CHAPTER 42 - ShiRu tease IshKara

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The Oberois and Raichands are getting ready to the hospital... Shivaay goes to Rudra...
Shivaay: Rudra, where is Om?? Is he ready??
Rudra: I don't know, bhaiya... I never see him after last night...
Annika: In fact, I never seen him coming out from his room...
Soumya: Maybe he slept late last night and wake up late today...
Shivaay: Strange... Om won't do like this... Maybe he is getting ready... Let's go and see in his room... (ShivIka and RuMya go to Omkara's room)
They go to his bed and see blanket is fully covers half of the bed... They feel something fishy and remove the blanket... Four of them cup their mouths in shock to see pillows are arranged on the bed and covered with blanket...
All: What the wuck??
Shivaay: Where this Om went doing like this??
Rudra: (smiles) I know where he went...
ShivIkaSou: Where??
Rudra: You will know it later... Let's go now... I want to see my Ishana bhabhi... (They follow behind him in confuse)
Everyone is ready to go to the hospital except SidLana... They come towards them...
Raghav: What happened, jiju?? Why di is looking pale??
Sid: I don't know what's wrong... She was vomiting since she woke up...
Dush: Why you didn't tell us earlier?? Di, come... I'll check you...
Madhu: No need of that, jiju... She will be fine after drinking this... (Gives her a glass of lemon juice... Swetlana drinks it and gives the glass back to Madhu)
Swet: It's better now... Thanks, Madhu...
Karan: I don't know who is the doctor here... Three of us or you?? (Madhu just smiles at him)
Ranveer: I'm having this doubt since yesterday...
Madhu: Leave that... Where is Omkara sir?? He is not following us??
Annika: He is not in his room... Don't know where he went this early morning...
Jhanvi: Maybe he has some urgent work... That's why he left early...
Kalyani: But, he won't go without informing us...
Tej: It's ok, ma... We will ask him after we come back... Let's move to the hospital...
Shakti: Yeah... Arjun is alone there looking at Ishana... (All leave to hospital)


Omkara wakes up from his sleep and see Ishana who is still sleeping... He goes to her slowly and sits beside her placing his hand on hers...
Ishu: Good morning, Mr Omkara...
Om: (looks at her in surprise) You are awake?? I thought you are still sleeping...
Ishu: I woke up long time before... (Tries to get up)
Om: (adjust her bed and make her sit) Why you didn't wake me up??
Ishu: I saw you are sleeping peacefully... So, I thought to not to disturb you... Besides that, you stay awake for long time last night... That's why I didn't wake you up...
Om: (kisses her forehead) How are you feeling now?? Still paining??
Ishu: Superb... Fabulous... Fantastic... (Om gives a confusing look... Ishana laugh looking at him) Of course it's paining... But, this pain is nothing if compare to what you and our family faced last night... They must have suffered a lot to know about me... I really feel bad for them...
Om: (holds her hand) I'm sorry, Ishana... I'm really very sorry...
Ishu: Sorry?? For what??
Om: For everything... For scolding you, hurting you... For everything...
Ishu: Everything??
Om: Except...
Ishu: Except?? (Omkara goes near her)
The door opens and the doctor enters the room...
Doc: Sorry for disturbing you, Mr and Mrs Oberoi... (IshKara moves away from each other feeling embarrassed) How are you feeling now, Mrs Oberoi??
Ishu: (surprised to hear Mrs Oberoi from the doctor) I'm good, doctor...
Doc: That's good... This confident will cure you fast... (Ishana just smiles) Mr Oberoi, can you go out for a while... I need to check your wife...
Om: Sure, doctor... (Leaves from the room)
The doctor checks Ishana while Omkara is waiting outside the ward... Omkara sees the doctor saying something to Ishana and she is shaking her head in negative refusing him...
Doc: (checking Ishana) You are very lucky to get this kind of man as your husband... The way he cares for you shows how much he loves you... He was suffering each and every minute when you have been treated here... He only relieved after we said you are fine... It's very hard to get find this type of person as a life partner... In that case, you are very lucky... (Ishana looks at him in confuse... She thought to tell him the truth but she can't say it...)
Ishu: Doctor, who told you that I'm his wife??
