IshDev FB- SHOT 1- Ishana Falls For Dev

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As I promised, I'm starting different shots for Ishana and Dev's love story... This shots will cover IshDev fb, Swetlana's fb and the reason why RaDuKa are staying with the Raichands...

The characters for this shots:

Ishana (Raichand)

Dev (Chabra)

Swetlana Siddharth Raichand

Siddharth Raichand

Arjun Raichand

Raghav Malhotra - Nivedha Raghav Malhotra

Dushyanth Chopra - Tia Dushyanth Chopra

Karan Singhaniya - Mithra Karan Singhaniya

Savitri Raichand

Karthik - will know later

Ashok Kapoor- Swetlana's brother

Kamini Kapoor- Swetlana's mother

ACP Ranveer Singh Randhawa

Mr & Mrs Chabra- cameo

Reyaan Chabra- cameo

Let's go to the shot... Please ignore the grammatical errors...



Years passed, all the kids are grown up... Each are having their own career...

Siddharth: Police Officer

Arjun: Industralist owns AR Industries

Nivedha: Owns a bakery cum coffee shop - NiviR Bakery and Aroma Cafe

Tia: Florist- Owns a bouquet shop- TiaD Secret Garden

Mithra: Owns a boutique - MithraK Fashion House

Ishana: Medical Student

Nivedha, Tia and Mithra are married and their husbands are doctors... Their husbands are the one made them to build their own career...

Siddharth liked a girl and proposed her one day...

Girl: Sorry, sir... I can't accept your proposal... My past will always haunting me... If we get married, it will haunt you as well... (cries)

Sid: We will together chase your past out from your life... I promise that I will bring you out of it and will never raise anything about your past in our future...

Girl: No, sir... I don't want to come out of it... I did a lot of sin at my past... I tried to ruin a beautiful family... I separated a perfect husband and wife... I feel disgusting with myself... I wanted to end my life but you and your sister, Ishu saved me and gave me a shelter at your house, a beautiful family one can imagine... She is very lucky to be born in this family...

Sid: (thinks a while) What if I say that she didn't born in this family??

Girl: (confused) What are you saying?? (Siddharth narrates to her about Ishana's dark childhood story... The girl feels bad for Ishana...)

Sid: Everything went smoothly till my dadaji said he wanted to visit his mother's place here in Chennai... 5 of us couldn't go because we were having exams that time... Daadima also was not well that time... So dadaji went with mom, dad and Ishu... On the way to airport, they met with terrible accident... Ishu is the only one survived in the accident... We were shattered knowing about it... I and Arjun became the pillar of support to our daadima and sisters... Ishu was in trauma and that incident had become a nightmare for her... Every night she will scream and it was very hard for us to console her... She blamed herself for the accident and thought herself as a bad omen for our family... Her condition became worst day by day... So, we took her to a psychiatrist one day... He asked us to take Ishu away from Mumbai... New environment might be helpful for her to recover from the shock... So, we sold our properties and our Raichand Industries and moved from Mumbai... We came to Chennai and we started our new life here... We stayed in our dadaji's mom's house for few years... We struggled few days to get adapted here... All of us were studying that time... Daadima started a small restaurant using some money which we got from selling our properties there... Ishu still had nightmare but it became less... We gave more attention to her by showering our love to her... She didn't get a mother's love since she born but after she came to our family, she got all the love and she was very much closer to my mother... But she lost that love too... She didn't say it but I know she is craving for mother's love... Can't u give her a mother's love to her?? (The girl looks at him in surprise...) I know you both are sharing a good bond...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now