CHAPTER 29 - Ishana's Strange Behaviour

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ShivIka's Room

Shivaay: (looking at the dresses that Annika bought) Annika, I told you that I will arrange the costumes for the party... Why did you buy these many dresses for you??
Annika: Shivaay, I didn't buy these dresses for the party?? I bought them for next month occasions... And I bought only two dresses for myself... (Showing him two sarees)
Shivaay: And the others are for whom??
Annika: These are for Ishana and Madhu... I and Soumya thought to buy for them something... That's why we bought these dresses...
Shivaay: That's great, Annika... But, you know right that Ishana won't wear these colours... She always wear pale colours...
Annika: But, it's only for temporary... She have to wear these colors after marry Omkara...
Shivaay: (surprised) You decided that?? Om and Ishana have to agree first... How if they don't agree?? (Annika looks down... Shivaay pulls her chin up and shocked to see her crying) Annika, why are you crying??
Annika: I'm sorry, Shivaay... (Cries)
Shivaay: (confused) Why are you saying sorry, Annika?? You don't do anything wrong...
Annika: No, Shivaay... I have to say sorry... (Shivaay wants to say something but Annika stops him) Shivaay, when you, daadi, Rudra, Soumya and Priyanka discussed that Om and Ishana feel for each other, I felt really bad... I thought that someone is going to take my Chutki's place... I can't see another girl in her place... Deep in my heart, I don't want that to happen... (Shivaay is shocked) But Shivaay, after I know her childhood story, I regret myself to think like that... Then, after the temple incident and learn about her losing her fiance on her marriage day, I felt ashamed of myself for thinking like that...
Shivaay: (wipes her tears) You don't have to feel ashamed, Annika... If I'm in your place, I must have felt like this... I thought about my brother's happiness and didn't think about your pain... I'm sorry, Annika... I must have talk to you before...
Annika: No, Shivaay... It's not your mistake... I was blind in my Chutki's love... That's why I thought like that... Shivaay, Ishana deserves happiness... Her life must not be colorless like this... If Omkara is the one will spread colors in her life, then we have to unite them... I saw a spark in their eyes which they have for each other... They feel for each other... We have to make them to realise their feelings...
Shivaay: (smiles and cups her face) Ok, my Jhansi Ki Rani... We will do as you said...
Annika: (hugs him) Thanks, Shivaay...
Shivaay: Annika, do you still remember what the Baba said for us at the temple??
Annika: (breaks the hug and looks at him) I remember... He said that we can start our life now... (Shivaay smirks looking at her... Annika realised what she said... She feels shy and turns away from him...)
Shivaay: (holds her hand and pulls towards him) Annika, you are still blushing after these years... (Annika blushes more and hides her face on his chest... Shivaay smiles but stops seeing something...) Annika, which tablet you gave Ishana just now??
Annika: (looks at him) Pain killer that you are having in your medicine box...
Shivaay: Which pain killer?? There are two types...
Annika: (goes and takes a strip) I gave this one only...(shows him the strip)
Shivaay: (holds his head) God!! Annika, you gave her this tablet??
Annika: Why, Shivaay?? What's wrong with this tablet?? It's pain killer right??
Shivaay: Yeah... But, the dosage is quite high in this and it can intoxicate a person...
Annika: Never mind... She will have a good sleep...
Shivaay: If she sleeps, then it's ok... But, if she doesn't sleep, then I don't know what will happen... (Recalls when ShiOmRu had those tablets after saving Annika from the goons... Three of them behaved weirdly...) Are you sure she is sleeping??
Annika: She must be sleeping right now... RanMa are there to look after her... You don't worry about her... Let's sleep now... (Turns to leave)
Shivaay: (holds her hand) Not so soon, my wife... I need to show you something... (Lifts her in his arm and go out from their room...)