Doc: (shocked) He is the one told that you are his wife... (Ishana is shocked listening to him) In fact he signed as your husband in the admission document... (Ishana looks at him confusingly) Take care... I'll see you later...
The doctor goes outside towards Omkara...
Om: Doctor, is everything ok?? She is fine, right??
Doc: (smiles and pats his shoulder) Don't worry, Mr Oberoi... Your wife is fine... You just have to handle her with care for few days till her wounds recover... I think last night you showered your love quite strong till some of her bandages opened a little... I can understand your love but try to control it for few days...
Om: (recalls their hug last night and feels embarrassed) I'm sorry, doctor...
Doc: It's ok... I was just telling you... Actually, your wife asked me to not to tell you... But, as a doctor I can't hide anything regarding my patients health from her family... You know what she told?? (Omkara shakes his head) She said if I tell you, then you won't get close to her thinking that she will feel hurt... She can bear her pain but can't bear to stay away from you... (Omkara eyes are filled with tears listening to the doctor) You both are looking good together... God bless you... (Leaves from there)
Omkara enters the room and sees Ishana is thinking about something... He goes and sits beside her... Ishana looks at him...
Om: (thinks) I hope she doesn't ask why I told that she is my wife... I don't have answer for it...
Ishu: (smiles knowing what he is thinking) Don't worry... I'm not going to ask what you are thinking...
Om: (surprised) You know what I'm thinking??
Ishu: It's clearly written on your face... (Omkara turns his face feeling embarrassed... Ishana holds his hand...) I know you won't do anything without reason... You must have wanted me to be treated immediately that time... That's why you told like that... I can understand...
Om: (turns towards her) You trust me that much??
Ishu: More than myself...
Omkara hugs her gently and breaks the hug recalling what the doctor said... IshKara just look at each other silently... The nurse enters the room with a trolley... IshKara break their eyelock... Omkara gets up from his place...
Nurse: Mrs Oberoi, time for your breakfast... (Places a bowl of porridge and a glass of water on a table in front of Ishana...)
Ishu: (makes a weird face) Only this??
Nurse: Yes, mam... You only can have this for few days... (Ishana mentally cursed her condition)
Om: (chuckles looking at Ishana's reaction) Nurse, I'll take care... You can leave... (The nurse nods and leaves... Omkara goes and sits on the bed facing Ishana...) So, are you ready to have your breakfast??
Ishana makes a weird face looking at the food... Omkara takes a spoon of porridge and brings near her mouth... She had it without saying anything... Omkara finished feeding her...
Ishu: Thank you... (Omkara smiles and wipes her lips with a cloth)
Om: You take rest first... Our family will be coming here in a while... (He makes her to lie down... His leg get slipped and almost fell but he manages to hold the bed from falling on her...)
Ishu: (shocked and hold his shoulder) Be careful!! Are you ok?? (With a concern voice... Omkara just looks at her...) What are you looking at??
Omkara doesn't answer her and just looks at her... He holds her face with one hand and brings his face near to her... Ishana's heart is beating faster seeing him coming closer... She can feel his breath on her face... Ishana closes her eyes... Omkara goes more closer to her... They heard a voice...
Rudra: O!! You are here?? (IshKara is shocked to see their family... They realised their position... Omkara leaves Ishana and gets up from his place... IshKara blushes slightly thinking of what they were going to do... SweNiTiMiMa go to Ishana... Rudra looks at them with a teasing smile) O, what you were doing with my Ishana bhabhi??
Om: Nothing... (Stammers) I... I... Haa!! Dust went into her eyes... So, I was blowing it... Right, Ishana?? (Ishana just smiles shyly)
Rudra: Really?? I have a doubt... Are her eyes have been shifted below her nose?? (Towards Shivaay) Bhaiya, can you see any eyes there?? (Looking at Ishana)
Shivaay: I also try to find for those eyes... But, I can't find them... (IshKara turn red in embarrassment... All of them laugh looking at IshKara)
Soumya: I think only bade baalwale bhaiya's eyes can see those eyes... (ShiSou have a high five)
Kalyani: Stop it all of you... Don't pull their legs anymore... Remember that you all came here to visit Ishana... (Towards Ishana) How are you feeling now, putthar??
