CHAPTER 18 - Priyanka is Determined about Something

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Omkara's Room

Omkara comes out from washroom after having his shower... He is drying his hair and servant comes that time...
Serv: Sir, your clothes...
Om: (looks at the clothes) Keep it on my bed...
The servant obeys and places the clothes on the bed... He leaves after that.. After getting ready, Omkara takes the clothes to keep them in cupboard... He almost close the door but stops looking at a cloth... He takes out the chudidhar and recalls last night incidents... He looks at other chudidhars which belongs to Gauri... He still keep them with himself.. He started to recall his past events...


RiKara's Room

Gauri is packing her clothes... Omkara comes and surprised to see her packing her clothes... He goes to her and turns her towards him... Gauri holds his shoulder in shock...
Gauri: What happened, Omkara ji??? Why are you looking tensed??
Om: You are asking me?? I must ask you... What happened that you are packing your clothes?? Did I do anything that hurt you??
Gauri: (laughs) Omkara ji, you are worrying unnecessarily... Do you think that I'm packing my clothes to go away from you?? (Omkara nods his head) I'm not going anywhere, Omkara ji...
Om: Then, why are you packing your clothes??
Gauri: (looking at her clothes) So, this is worrying you?? Omkara ji, I'm going to give these clothes to orphanage... I'm not using them anymore... Besides, I'm having so many clothes that still not touched by me... So, that is why I'm going to give them to the orphanage...
Om: No, I won't let you to give them... If you want we will buy new clothes for the orphanage... But, I'm not allowing you to give your clothes to them...
Gauri: But, why?? I'm not using them... Besides, I'm lacking of space to keep these clothes... It will be better to give them to the orphanage... It will be useful for people there...
Om: No means no... If you are lack of space, then, give them to me... I'll keep it... But, you are not going to give them to anyone...
Gauri: But, why, Omkara ji?? Tell me the reason...
Om: (holds her waist and bring her closer) Because I can't see anyone else wearing your clothes... These clothes are having your fragrance which belongs to me only... No one have the rights to touch it...
Gauri: (circles his neck) You love me that much??
Om: (Bring her more closer) Very much...
Gauri: I love you, Omkara ji...
Om: (smiles) I love you too...
Gauri: You only will say this if I say... Not even once you said before me...
Om: (chuckles) I told you that my actions will speak more than my words...
Gauri: Yeah, right... I think an angel need to come from heaven to make you to say 'I love you' first...
Om: (chuckles) Ok.. Ok.. I'm saying it first now... I love you... Ok??
Gauri: You don't have to say because I told you so... I know my Omkara ji loves me a lot... (Omkara smiles at her... RiKara have a passionate kiss)

*Flashback ends*

Omkara comes out from his flashback... He goes to Gauri's painting which is hanging on the wall...
Om: (caresses her face) Gauri, I don't know what is happening to me... I'm feeling different these days... This girl is affecting me very much... I never felt like this before... Whenever she is beside me, I could feel my heart beats faster... I lost myself if I look at her eyes... When she fell in the swimming pool last night, I felt my life going away from me... I only felt relieved after she opened her eyes... You know what, Gauri?? I stopped you from giving your clothes to the orphanage... But, last night, I was the one made her wear your clothes and that too the dress which I gifted you first time after our marriage... I don't know why I did that... After 3 years, I slept peacefully last night... I didn't feel wrong when I saw her in my embrace this morning... I supposed to feel angry on myself but I didn't feel that... I was thinking what she might thought about me... I just met her two days before but I felt like know her for many years till I shared my tears with her... Why I'm feeling like this?? Why I should feel sad if she leaving from Mumbai?? Who is she to me??? Why am I thinking of her so much?? I don't have any answers for these questions... Can you find the answers for me, Gauri??
Voice: You must ask your heart, bhaiya... Not Gauri bhabhi... (Omkara is surprised to see Priyanka at the door... Priyanka came to Omkara's room to tell him about IshDev but stops hearing his confession at Gauri's picture...)
Om: Prinku??
Prinku: Yes, bhaiya... Your heart knows the answer but your mind is not accepting it... That is the reason you are having these many confusions... For once, just try to listen to your heart... Then, you think what you have to do...
Om: Prinku, I... (Cuts by Priyanka)
Prinku: Please, bhaiya... Listen to me once... (Cups his face) Bhaiya, it's not wrong to fall in love once again... Not everyone can get second chance to live again... If life is giving you a chance to live with your love once again, why are you refusing it?? Your eyes are enough to say the truth of your heart... But, your mind and mouth don't want to accept it... You just close your eyes and you will find your answers...
Om: (turns from her) I'm confused...
Prinku: Ok.. Don't force yourself for me... I just tell what I felt... You don't have to listen to me.. Take care, bhaiya... (Priyanka leaves the room)
Om: What Priyanka is saying?? Do I.....?? No, it's impossible... Gauri is the only one in my life... No one can take her place... I'm clear... Whatever I'm feeling now is just sympathy and guiltiness towards her... Nothing more than that... (Looks at the clothes he holding) I must give this back to her and get Gauri's dress from her... (Keeps it in the cupboard)

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