranveer: Actually, he... (They heard a scream from his mobile)
All look at his mobile and see Ishana being manhandled by Ashok... Ishana is struggling hard to escape from him... She managed to escape from his grip but he slapped her and throws her on bed... Anger can be seen on their faces watching the clip... They turn their faces when Ashok pulls her duppatta... They watch again after hear Ashok scream... They see a guy is hitting him hard on his face... His face can't be seen because his back is facing them... But, PriRanMa know that it was Dev... Omkara stops the video and turns angrily...
Om: What kind of man is him?? Forcing himself on a girl?? Chi!! He doesn't deserve to live in this world... Bloody womanizer!! I'm not going to spare him for touching her!! (Turns to go but ShiRu control him)
Ranveer: No, Om... We can't take any decision in rush... Then, we can't know what is his real plan... I don't think he is here to revenge SwetIsh only...
Shivaay: I think Ranveer is right... He must have hidden motive than this...
Ranveer: Right... We must know what is the plan... For that, he have to stay here...
Rudra: But, how if he try to harm Ishana bhabhi??
Om: Nothing will happen to her... I will be with her... (All smile with his answer)
Rudra: But, O, you can't always stay with her... If he tries to harm her when you are not with her??
Madhu: You don't worry about that... I can feel whenever she is in danger... (ShiOmRuPri look at her in confuse while Ranveer nods agrees with her)
ShiOmRuPri: How??
Ranveer: I'll tell later about this... We should not make him to doubt on us regarding this... Because, till now he didn't know that we knew about his act towards Ishu...
Om: Why you didn't tell Swetlana about him??
Ranveer: Ishu ask them to not to tell anyone including daadima and ArSid... I and Madhu too knew about this a year before only...
Prinku: We must not let him to near Ishana for any cause...
Om: Including Swetlana... (All look at him in surprise) Now, we know that Swetlana been used by those devils to revenge us... She didn't know that they took revenge on her as well... It's no use if we still blame her for whatever she did to us... Moreover, she is not like before... So, we have to protect her as well... (ShiRu hug his shoulders while RanPriMa smile looking at each other)
Shivaay: I totally agree with you, Om... Ranveer, we are with you in this matter...
Rudra: Ranveer, send us the video as well... It can be helpful if it got deleted from your mobile... Don't worry... We won't show this to anyone...
Ranveer: Sure... I'll send it to you... But, this is just a copy... RaDuKa are having all the footages with them... Because, they are the one in charge of the CCTV in their house... (Sends them the video)
Shivaay: Owh.. That's why they were able to know about this... (ShiOmRu mobile beeps received the video)
Madhu: You can show the video to your wives if you want... We are fine with that... (ShiRu smiles looking at her...)
Prinku: (whispers to Ranveer) Where is Karthik??
Ranveer: He is spying on Ashok... He will inform us if Ashok try to do something suspicious... (Priyanka nods at him)
All leave from Priyanka's room after a while...

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