Omkara's room

Omkara is lying on his bed thinking about IshKar...
Om: What's wrong with me?? Why I felt disturbed when Ishana hugged Karthika?? She is a girl only... But, why I reacted like she hugged a guy?? Why should I care if she hugged a guy?? It's up to her who she wanted to hug... But, why my heart felt something when I saw her hugging that girl?? Am I feeling jealous?? But, it's not logic to be jealous with a girl... Om, you are getting mad...
He tries to sleep but sleep is far away from his eyes... The flashes of Ishana hugging Karthika is keep on running in his mind... He gets up and sits on his bed... He thought to drink water before sleep... He realised that he forget to refill water in his jug... He decides to have it in the kitchen... He goes out from the room and walks towards the kitchen... However, his steps stopped hearing humming sounds from the poolside... He walks towards the poolside and surprised to see Ishana standing there...
Om: Ishana, you are here at this time?? You are supposed to be sleeping now..
Ishu: (gives a strange smile) Actually, I wanted to see you... But, I thought you must be sleeping, so I don't want to disturb you... So, I thought to stay here sometime...
Om: (surprised) Why you want to see me??
Ishu: (hugs his neck) I felt like seeing you... (Looks at him lovingly)
Om: (stunned with her answer) Ok... Now, go back to your room... (Takes her hand from his neck)
Ishu: (pouts) So bad, Zulfi Singh Oberoi!! I said that I came to see you but you are chasing me away... I don't want to talk with you anymore... Bye!!! (Walks from there unsteadily)
Om: (confuse with her behavior) What's wrong with her?? She won't behave like this... (Turns and look at her... She is walking unsteadily mumbling something to herself...)
Omkara goes and holds her... She shrugs his hand...
Ishu: Don't touch me... You chased me just now... Why did you come?? Go away!!
Omkara: (covers her mouth) Sshhh!!! Don't make noise... (Ishana obeys like a kid and keeps her finger on her lips... Omkara smiles looking at her cuteness... He looks here and there to make sure no one is there...) Come with me... (Holds her hand and takes her with him)
Ishu: (shrugs his hand) I don't want to come with you... You chased me just now...
Om: Ok... I'm sorry... I won't do it again... Now, be a good girl and come with me...
Ishu: No... You carry me and go... (Extends her arms)
Om: (surprised and thinks) Why she is behaving like she had alcohol?? If I'm not mistaken she took pain killer only... Annika bhabhi is the one gave her... Oh, no!! Bhabhi must given her the strong pain killer... It can make someone to behave strange if they don't sleep... I can't let anyone to see her in this condition... I will take her to my room first...
Ishana looks at him thinking deeply... She leaves from there and goes back to the swimming pool... Omkara sees her and rush towards her... He turns her towards him and lifts her in his arms... Her hands encircle his neck... She looks at him lovingly... He takes her to his room and puts her down... He makes her to stand straight and locks the door... He turns and see her gazing at him admiringly... He understood that she is under the influence of the pain killer...
Om: (goes near her) You go and sleep on the bed... I'll sleep on the couch...
Ishu: (pushes him on the bed) This is your room... You sleep here... I'll go to my room... (Turns to leave but Omkara holds her hand...)
Om: You are not going anywhere in this condition... I will take you later to your room...
Ishu: (tries to shrug his hand but Omkara tighten his grip) Leave me... I'm not going to sleep here... (A bit louder)
Om: (pulls her towards him and she lands on his lap) Why?? You don't like my touch anymore?? I saw you are getting more comfortable with the new nurse...
Ishu: (stunned) So you are jealous with Karthika?? That's why you didn't come to console me just now??
Om: (stammers) No... Why should I be jealous with her??
Ishu: Then, why you didn't console me just now?? I was expecting you to hold my shivering hand... But, you just stayed far from me... (Tears are filled in her eyes)
Om: (feels bad... He cups her face with one hand) It's not like that, Ishana... There were a lot of people for you just now... I thought you won't need me... So, I stayed away...
Ishu: Really?? There were a lot of people with me when I cut my finger... But, you are the one applied the medicine and bandaged my wound... (Takes his hand from her face) I know why you stayed away from me... (Omkara looks at her questioningly) You are still angry that I killed an unborn baby... You are hating me for that... I know it... You don't like me... I'm so cruel that I killed a baby... (She tries to get up from his lap but he stops her holding her waist)
Om: (brings her closer) Who said that I don't like you?? I like you a lot... It's true that I was angry with you... But, the anger gone last night itself... I understood that there will be reason for your deed... (Stops a while) Just now I wanted to come and hold your hand... But, I stopped myself when you hugged the girl... I felt you are comfortable with her...
Ishu: I agreed that I felt comfortable with her but still I missed you that time... (Omkara is surprised with her statement but he knows she is saying under the influence of pain killer) I wanted you to hold my hand to calm me... And I wanted to hug you that time... But, you... (Started to cry... Omkara just hugs her... Ishana too hugs him back...)
They stay like that for sometime... Omkara realised that Ishana is sitting on his lap with her face on his chest... Ishana could hear his hearbeats and feels calm hearing them... Ishana breaks the hug and smiles looking at him...
