CHAPTER 31 - Ashok's Entry in Oberoi Mansion

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Dining area

All are sitting to have their breakfast... Omkara receives a call and he leaves to attend it... Ishana just came from upstairs to join them... Rudra sees her and pulls her hand making her sit beside him at Omkara place...
Rudra: Good morning, bhabhi...
Ishu: Good morning, Rudraa... What happened?? Why did you pull me??
Rudra: Nothing serious, bhabhi... I just want to know that you are fine or not... Last night, you were not well... Are you fine now??
Ishu: So sweet... I'm fine... Sorry for last night... Did I trouble a lot??
Rudra: You need to ask O about that?? Because you was with him last night...
Ishu: (shocked) What?? I was with him?? How was that possible??
Rudra: (confused) Why you are asking like you don't remember about that??
Ishu: I remembered that I had nightmare last night... And you all consoled me... After that, I slept... I remember till that only... Anything happened after that??
Rudra wants to say something but Shivaay signs Rudra to not to say anything...
Shivaay: (diverts the talk) How are you feeling now?? Are you still in pain??
Ishu: I'm really fine, sir... Thanks to you and Annika for the pain killer... It's really effective and I had a peaceful sleep last night... (Shivika and RuMya cough hearing that... Ishana looks at them in confuse...)
Omkara just come after finishing his call... He stops listening to their conversation... He recalls all the moments he shared with Ishana last night including the small kiss he gave on her lips... A small smile appears on his lips... But, it vanished when he realised that she didn't remember anything happened last night... He knew she was not in her senses but he felt pain in his heart... He doesn't know the reason for his pain... He supposed to be relieved that she didn't remember it but he is not... He walks towards the dining table... Ishana realised his presence and gets up from her place... She looks at him and smiles... He just ignores her and sits beside Rudra... Ishana feels bad with his ignorance but doesn't shows it and sits beside Madhu... ShivIka and RuMya feel bad looking at Ishana... They look at Omkara who is having his breakfast silently without looking anywhere...
PriVeer and SwetMa don't realise about this because their minds are not here... They are worrying about Ashok's arrival... Ranveer breaks his thought...
Ranveer: Shivaay, you said that you want to talk with me... Can we talk after this??
Shivaay: Yeah... Sure... We will meet at the study room... (Ranveer agrees and they continue with their breakfast)
Ishana keep on looking at Omkara but he not even looking at her... Ranveer signs Madhu through his eyes... Madhu understood and nods her head...
Madhu: Ishu, I need to say something to you after this... (Ishana just nods her head... She is about to ask something but her mobile beeped... She looks at her mobile and shocked... She leaves from there without finishing her breakfast...) Where are you going without finishing your food??
Ishu: I'm not hungry... (Runs from there)
SwetRanMa: Ishu!!! (Look at each other in worried)
The Oberois are confused with Ishana's behavior... Omkara thought it's because he ignored her... He wants to run behind her but he saw Karthika runs following Ishana...
Ishana goes to her room and throws her mobile on the bed in anger... Karthika stands outside of the room and watches Ishana silently...
Ishu: (in anger) Why he is disturbing me again?? It's that not enough what he done to me and my family?? What does he want now?? Because of him I'm suffering now... What else he wants now?? (Cries) (After a while, she wipes her tears) No, Ishana... You should not cry now... You are no more weak... You stayed strong when Dev died in front of your eyes... Then, why are you getting weak now?? This is the time for payback... You must make him to regret for whatever he did to you and your anni... (Gives a determined smile and leaves from her room)
Karthik: (sees her leaving) First time I'm seeing Ishu maa in anger but with whom?? If that Ashok sees her now, she will burn him into ashes just by her look... I must ask Ranveer to tell her about Ashok's arrival... (He types a message and send to Ranveer)
Ranveer reads the message and shows to Priyanka...
Prinku: (whispers to Madhu) I think better if we tell her about Ashok... (Madhu agrees... PriMa about to go but Ishana comes there... Karthika too comes after a while)
Madhu: (goes to Ishana) Ishu, come with us... We need to tell something important to you...
Ishu: Can we talk after breakfast?? I'm hungry now... (Starts to eat... All look at her in confuse) Why you all are looking at me like this?? I'm sorry for just now... Please have your breakfast...
Savitri: What's wrong with you just now??
Ishu: Nothing, paatima... My old wound gave pain suddenly... I applied a medicine on it... Now, it's fine... You don't worry...
RanKa and PriMa could understand that she is not talking about her wound...
Karthika: If it trouble you more, just tell me... I will give a powerful medicine that can make your pain vanished forever... Not even a scar can be seen on you... (PriVeer understand what meant by Karthika)
Ishu: (looks at Karthika and smiles) Thanks... Don't worry... This pain will not going to affect me anymore... I faced a lot of pain before this... This is nothing...
Soumya: I feel that you are talking about something else and not about the wound...
Ishu: No... It's about the wound only... (Continue eating)
All finished their breakfast silently... TejSak leave to office first... ShiRu told that they will join them later because they need to talk with Ranveer... ShiOmRu walk with Ranveer towards study room while IshPriMa walk to IshMa's room... A security comes to Shivaay...
Sec: Sir, a guy is waiting outside and he is saying that he wants to meet his sister...
Shivaay: His name??
Sec: Ashok... (Four of them are shocked...)
Shivaay: Let him come inside... (The security agrees and leave from there)
Rudra: It's too fast... I didn't expect him to come this soon...
Shivaay: Yeah... Even I didn't expect this... (Looks at Ranveer but he lost in his thought... OmRu too look at him... They could see restlessness on his face... Shivaay shakes his shoulder to make him come back from his thought...) Ranveer, are you ok??
Ranveer: Shivaay, we will talk later... I need to alert Ishu first... (He runs from there)
Om: What he is saying?? Why he need to alert her??
Shivaay: Don't know, Om... But, I can sure that this Ashok definitely created a big trouble for them...
Rudra: But, seeing Ranveer worried for Ishana bhabhi, I think he must have trouble her too...

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