CHAPTER 87 - Villain's Entry

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Both of the families visit Omkara in his ward... They asked ShivRu to and join NiTiMi and have the food... ShivRu agrees and leave from there... Others stay with Omkara for some time... ShivRu return with NiTiMi after having their food... They too spend some time together with Omkara and leave after a while leaving Ishana with Omkara... Karthik wanted to stay with Madhu tonight but Ranveer ask him to go back saying he will stay with Madhu tonight... Karthik hesitatingly agrees with Ranveer...

Omkara's Ward

Ishana is sitting beside him holding his hand...

Om: Thank you...

Ishu: Hmm?? For what...

Om: For saving my life... Rudra is right... Your love only saved me... (Ishana recalls her confession last night) I never expect you will confess like that to me... I hope I was conscious that time...

Ishu: How do you know I confessed like that?? You are saying like you have heard them...

Om: Today's technology, Ishana... Most of the people are having mobiles on their hands only to shoot any incidents and make it become viral... That is what almost happened last night... Fortunately, Rudra saw the guy and snatched his mobile from his hand... He sent the video to his mobile and deleted it from that guy's mobile... (Ishana smiles at him)

Ishu: This might have become viral if Rudraa didn't notice the guy...

Om: Already it become viral among our families... (Ishana chuckles) I missed this smile of yours, Ishana...

Ishu: (holds his face) I love you, Omkara... I love you very much... I can't think a life without you... (Omkara smiles in tears and hugs her...)

Om: I love you too, Ishana... And I too can't imagine a life without you... (Ishana breaks the hug and goes near him... She kisses both of his cheeks deeply... Omkara closes his eyes feeling this closeness with her... She kisses both of his eyes and his forehead... Omkara opens her eyes and looks at her... She brings her face more closer and almost place her lips on his but the nurse enters the ward that time... Ishana feels embarrassed and gets up from him...)

Nurse: Sir, it's time for dinner... (Omkara nods)

Ishu: Sister, you can leave... I'll take care... (The nurse nods and leaves... Ishana takes the bowl and brings towards Omkara... He looks at it and makes a weird face... Ishana chuckles looking at his reaction)

Om: Only this??

Ishu: Should I order pizza or pasta for you?? (Sarcastically)

Om: Aww!! You are giving back to me?? (Ishana chuckles again...) Don't laugh... Since morning I'm having this type of porridge only...

Ishu: You need to adjust with this for some days... They have done surgery in your heart... You have to eat this type of food for your digestion... You cannot eat solid food in this condition... Please understand...

Om: Ok... But one condition... You have to feed me... Then only I will have this...

Ishu: (laughs) You don't have to tell me... I'm going to feed you only... (Omkara grins at her... Ishana feeds him the porridge...)

Om: This tasteless porridge is tasting good when having it from your hand... (Ishana smiles and continue feeding him till he finishes it... She gives him water and wipes his mouth with a cloth... They are chatting for some time till the nurse comes again...)

Nurse: Mam, I need to do dressing for him... (Ishana nods and gets up from her place... The nurse does the dressing and gives him medicines... She leaves after that... Ishana goes towards him)

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