Ishu: I wanted to do this for a long time... Don't mistaken me... (Omkara is confused... Ishana brings her hand to his hair... Omkara is startled with her behavior... Ishana smiles looking at him and pulls his band which is tying his hair...)
Om: (stunned) Why did you untie my hair??
Ishu: (smiles) You look good when your hair left open like this?? Don't tie it...
Om: But, you don't like guys with long hair... I still remember what your jiju said... You told them that only drug addicts will have long hair... Right??
Ishu: It was before... I changed my opinion now...
Om: When?? After your sister married to Karan?? That is what you said that day...
Ishu: No... I lied that day... I changed my opinion after I saw you... (Caress his hair) This long hair suits perfectly for you... Don't cut them...
Om: (lifts her slightly and puts her on the bed without her knowing) You are not wrong, Ishana... Somewhere you are right... I was a drug addict before... Prinku suffered from panic attack after the accident... But, I find my solution in drugs... Shivaay found about me getting addict to drugs and sent me to rehab... I don't know what will happen if Shivaay was not there for me... Last night, you told me that I'm a good father... But, for me, Shivaay is my father... Sometimes, I will be ashamed to think that I was a drug addict before... I supposed to be a good example for my siblings but I became a worst example for them... (Ishana placed her finger on his lips)
Ishu: Shhhh... Not a word more... You are not a worst example but the best example... Till now they look high at you and speak high about you... Not even once they look down at you... You are their best artist brother... They love you the way you are...
Om: (looks at her and smiles) Tell me one thing... Where did you learn to talk like this?? You have solution for everything...
Ishu: (chuckles) You know something?? I think you never got addict to the drugs... The drugs get addicted to you... (Laughs)
Om: Just now you praised me... Now, you are making fun of me...(pretends to be angry)
Ishu: I'm saying the truth only... Your eyes are enough for someone to get addict... Then, how come the drugs will not get addicted to you?? (Chuckles)
Om: I think you are highly intoxicated because of the pain killer...
Ishu: Exactly!!! I too was thinking why I'm behaving like this... Now I know, it's due to the medicines...(makes a surprise face)
Om: (chuckles) Ok... Sleep for a while... You will be fine... (Gets up from the bed)
Ishu: (holds his hand and pulls him... He falls on her... Ishana laughs...) I'm having the same doubt as Rudraa... Are you that much weak or am I that much strong??
Om: Really?? Then, why you screamed when I fell on you?? And what is the need for you to take pain killer??
Ishu: Because I fell on the floor... I think Pinky aunty is right... Your hair must have extra 10 kilos of weight...
Om: Really?? Just now you praised my hair... Now, you are teasing it... Ok... I will cut it tomorrow... (Gets up from her)
Ishu: (pulls him) Please don't cut it... I'm sorry... I won't tease you again... Pinky promise!! (Makes a puppy face which melts him)
Om: Ok... Sleep now... I will sleep on the couch... (Gets up from her)
Ishu: No... You sleep here... I will sleep on the couch... (Gets up from the bed... She feels dizzy and sits back on the bed... Omkara makes her to lie on the bed... He turns to go but Ishana holds his hand) You too sleep here... Please...
Omkara couldn't refuse her... He lies beside her... She placed her head on his chest... He can't push her because he knows that she is not in her senses... He just let her to lie on his chest... Deep in his heart, he likes this closeness with her...
Om: How many tablets you took just now??
Ishu: Madhu gave me two tablets... I had both of them...
Om: (thinks) Single tablet is enough for someone get high... She took two tablets... I don't know what else she is going to do tonight... I need to wait till she sleeps... I will take her to her room after that... (He pats her back making her to sleep)
Ishu: Do you know whose baby I killed before??
Om: We will talk tomorrow about this... You sleep now...
Ishu: (gets up and cries loudly) No... I must tell you now... (Omkara is shocked and tries to calm her but she continue crying) I'm so bad...
Om wants to say something but stops hearing some footsteps...
Om: Stop crying, Ishana... Someone is coming... (Ishana keeps her finger on her lips... Omkara goes and open the door... He see RuMya coming out from their room...) God, they are coming this way only... They will doubt if noticed my room lights are still on... (Ishana started to cry again... Omkara looks at her..) She started again to cry... (Looks at RuMya) They are coming near to my room... I have to do something...
He close the door and locks it... He switches off the lights and goes to Ishana...
Om: Ishana, don't cry... RuMya are coming... (He covers her mouth with his hand but she is not listening and continue to cry..)
Ishu: (cries loudly) I'm so bad... I killed a baby... (Omkara looks at her shaking his head)
Before she cry more louder, Omkara holds her face and placed his lips on her's making her stunned... She closed her eyes and collapsed in his arms... He is shocked to see her collapsed...
Om: What the wuck?? I did that to stop her from crying... But, she fainted... Never mind... At least she stopped crying... (He makes her to lie on the bed and he lies beside her... He smiles looking at her...) Crazy girl!! (He sleeps after a while)

