CHAPTER 10(A) - Rudra's Special Fruit Punch

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All the Oberoi youngsters except Omkara are preparing for the party at the poolside... Rudra is preparing the fruit punch... ShivIka walk towards him...

Shivaay: Rudra, don't do like last time... I mean don't mix any alcohol in the fruit punch...

Annika: We are having guests tonight... Moreover, our elders are here too... Remember our state last time when we woke up the next day?? (Rudra recalls their messed state and how JhaNky scolded him for mixing alcohol in the fruit punch...)

Rudra: I still remember, bhabhi... Don't worry... I will not do anything like that... We just met them and don't know about each other well yet... If we had alcohol, surely we will not remember anything tomorrow... So, tonight, it will be only fruit punch... Trust me... Pinky promise!!

Shivika: Ok... We trust you... (ShivIka leave while Rudra continues preparing the fruit punch...)

The Raichands youngsters arrive at the Oberoi Mansion... ArSid involve talking with Shivaay while AniSouPri are chatting with the girls... Swetlana asks for Savitri and Madhu... Soumya tells they are in Kalyani's room and Swetlana leaves towards the room... Ishana sees Rudra at the poolside and walks to him... Meanwhile, RaDuKa are standing nervously in the living room... Ranveer sees them and shakes his head...

Ranveer: (whispers) Guys, please behave normally... They might doubt us if see you all like this... I told you right, nothing will go wrong... So, please be relax... Now, go and join them... (pointing towards ShivArSid... RaDuKa look at each other... Ranveer looks at them confusingly...) I know what you all are worried about... I already told you that Ishu is not falling for him... She wants him to make a statue for her... That's it... Moreover, she just met him last night... How can she fell in love quickly with a guy whom she met last night?? Think logically, guys...

Raghav: (smirks) What you said, Ranveer?? How can she fell quickly for a guy whom she met last night?? (He hugs Ranveer's shoulder...) That is called love, Ranveer... Love doesn't need any days and time... It will happen just like that... A second is enough for that... And, that is what happened with you three years ago... You fell in love with your Priyanka at first sight... Love never sees any logic... It only sees the heart which is beating for love... You will understand if you think from your heart... (pats Ranveer's chest... Ranveer is surprised with the answer...)

Ranveer: (diverts the topic) Then, why are you looking at each other like that??

Karan: Actually, we are hiding another matter from you??

Ranveer: (confused) You too?? (Realised what he said) I mean about what??
(Dushyanth walks to Ranveer and whispers something in his ears... Ranveer's expression has changed hearing it...)

Ranveer: (shocked) What?? You never tell me about this before...

Raghav: We never thought our family are close to the Oberois... So, we didn't think this as a big issue before...

Karan: But, we still remember what he said about her after listening to him at that time... She almost becomes a lioness and ready to attack that person...

Dush: And that person is none other than this...... (cuts by Ranveer)

Ranveer: Why we always ended up messing with the Oberois?? Swetlana, me, him and her... But, our family and their family were friends years before... So, strange!! The elders are friends but the youngsters are enemies... Woww!! What a unity!!?? (In a teasing tone)

Raghav: That is why we are saying that we have to leave from Mumbai as soon as possible...

Ranveer: No, Raghav... We can't back off now... Whatever going to happen, we have to face it... There is no use of running away from the truth... (takes a deep breath) We will discuss this later... You all go and join them... I'll come in a while...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now