CHAPTER 15 - Raichands to Leave from Mumbai

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Ishkara walk to their family who are chatting happily in the lawn.. Everyone noticed them but pretend not knowing about it and involve with their talk.. Ranveer walks with Priyanka.. They see Madhu standing alone near the fountain.. They walk towards her..
Ranveer: Madhu (she turns to them) Why are you standing here alone?? Any problem??
Madhu: It's nothing, Ranveer bhaiya.. I just thinking about something..
Ranveer: About what??
Madhu: Ishu!!
Ranveer: Ishu?? What are you thinking about her?? (Thinks a while) I know what are you thinking.. About the dress she wore this morning, right??
Madhu: I thought about that too.. But, I was thinking what happened to her last night that made her to change her dress??
Ranveer: Why you don't you ask her directly??
Madhu: I asked her ready but she lied to me.. You know right, I can sense if anything might happen to her.. The same happened last night.. But I was sleeping and couldn't get up.. After few minutes only I felt relax.. It's like someone saved her from danger..
Ranveer: But, she was sleeping with you only.. What must have happened to her??
Prinku: (who is keeping quiet listening to them) No, Ranveer.. Ishana didn't sleep with her last night.. (RanMa shocked.. Priyanka nods her head and tells them whatever she saw in video)
Madhu: So, that's the reason I felt restless last night.. Luckily, your brother saved her..
Prinku: Om bhaiya doesn't know that we knew about it.. Shivaay bhaiya said he will talk to him after few days.. Till then, you too don't say anyone about this.. (RanMa agree.. Priyanka leaves from there hearing Jhanvi calling her)
Madhu: She is so sweet.. You are very lucky to have her..
Ranveer: Right.. She forgive me easily forgetting how I had tortured her before.. I don't know how to rectify my did to her..
Madhu: Just love her unconditionally.. Make her feel that she is your world and you won't exist without her..
Ranveer: Not bad, Madhu.. You can talk like this too.. Are you missing your man?? Should I call him?? (Takes his mobile)
Madhu: (stammers) What?? Whom should I miss?? I don't miss anyone.. (slightly blushes)
Ranveer: Yeah.. I believe that.. (in a teasing tone)
Madhu: Just go, bhaiya.. (pushes him and runs from there)

Rudra walks with Ishana..
Rudra: I'm sorry, bhabhi..
Ishu: (confused) Sorry?? But, for what??
Rudra: Last night, because of me you fell in the pool.. I must not mixed the alcohol..
Ishu: Why are you saying sorry?? I'm the one asked to mix it.. I should say sorry to you.. Because of me you get scolded by your family..
Rudra: No, bhabhi.. Don't say sorry.. I used to it ready.. They didn't scold me that much because daadi, mom and choti ma saved me from them..
Ishu: Is it?? I thought they too scolded you..
Rudra thought to say that they knew Ishana is the one told him to mix alcohol but he doesn't want her to feel embarrassed.. So , he lies to her..
Rudra: Actually, we also didn't have party for sometime.. So, they let us to enjoy last night..
Ishu: That's good, Rudraa.. (thinks a while) Rudraa, how did you know that I fell in the swimming pool??
Rudra: (shocked and thinks what to tell her) Bhabhi, I recorded yesterday's events in my mobile.. I know it by watching the videos..
Ishu: (thinks) Did he know that Omkara saved me and took me to his room??
Rudra: (understands what she is thinking) It recorded only till you fell in the pool.. My battery went down after that.. So, we don't know what happened after that..
Ishu: (relieved) Nothing, Rudraa.. I came out from the pool and went to my room.. (Rudra smiles at her) Please don't tell this to my family.. They will worry about me..
Rudra: Don't worry, bhabhi.. I will not tell them.. This is your Rudraa's promise.. (Ishana smiles and both of them leave go back to their family)
Siddharth receives a phone call and he excused himself to answer the call.. After finish his talk, he comes to them..
Savitri: What's wrong, Siddharth?? You are looking tensed..
Sid: Yes, daadima.. (turns to Ranveer) Ranveer, book tickets to Chennai immediately.. We have to leave.. (All are shocked including the Oberois)
Arjun: But, why bhaiya?? We already decided to stay here for 10 days... Not even a week we are here..
Raghav: Jiju, we took leave for 10 days just to spend time with our family in dadaji's house.. Why suddenly you are saying that we have to leave??
Shivaay: (holds his shoulder) Any problem, Siddharth??
Sid: I'm sorry, Shivaay.. There is an emergency case in Chennai.. So, commissioner asked me to cancel the leave and come back to Chennai as soon as possible..
Ranveer: Siddharth, if that much of urgency, then, you go.. We will come later..
Sid: Ok.. I will take Swetlana and Ishu with me..
RanRaDuKa: No!!! (All are shocked and confused)
Sid: What no??
Ranveer: You don't have to take two of them with you.. We all are coming with you.. I'll inform you after book the tickets..
Sid: I think you gone mad, Ranveer.. Just now you asked me to go alone.. Now, you are saying that all of you are coming with me.. Idiot!!
Ranveer: Thank you.. (all chuckle looking at him)
Kalyani: I thought you all will stay with us for some days.. But, never mind.. Next time you all must stay here at least for one month..
Sid: Sure, daadi.. And, I'm sorry once again, everyone..
Jhanvi: No problem, Siddharth.. You can come here whenever you want..
Rudra (goes to Ishana): I'll miss you, bhabhi.. (makes a crybaby face)
Soumya: Don't be a crybaby.. They will come here before leaving..
Ishana hugs Rudra and sees Omkara looking at her emotionally.. She breaks the hug and walks to Omkara.. Omkara too walks towards her.. Both of them open their mouths to say something but Raghav calls her.. Ishkara look each other.. Ishana nods her head at him saying bye and he too nods his head at her.. The Raichands leave from Oberoi Mansion while Omkara keep on looking at Ishana leaving.. He is feeling uncomfortable knowing that she is leaving which he doesn't understand the reason.. ShivIka, RuMya and Priyanka see him and understand that he doesn't want Ishana to leave..

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