CHAPTER 1(B)- Raichands going to Mumbai

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Swetlana is about to escape from their teasing session but a hand holds her hand stopping her from escaping... She looks up and sees a guy smirking at her...

Guy: Where are you running, bhabhi?? Have you forgotten, final touch should be mine?? (Raises his eyebrows teasingly at her...)

Dadi: Arjun, stop teasing her!! Every morning you all are teasing her like this... Just spare the poor girl...

Arjun: Daadi, it's our right to tease her... Whom will we tease if not her?? Our bhabhi also never scolded us for teasing her... Maybe we could have stopped if she scolded us...

Swet: Why do I need to scold you all?? I will be happy if my family is happy... If you don't tease me, then who will tease me?? You all are having the rights... (Looks at her family lovingly...)

IsNiTiMi: Love you, anni/bhabhi... (kisses her cheek... Arjun goes towards his sisters...)

Arjun: 3 of you please control yourself... Your husbands are burning in jealousy...

Swet: (twisting Arjun's ear) Why are you late for your breakfast?? Have you started your flirting in the morning itself??

Arjun: Actually, I need to tell, nope, I need to share something important with all of you... (Smiles excitingly...)

Mithra: Let me guess... You have found a new girlfriend?? (She asks placing her elbow on his shoulder...)

Nivi: No, Mithu... I think a girl has dumped him... Right, bhaiya?? (She too asks placing her elbow on his another shoulder... Arjun glares at her)

Ishana: (goes towards them) Right... I agree with you, ka... (both have a hi-five)

Arjun: Ha... ha... ha... Very funny... But it's not that... (He said pulling their cheeks and turns to his family) Actually, I received a call that this year I got the 'Businessman Of The Year' Award... (All smile in happiness)

Sid: (hugs his brother) Woww, Arjun R...... nope, just Arjun!! You made it!! Congratulations, bro!!

Arjun: Thanks, bhaiya... (His sisters are jumping in happiness... They go and hug him...)

All Sissos: Congrats, bhaiya/anna... You made it!!

Arjun: Not me... We made it!! It's all your support and encouragement made me succeed in this business... (he kisses his sisters forehead one by one)

Swetlana, Raghav, Dushyanth and Karan watch them with teary eyes...

Dush: Just now all the girls are pulling his leg... Now all are surrounding him with happiness...

Raghav: We can't understand these girls... If they started to tease, they will tease to the core... If they started to show their love that too will be to the core...

Karan: Guys, their tease and fight are their love too...

Swet: That is called family... One's success, all will celebrate... In failure, they will become each other's support... They are all one at last...

Sid: Not they... We are all one... Don't think just because four of you are daughter in law and son in laws you do not belong to the family... You all are the main support for our family... Without you, this family is incomplete... You all are the pillars of support for us... (Siddharth hug all of them and smiles looking at his naughty brother and sisters who are in emotional mode...)

Arjun goes and takes blessing from his daadi... Raghav, Dushyanth and Karan go towards him and hug him...

Dush: So, when is the function??

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now