Ishu: I'm good, daadi... Sorry... I troubled you a lot last night...
Tej: What are you saying, Ishana?? Actually, we all should thank you... Our Omkara is alive because of you only...
Jhanvi: Tej is right... If you didn't push him, I don't know what could have happened... (Cries) You almost sacrifice your life to save my son... Luckily, nothing happened to you...
Ishu: (wipes her tears) Don't cry, aunty... I only done what I felt right at that time...
Pinky: Oh my maata!! Jethaniji, why are you crying agains?? Maata Raani's blessings always with us... She won't let us down... See our Omkara and Ishana are safe now... She like to test us a lot but won't let us down... (All smiles agreeing to her)
Sid: (goes to Ishana) You make us scared yesterday... (Kisses her forehead) The doctor said you lost a lot of blood and need the blood urgently...
Swet: (cries) We were almost died to know about your condition... I remembered that mine blood group is same as yours and decide to give you... But, Madhu stopped me saying my hemoglobin is low... (Cries) I thought that I have lost my daughter...
Ishu: (wipes her tears) Anni, please don't cry... Your Ishu won't leave that soon...
Raghav: Yeah... You will talk like this only... We only know how much we suffered waiting for the doctor to tell about you...
Dush: What does she cares, Raghav?? She is the world's strongest girl who can bear a lot of pain...
Karan: She forgotten that her every single pain will kill us from inside... (Ishana feels bad)
Ishu: Sorry, aththans... I won't do like this again... (RaDuKa turn their faces feeling hurt with her)
Nivi: (towards RaDuKa) What you are doing?? She is already in pain... You are hurting her more...
Tia: As a doctor, don't you all know that she can't strain herself in this situation...
Mithra: Exactly, Tia di... They are worrying about themselves more than Ishu...
They heard someone breathing heavily... They are shocked to find Ishana struggles to breath... RaDuKa rush towards her and calms her... Ishana laughs making them confuse...
Ishu: (teasingly) Doctors!! (Again laugh and they stare at her)
She stops laughing and looks at RaDuKa... Ishu: (makes a puppy face) I'm sorry, aththans... I won't do like this again...
RaDuKa: (melt looking at her) It's ok... (RaDuKa hug her without hurting her wound...)
Ishana winks at RanPriMa and they wink back at her... RaDuKa look at them and understood it's their plan...
Dush: (twists RanMa's ears) These are your plans, right?? I know it... (RanMa hissed in pain... He leave them and they rub their ears)
Karan: Madhu, you are not less... We all were blank that time when Ishu screamed Omkara's name... But, you rush towards her and pulled her... I'm really impressed...
Madhu: Jiju, I was feeling restless that time and could feel something is going to happen... When, I came to the hall I saw Ishu running towards Omkara sir and pushed him... I can't think anything else other than saving her...
Prinku: (towards Dushyanth) But, how did you know that the chandelier going to fall?? I was surprised to see you jump and kicked it...
Ranveer: Yeah... In fact, I too want to ask this to you...
Dush: I saw the rope is getting loose and the chandelier going down... That's why I ran downstairs to alert you all but it was too late...
Ishu: Loose?? How is that possible?? The rope is very strong and tied very tightly... Ranveer and me was there when the chandelier was fixed... Then, how??
Ranveer: Don't worry about that, Ishu... I already sent few persons to check what caused the chandelier to fell...
Savitri: Ishu, where is Arjun??
Ishu: (shocked) Arjun anna is here?? I didn't see him...
Sid: What?? You didn't see him... He is the one give his blood and saved you yesterday...
Mithra: And, he was the one staying with you last night... How come you didn't see him??
Nivi: Bhaiya, Ishu was unconscious since last night and must have wake up now... How she could have see him??
Tia: Right... He must have went to washroom to freshen himself...
Shivaay: Om, why did you came here so early??
Annika: That too without informing us??
Om: Actually, I need to deliver some sculptures this morning... So, I thought to see Ishana first before going to art gallery... (Ishana is surprised to see him lying)
ShivIKaRuMya: Sculptures!!??
Prinku: But, bhaiya, this hospital is not on the way to your art gallery... In fact, it's very far...
