CHAPTER 103 - Ishana's First Rasoi

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Omkara wakes up from his sleep and sees Ishana is still sleeping peacefully on his chest with a smile on her face... He looks at the time and sees it's 2 a.m... He turns and smiles seeing Ishana... He lifts her head and places it on the pillow beside him... He caresses her face and could see how exhausted her face is... He recalls yesterday's event and cursed himself for making her like this... Then, he thinks about their love making and smiles... He goes near her and pecks her forehead which she frowns a little... She turns herself in sleep... Omkara looks at her scar and recalls his act last night... He strokes it gently and about to kiss it but stops himself...

Om: No... I won't be able to stop myself if I start to kiss it... Already she is very tired and new for this... I need to have patience... (Looks at the room) First, I will take her to my room (smiles) our room... (He gets down from the bed and wears his pant... He wraps a sheet on Ishana and lifts her in his arms leaving from there...)

Omkara places sleeping Ishana on the bed and chuckles...

Om: Such a sleepyhead!! She must be surprised to see herself here after she wake up... (Kisses her forehead and leaves to washroom... He comes back and sees her still sleeping... He goes and lies beside her and hugs her... Ishana snuggles more closer to him while he just smiles seeing her... He too dozed of after a while...)

Ishana wakes up feeling thirsty and looks at the time which is showing 3.30 a.m... She turns and sees her husband who is sleeping while hugging her... She smiles and kisses his chest... She takes his hand slowly from her and about to get up... She sees herself wrapped with a sheet and smiles to herself... She looks at surrounding and realised that they are back to their room...

Ishu: (confused) When we came here?? (Looks at him) He must have took me here... I don't even realise when we came here... Ishu, you have become a sleepyhead on your first day of marriage... What he must have thought about me?? (She kisses his cheek and gets down from the bed but sits back feeling pain at her lower abdomen... She covers her mouth from making any sound... She recalls last night and smiles... She controls her pain and gets up slowly from the bed... She goes to the table and drinks some water... She leaves to the washroom while Omkara is still sleeping...)

She stands in front of the mirror at the washroom and looks at herself... She recalls their last night and blushes hard... She feels pain but she loves the pain which is because of him and his love... He was gentle enough towards her but the pain can't be avoided... She just smiles shyly thinking about it... She touches her scar which is on her shoulder and recalls how he has loved it last night...

Ishu: I hated this scar before this but now I am loving it... Thanks to my long hair husband... (She looks at other marks on herself which were given by him and blushes again... She still can feel his touch and kisses on herself... She turns on the shower and stands below it thinking of their memorable night...)

Omkara opens his eyes when he feels his wife is not beside her... He hears sound from the washroom and understands she is inside there... He gets down from the bed and walks towards the table to have some water... Ishana comes out after a while wrapping the sheet on her... She forgot to bring the towel just now... She sees Omkara who is drinking water... Ishana blushes recalling their night and runs back to the washroom... Omkara is surprised to hear the washroom door closed again... Ishana locks the door and breaths heavily...

Ishu: I couldn't face him... God!! What I'm going to do now?? (Bits her lip... She hears knock on the door...)

Om: Ishana?? Why did you run inside again?? Are you ok??

Ishu: Haan... I'm ok...

Om: Then, come out... What are you doing inside??

Ishu: (sighs) (towards herself) This Zulfi!! How I want to come in front of you?? I can't see his eyes...

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