IshDev FB- SHOT 3 - IshDev Share Their Pain

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Dev just looked at Ishana going to her room tearfully.. Siddharth goes to Dev..
Sid: What you had said to Ishu?? Did you think our thought will be so low?? Just because we are rich, we will give important for someone background than their heart and character??
Arjun: I didn't thought that you will have this kind of thought on us.. We liked and respect you as the person you are..
Dush: Leave it, Arjun.. He must have thought about it when we chose him as wedding planner.. I think he forget about it..
Swet: If this family gave importance to someone's past or background, I wouldn't become daughter in law in this family..
Daadi: Dev, you are talking about your background.. Do you know that Ishu's past more worst than you.. She.. (wanted to continue but Raghav stopped her)
Raghav: Daadi, don't tell him anything.. This is between Ishu and him.. If he felt anything for Ishu, he will talk to her himself..
Dev felt bad that he hurt Ishana.. He wanted to see her.. He looked at them and they nod their head giving permission to him to go.. He ran to Ishana's room..
He saw Ishana crying terribly sitting on the bed.. He goes and sits beside her.. He put his hand on her head and caressed her hair.. Ishu looks at him and moved his hand.. She stands up to leave.. But Dev holds her hand and pulled her towards him.. He cupped her face while Ishu continue crying..
Dev: I'm sorry, Ishana.. I should not hurt you just now.. I'm scared that I might get hurt again.. I don't know that you and your family respected me this much.. (smiles sadly) May be because I didn't meet people like you and your family before this make me to think like this..
Ishana looks at him.. She understands he is having pain in his heart.. She wipes his tears that came slightly at the corner of his eyes.. He looks at her..
Ishu: What happened in your past, Dev?? I'm not asking about your birth.. I mean who gave you this pain??
Dev: You don't want to know about my birth being illeg.. (Ishana covered his mouth with her palm)
Ishu: Don't you dare to say it again.. I don't care about it.. But, if you felt that you want to share it with me, I don't mind.. But for now I want to know who gave this pain to u??
Dev is looking at her surprisingly.. He wanted to tell the truth of his birth but she is asking who hurts him..
Dev: I knew it.. But I need to start from that, then only you will understand.. (Ishana agrees)
He started to tell about his dad having an affair with his secretary and Dev born to them.. His dad Mr Chabra will visit them sometimes and gave money for their expenses.. His wife, Chaya didn't aware of his secret affair.. Few years back, Dev's mom died due to illness.. Mr Chabra took him to his house in LA.. Chaya and Reyaan confronted him and didn't accept Dev.. But, later accept him after realising it was not Dev's mistake.. However, Chaya and Reyaan didn't accept Mr, Chabra.. They avoided him for few months.. Dev felt bad for his dad and convinced them to accept him.. Chaya melted with Dev's pleading and forgive Mr Chabra.. Chaya treated Dev just like Reyaan.. After a year, they fixed Dev's alliance with a girl from a rich family in Mumbai.. Dev too liked the girl.. On the engagement day, the girl's brother found Dev being illegitimate and insult him to the core.. Dev tried talking to him but he didn't listen and chased him and his family out of the house.. Dev and his family went back to LA.. However, Dev is very hurt with the girl's brother insulting his background being an illegitimate.. So, he decided to go back to India and become successful person without using his father's name.. He started to work in small event planning agencies.. After gain some money, he started a small event management agency.. He got small events contracts.. He did not reach the height but somehow he becomes popular among some people.. Raichands is the first big client for Dev..
Dev finished telling his flashback to Ishana.. He turns to see her.. She just hugged him tightly.. Dev got startled but he needed this.. He too hugged her back.. He felt his heart becomes light after talking to her.. Her hug comforts him.. They break the hug after a while..
Ishu: (furiously) Which idiot insulted you?? How dare he insult my Dev?? Tell me who is he.. Let's go and confront him for insulting you..
Dev (placed his finger on her lips): Shhhh.. It's no need now.. I don't want to see them anymore.. These years I'm in Mumbai but I never see them again.. I think universe don't want me to meet them again..
Ishu: (chuckled) You are talking like Tia ka..
Dev: Yeah.. These many days I'm with all of you.. So, it's got spreaded..(chuckled)
Ishu (holds his hand): Whatever you said will not change my heart, my respect and my love for you.. It will increase but will not decrease..
Dev looked at her lovingly and nodded his head..
Dev: Ishana, I shared my pain with you.. Won't you share your pain with me?? (Ishana looked at him surprisingly) Don't ask how I know?? Daadi wanted to tell me something but Raghav stopped her and told me to ask you.. I will not force you if you can't say it..
Ishu: It's nothing like that.. I will tell you.. My mother passed away when I born.. So, my father blamed me for her death and never looked at me.. My grandma took care of me for few years.. After she died, my relations sent me back to my father.. He hated my presence.. He always get drunken and used to curse me because I born as a girl and thought I'm a burden for him.. He always abuse me and never give food for me.. Sometimes, I will sleep with hungry stomach.. So, to fill up my hunger, I will go to other houses and will do some house works.. They will give me food in return.. One day, my father wanted to sell me for some men.. Yash thaatha(grandpa) only saved me from him.. I still remember when Yash thaatha asked me how much he wants and he said Rs.500 because I'm not worth more than it.. (Ishu started to cry terribly) Then, thaatha took me to his family..
Ishu cries vigorously after finished telling her past to him.. Dev too having tears thinking about her worst past that must not happen in anyone's life.. Dev turns her to him and hugged her.. Ishu's tears wets his shirt.. He breaks the hug and make Ishana to face him..
Ishu: Sometimes, I too felt that my worth is not more than Rs.500..(sobbing)
Dev: Ishana, will you listen to me?? (Ishu looks at him) You are the most dearest in this world.. Your worth is more than the most expensive things in this world.. Your so called father don't know your worth.. It's his loss.. Now, you see.. You got the most beautiful family as yours who treated you as the most precious in their life.. Don't you ever say that you are not worth than Rs 500.. Ok?? (Ishu nods at him)
He looks at her and hold her face.. He kisses her forehead and her eyes.. Ishana is shocked with his action.. He looks at her lovingly and goes near her ears..
Dev: I think we have to go down.. All must waiting for us.. If we don't go, they will come here.. (Ishu agrees and they both leave)

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