CHAPTER 98- Sangeet & Haldi

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Living Room

Kalyani: I think the mehndi must have dried by now... All the ladies except the brides can go and wash your hands...

Arjun: Daadi, how about IshPriMa??

Savi: Arjun, their legs are having mehndi as well... That's why we made them to wait first...

Kalyani: Besides that, we are having a small condition for them and their fiances...

Om: What condition, daadi??

Savi: You will know in a while... Lets other females come too... (The ladies come after a while and grin happily) What happened?? All of you are looking happy?? (They show their hands where their mehndi has turned to dark color... The men sigh in relief...)

Pinky: Mummy ji, all of our mehndi has turned darks... Our husbands loves us very much...

Shakti: Thank God... Or I don't know what will happen if it never turn red...

Kalyani: Now, it's brides turn... Annika, Swetlana, blindfold their eyes with a cloth... Soumya, you and other girls go and bring water for them to wash their mehndi...

Soumya: Ji, daadi... (Leaves with NiTiMi)

Savi: Guys, you all blindfold grooms eyes and make them seat in front of their girls...

Om: Daadis, what is the need to blindfold our eyes??

Rudra: Why, O?? Are you scared??

Om: No... Why I should feel scared?? I don't feel scared at all... (The guys blindfold OmRanKa's eyes and make them sit in front of IshPriMa whose eyes are blindfolded by AniSwet)

SouNiTiMi come bringing few buckets of water and help IshPriMa wash their mehndis...

Soumya: Arrey, what is this?? All of your mehndis didn't turn dark... It's very dull...

Nivi: Arrey haan!! Guys, don't you love your girls very much?? This is too bad... (OmRanKa faces turn pale listening to them)

Ishu: Aka, this mehndi colour won't decide their love for us... We know how much they love us... Right, PriMa??

Prinku: Correct, bhabhi!! This is just a normal mehndi... Maybe, something wrong with this mehndi... We won't judge our guys love with this...

Madhu: Ishu has told that sometimes the colour will turn dark after a while... So wait for few hours...

Jhanvi: These many support for your guys and their loves... Not bad... I'm impressed with you, girls...

Kalyani: Remove the clothes from their eyes... (The guys and girls nod their heads and remove the clothes from OmRanKa and IshPriMa's eyes... OmRanKa smile at their girls mouthing 'thank you' while they just blink their eyes... They get up from their places... Omkara holds Ishana's hands and pulls her closer... He looks at her hands and becomes surprised... He turns towards his families who are controlling their laugh...)

Om: You lied to us?? (All burst into laughter except IshKara, PriVeer and MaKar... Ishana, PriVeer and MaKar are confused seeing them laughing...)

Ranveer: What happened, Om??

Om: (towards RanKa) Look at their hands... (RanKa takes PriMa's hands and look at them... IshPriMa too look at their hands and they too become shock as the guys... Their mehndis have turned into dark colours...)

Prinku: Hawww!!! Our mehndi is dark!!! Too bad, all of you... You all lied to us!!

Kalyani: We just want to see your reactions, putthar...

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