CHAPTER 4(B) - RuMya's plan for Omkara

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Night at Oberoi Mansion

Priyanka is in her room thinking of her meet with Ranveer at the shopping mall and how he dropped her after seeing her and ran away from her... Unknowingly a smile appears on her face... But, her smile vanished when the flashes of seeing him hugging another girl came into her thought... She doesn't know why, but she didn't like seeing him hugging another girl... She thinks what does she care if he hugged another girl?? Omkara comes and sees Priyanka lost in her thought... He goes and sits beside her...

Om: What are you thinking, Prinku??

Prinku: (back to her senses) Bhaiya!! (Thought a while) I saw Ranveer today at the mall...

Om: (shocked) What?? He is still here?? I thought he went away from Mumbai 2 years ago...

Prinku: I also thought like that but he is here...

Om: (worriedly) Did he trouble you again??

Prinku: (shakes her head negatively) No, bhaiya... But, his behaviour today is quite different...

Om: (confused) What do you mean??

Prinku:(with excitement) Yes, bhaiya!! Ranveer whom we saw before was rude, arrogant, fierce and he will not even smile... But, today he got afraid of seeing me and just run away escaping from me...

Om: (surprised) Really??? Ranveer ran away from you?? I can't believe it... Was he alone??

Prinku: Nope... I saw him hugging a girl... (in a jealous tone which noticed by Omkara...)

Om: Prinku, do you still love him??

Prinku: (smiles sadly) Love?? It dies the moment he said that he pretends to love me just to take revenge on both of us for killing his sister... (tears are coming out from her eyes)

Om: (wipes her tears) I'm sorry, Prinku... It's because of me...

Prinku: (stops him from continue) No, bhaiya... This is called as Karma...(Omkara looks at her confusingly...) Do you remember, bhaiya?? A few years back, our family humiliated an innocent person and threw him and his family out of our house... (cries in guilt)

Om:(thinks about Priyanka's first alliance) That guy who came for your alliance, right?? (Priyanka nods...) Yeah, I still remember... He is very good and soft nature guy... I liked him too... But, Shivaay and Mr. Oberoi rejected him because he is the illegitimate son of Mr Chabra...

Prinku: Yes, bhaiya... Whatever we did to him was very bad... Now, I'm like this not because of Ranveer... It's because we had hurt the poor guy... I still can't forget his eyes which were pleading at us to listen to him... (sobs... Omkara hugs her...) After I got to know Ranveer, I slowly came out from Dev's thought... I started to love him truly even though he always behaved harshly with me... I will pacify myself saying which brother will keep quiet if his sister died because of me... I took all of his hatred... I thought he loves me truly even though he always mistreat me... I felt that I can change him with my love but he cheated me... He just pretended to love me... ( cries badly)

Omkara just hugs his sister tightly... He didn't think that Priyanka kept this much pain in her heart... He thought he is the only one suffering in pain... His pain known by everyone but no one knows his sister's pain... She hides them in her heart and try to make him happy every time... And this is the first time Priyanka speaks without stammering... Omkara cups her face and kisses her forehead...

Om: Prinku, I'm sorry... I didn't understand your pain... I promise you, Prinku that I will find Dev and bring him to you... We all will apologize to him...

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