CHAPTER 80(A) - ShivRu Having a Plan

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Entire family are celebrating Annika's pregnancy news... Shivaay makes her favourite aloo poori and carrot halwa... He feeds her with his own hands... Annika eats them happily... She sees the time and gets up quickly making everyone confuse...

Annika: Phail Gaya raita!! (Looks at IshKara) Arrey, you both need to go out for the dinner... It's getting late... Ishu, come with me... Om, you also go and get ready... (Ishana looks at Omkara while he just nods at her)

Om: Bhabhi, we thought to cancel our dinner tonight... (All look at him in shock)

Tej: Why??

Ishu: Woh, Annika is pregnant now and we thought to celebrate it first...

Om: Not only Annika bhabhi, Swetlana is pregnant too... We couldn't celebrate for her because of those happenings... Let's celebrate it now... (Ishana nods her head excitingly)

Swet: When did you plan this?? As we know, both of you didn't say anything to each other... (IshKara look at each other)

Rudra: Arrey Sweetlana, don't you know these two always talk through their eyes?? They must have decided by talking like that... Right, O, bhabhi?? (IshKara just smile)

Annika: No... No... First time you want to go out together... It won't be good if you don't go... (Holds Swetlana's arm) We both are here only and there is more time for the baby to born... We can celebrate it another day... You both go for your dinner...

Ishu: But, for us this is more important than the dinner... Please... Don't force us...

Om: Yes, bhabhi... This is just a dinner... We can go another day... (Annika is about to say something but Shivaay stops her)

Shivaay: Ok... If you both have already decided, then we won't force you... You don't have to go tonight...

Annika: But, Shivaay...

Shivaay: It's ok, Annika... If we force and send them out, their mind will be here only... They have decided to cancel it... It's no use to force them anymore...

Ishu: Sorry, bhaiya... (Makes a puppy face)

Shivaay: It's ok, Ishu... I know about both of you... Family comes first for you than anything... Don't feel bad... (Everyone are disappointed with IshKara decision but they don't show it...) Annika, come I'll take you to room... (He lifts Annika in his arms and leave to their room)

ShivIka's Room

Shivaay places Annika on the bed and about to leave but Annika holds his hand... Shivaay looks at her questioningly...

Annika: Why did you agree with them just now?? They must have go if you convinced them... I'm feeling bad that their first date have spoiled because of me...

Shivaay: Do you think that I will let their first date to be spoiled??

Annika: (confused) Means?? (Shivaay smirks at her)

RuMya's Room

Soumya: So disappointed!! Why bade baalwale bhaiya and Ishu did like that?? This is their first date... But, they cancelled it... Bade bhaiya too agreed with them...

Rudra: That is what I'm confused about... Why Shivaay bhaiya agreed with them?? (Pats Soumya's shoulder) Don't worry, Soumya... I know what to do...

Soumya: What??

Rudra: Come near... (Soumya goes near and he whispers something in her ears)

Soumya: (smiles happily) That's great idea... But, how we want to execute it??

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