At kitchen

Soumya: Rudra, why did you bring me here at this time??
Rudra: I want to give you something...
Soumya: (blushes) What you want to give??
Rudra: Close your eyes first... (Soumya closes her eyes... Rudra opens the fridge and takes something from there) Open your mouth... (Soumya opens her mouth... He feeds her one spoon)
Soumya: (tastes it) Hmm.... It's yummy!! (Opens her eyes) My favorite chocolate ice cream... But, Rudra, you stopped me from having ice creams... Why suddenly you feed me this??
Rudra: Because, I want my wife to have whatever she wants... (Holds her hand) Soumya, I promise you... From now, you can have whatever you want... I won't stop you... I love you the way you are...
Soumya: (hugs Rudra) Rudra, I never felt bad that you are stopping me from having my favorites... I know you care a lot about me and don't want me to fall sick because of those unhealthy food... I promise you, Rudra... I will take care of my health and will take a little of unhealthy food with your permission... And, I love my Rudra the way you are...
Rudra: (breaks the hug and kisses her forehead) Soumya, let's go to terrace... We have the ice creams under the moonlight... (Soumya agrees and they leave to terrace taking the ice cream bowls..)

At terrace
RuMya walk hand in hand towards the the terrace... They are shocked to find ShivIka sitting there admiring the moon...
Rudra: Bhaiya and bhabhi are here as well... What to do now, Soumya??
Soumya: It's ok, Rudra... We don't disturb them... Let's go to the other side...
Rudra: But, we can't see moon that side...
Soumya: It's ok, Rudra... We can't disturb them... They are spending time together after long time... We should not spoil their moment...
Rudra: Soumya, actually I was wrong... I said that I can't see moon... But, the moon is beside me only...
Soumya: (looks here and there) Where, Rudra??
Rudra: (slaps her head) You are my moon, duffer... You can't even understand this... (Soumya blushes and hugs Rudra... They leave to the other side of the terrace without disturbing ShivIka)

Precap: Shivika.... RuMya.... Madhu's strange behavior... Priyanka to know about Ashok's deed...

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