Rudra: Prinku, there is a short cut to his art gallery from this hospital... Don't you know?? (Omkara glares at RuPri while others chuckle looking at them)
Arjun enters the room and see everyone is there...
Arjun: Sorry, everyone... I was late... (Goes to Ishana) How are you now?? You make us hell scared yesterday... (Kisses her forehead)
Ishu: I'm good, anna... Thank you very much for saving me... (Arjun smiles and hugs her)
Arjun: You don't have to thank me, Ishu... I just did what I should do... (Kisses her forehead... He looks at Omkara...) Thanks, Omkara... For taking care of Ishu last night... (All are shocked while Omkara closed his eyes cursing his fate)
ShiRu: What??
Arjun: Yes... Om, you didn't tell them that you stayed here last night?? (Omkara touches his forehead while Ishana chuckles covering her mouth)
Shivaay: Om, you never tell us that you came here last night itself??
Rudra: Bhaiya!! Not only this... He didn't tell us that he break up with his girlfriend... (All look at him in confuse)
Soumya: Girlfriend?? Who??
Rudra: Truth!! He is sach ka boyfriend, right?? He started to lie now... So, he break up with the truth... (All laugh while Omkara looks embarrassed)
Om: Shut up, Rudra!! (Ishana smiles) Am I did anything wrong?? I am the one responsible for her state... She won't be like this if she didn't save me... So, I felt that I should take care of her... Is that wrong??
Kalyani: We never said it was wrong... We just want to know why you didn't tell us last night itself??
Savitri: Yes, beta... We would have never stopped you from staying here... (Omkara smiles slightly)
Ishu: When they will release me from here??
Tia: Ishu baby, it's discharge not release...
Rudra: Release only used for prisoners... Right, Tia baby?? (Soumya stares him) I mean Tia Didi... (Tia smiles and nods at him)
Ishu: I know that, Rudraa... But, this hospital is not less than a jail... Cannot do this, cannot do that... So many rules!! (Making faces)
Rudra: Bhabhi, say it once again...
Ishu: What?? About the hospital??
Rudra: No... My name..
Ishu: Rudraa...
Rudra: Again...
Ishu: Rudraa.... Rudraa.... Rudraa... Enough??
Rudra: How much I missed to hear this from you... I know nothing will happen to my Ishana bhabhi... (Hugs her... She winced in pain)
Om: (rush towards her) Be careful, Rudra... Doctor asked us to handle her with care... Already, her bandages opened because of my... (Stops realising what he is saying)
All: Your??
Om: Nothing... I was saying her wounds are still fresh... We have to handle her with care... (All nods their heads with teasing smile)
Ishu: (remembers something) Anna, did Karthik came to see me last night??
Arjun: No... He didn't come here... In fact, I never told him about you...
Ishu: Really... But, I felt that he came to see me last night... I could sense him...
Madhu: I too felt like I heard his voice last night... But, he is not here...
Ranveer: (recalls Karthik goes to her last night after the Raichands go out from the ward) Maybe both of you are missing him very much... That's why you felt like that...
Swet: I can understand if Ishu misses him... But, why should Madhu miss Karthik?? (Madhu doesn't know how to answer and looks here and there)
Karan: (feels bad for Madhu) Di, long time we didn't see him... We all are missing him... In this situation, we are missing him more... That's what Ranveer tried to say...
Karthika came that time and looks at Ishana... Her eyes are filled with tears looking at her wounds... She controls herself from bursting out her tears in front of Ishana...
Karthika: How are you, madam??
Ishu: Feeling better... Are you ok?? Your eyes are swollen... Did you cry as well??
Karthika: Everyone cried for you last night... Not only me....
Ishu: (pats her cheek) Don't worry... Nothing will happen to your Ishu ma... (Realised what she said) Sorry, I mean to me... Ok?? Don't cry... (Karthika wipes her tears... Ishana smiles at her...) You are so sweet...(Ishana hugs her... All smiles looking at them except Omkara... ShiRu chuckle at each other looking at Omkara who is staring at IshKar in jealous...)

Precap: Ishana refuse to have her medicines... PriRanRaDuKaKar on a mission... Siddharth shocked with IshMa... ArSwet are confused...

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