CHAPTER 8(A) - The Youngsters Are Getting Know Each Other

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All are waiting for OmRu and Ishana at dining hall...

Shivaay: Where this Rudra go?? I asked him to call Om for lunch but still haven't come yet... He took Ishana with him some more...

Sid: Relax, Shivaay... They will come...

Soumya: I will go and bring them... (About to get up from her place...)

Savitri: No need, dear... They will come in a while...

OmRu and Ishana are walking downstairs towards the dining area... Rudra and Ishana are having some arguments while Omkara just smiles shaking his head walking beside them...

Ishu: No, Rudraa... I can't do it...

Rudra: I want to see what will happen...

Ishu: You will see when the time comes...
(They reach the dining area where all are waiting for them...)

Shivaay: What are you both arguing about??

Rudra: I'm asking her to do something but she is refusing me...

Sid: Ishu, why are you refusing him?? Just do what he asked you...

Ishu: Anna, do you know what he asked me to do??

Arjun: What?? (Ishu wants to answer but cuts by Rudra...)

Rudra: Nothing big, Arjun bhaiya... I asked her to call you all bhaiya, bhabhi, didi and jiju... But, she is refusing to call like that... (The Raichands look at Ishana and she nods her head...)

Madhu: Rudra, do you want any hurricane to occur in this house?? (The Oberois confuse with her question while the Raichands smile...)

Rudra: No.. Why??

Madhu: That only will happen if Ishu calls them like that... So, it's better if you don't ask her to call like that...

Rudra: But... (cuts by Omkara)

Om: If she doesn't want to call them like that, why are you forcing her??

Kalyani: Ok... Ok... We will talk later... Now, come and join us for lunch...

OmRu and Ishana go and sit at their places... Ishana sits between Arjun and Swetlana... Rudra sits beside Soumya and Omkara sits beside Rudra, in front of Ishana... They start to have lunch... Arjun, as usual, feeds Ishana first... The Oberois smile looks at them...

Pinky: Looks like Ishana is pampered by familys very much... Her brothers feeds her first before eatings... (Arjun and Ishana smile at Pinky...)

Savitri: Since small, they are like this... Arjun will feed her first before having his food...

Rudra: How sweet?? My brothers never feed me like this... (looks at ShivOm)

Shivaay: Really?? Have you forgotten that I am the one fed you when you were small??

Rudra: But only when I was small... You have stopped feeding me after I grow up... (makes a puppy face)

Soumya: You know what, Rudra?? Prinku should worry about this... Not you...

Rudra: Why??

Annika: Because 3 of you are her brothers and she is the youngest one... So, you all must feed her... (Rudra makes a crybaby face which melts Ishana...)

Ishu: (gets up from her place and walks towards Rudra) Rudraa, let me feed you... What do you want??

Rudra: (smiles happily) How sweet of you?? You can feed anything you want...

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