CHAPTER 41 - Omkara take care of Ishana

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All rush towards the doctor...
Sid: Doctor, how is my sister?? Is she fine??
Doc: She is out of danger... As I said before, she is lucky that the chandelier fell on half of her body... She might not be saved if it has fallen on whole of her body... But, her right side of her body is terribly injured and it will take more time to fully cure... Some of her wounds are very deep especially on her neck, arm and waist... Those have to handle with care and need to be dressed properly...
Om: Can we see go and see her now??
Doc: Not now, Mr Oberoi... We will shift her to another ward in a while... You can go and see her then... (Omkara nods) But, don't disturb her... She is still unconscious due to the sedative we given her...
Doc: (towards Raichands) If you don't mind, can I ask you something??
Sid: Sure doctor...
Doc: Is she having any problem with her right hand??
Arjun: Why are you asking this question??
Doc: Because when I was checking her hand, I realised her hand is already weak... This incident make it become more worse... That is why I'm asking...
Karan: Her hand used to get shiver before... But, now sometimes only it happens...
Doc: What is the cause for that??
Arjun: She met with an accident few years back... Since then, she is having this problem... But, we thought it's because she is traumatized with the accident...
Doc: (gives a confused look) Accident?? Are you sure it was because of an accident??
Swet: We heard like that only... Moreover, she doesn't remember the accident... So, we didn't ask her anything regarding that...
Ranveer: But, why are you asking that??
Doc: Nothing... Just asking... See you later... (The doctor leaves from there... RanRaDuKa look each other confusingly...)
Savitri: Thank God our Ishu is safe... Now only I'm feeling relieved...
Kalyani: (hugs her shoulder) Our prayers didn't go waste...
SweNiTiMi hug each other... RaDuKa hug ArSidRan...
Arjun: (Remembers something) Oh, God!!! (All look at him confusingly) Madhu!! (Ranveer too remembers and they run from there... The youngsters too follow them leaving the elders...)
Madhu is still praying hard closing her eyes... Karthika just looking at her worriedly... His mobile beeps... He takes his mobile and reads the message he received from Ranveer saying his Ishu maa is fine... He feels happy and goes towards Madhu...
Karthika: Madhu, your Ishu is safe... The God listened to your prayer... You can end your prayer now... Let's go and see her... (Madhu is not moving from her position... Karthik is confused to see her like that... He shakes her shoulder and she falls from her kneeling position on the floor unconscious... Karthik is shocked and recalls her last statement when she was praying... He lifts her slightly and screams...) Madhu!!!
ArRan just came and shocked to see Madhu collapsed... They run towards them... SidLana, RaDuKa, NiTiMi, ShivIka, RuMya and OmPri too came there... RaDuKa check Madhu... Swetlana brings a glass of water and gives to RaDuKa... Karthik sprinkles some water on her face... Madhu gets conscious after a while... Karthik feels relieved and hugs her...
Madhu: (weakly) Ishu... Ishu...
Arjun: (cups her face) Ishu is fine, Madhu... Your prayer is listened by her...(pointing towards Lord Durga's idole... All folds their hands looking at the idole... NiTiMi makes Madhu to stand...)
Shivaay: Are you alright, Madhu??
Madhu: Yes, sir... I'm alright... I want to see Ishu...
Sid: We can see her after they shift her to normal ward... Let's go now... Our family are waiting for us... (All started to move but Madhu stops remembering something) What happened, Madhu??
Madhu: Karthik... I heard Karthik's voice... (Karthik and PriRanRaDuKa are shocked and look each other)
Arjun: Karthik?? He is not here, Madhu... I tried to call him to inform about Ishu but that idiot didn't answer...
Madhu: But, I heard his voice...
Ranveer: You must have dreamed, Madhu... Karthik is not here... (Whispers to Madhu) I think you are missing your man very much... If you want, I will call and ask him to come here... (Madhu punched his arm)
Sid: What are you whispering to her??
Ranveer: I told her that I will call and ask him to come here...
Madhu: No, bhaiya... Don't tell him about Ishu... He will worry a lot...
Sid: Yeah... You are right... It will be good if we hide this matter from him for few days... At least, till Ishu get well... Now, let's go to our family...
Shivaay: (towards RaDuKa) Why did she faint just now??
Dush: She is very much exhausted with the happening... That's why... Now, she is fine...

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