CHAPTER 26 - New Entry in Oberoi Mansion

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Ranveer is pacing at his room worrying about something... He is feeling restless till he can't sleep last night...
Ranveer: Why am I feeling that something is going wrong?? The glass pieces we saw last night is looked like someone broke it... But, Shivaay said it fell down... Maybe he is right... I think I'm worrying too much... Since, I heard that news, I'm feeling restless... RaDuKa are not here as well... How I'm going to protect them and search for the clues?? Only God can help me...

At living room

The girls are discussing about the decorations and costumes for the party... While JhaNky are discussing about the jeweleries to wear on that day... TejSak are looking at them shaking their heads... ShiOmRu come from the kitchen bringing the breakfast... They keep them on the dining table and walk to living room...
Shivaay: Stop these discussions for a while and let's have breakfast first... (All get up from their places and turns to leave but stop hearing security's voice)
Sec: Sir, one girl wants to meet Ranveer sir... Can I let her in??
Tej: Who is that girl??
Sec: I asked her, sir but she said she will tell to Ranveer sir only... She is looking like a nurse... (All look confused)
Shivaay: Let her in... (The security goes)
After a while, a pretty young girl wearing nurse uniform walks inside the Oberoi Mansion... All look at her in confuse... She goes to them...
Girl: Namaste... May I meet Mr Ranveer??
Shivaay: Namaste... Sure can but who are you?? Why do you want to meet Ranveer??
Girl: I only can tell that to him only... (Shivaay wants to say something but Ranveer comes that time)
Ranveer: Why do you want to meet me??
Girl: (goes and hug him) It's been long time I saw you... I missed you so much... (Ranveer is startled with her behavior... He pushed her from him... He looks at Priyanka who is shooting daggers at him through her eyes)
Ranveer: Who are you?? I have never seen you before...
Girl: What?? You don't know me?? How could you forget me, Ranveer?? Never mind... I'll make you to remember...
Om: Ranveer, what is this?? Who is this girl??
Ranveer: I really don't know who is this girl... I don't know why she is creating scenes here...
Girl: I think you will remember everything after reading this... (Hands him a cover...)
Ranveer: What is this?? (Looking at the cover)
Girl: (smirks) You will know after reading it... (Ranveer takes the letter and read it... He smiles after finish reading it...)
He looks at her and she just nods her head... He hugs her lifting her from the floor... Everyone are stunned to look at the scene... The girl sees everyone's reactions...
Girl: (whispers) Don't over react... Put me down, first... (He puts her down)
Ranveer looks at Priyanka who is burning in jealousy...
Ranveer: Actually, she worked in the same hospital with RaDuKa before they transferred to Chennai... She is a good friend of them... I saw her few months ago when she came to Chennai, but forgot her face... Sorry..
Girl: It's ok, handsome... I don't feel bad... At least, you remember me now... That's very sweet of you... (Smiles at him)
Madhu: (whispers to Priyanka) I think she is trying to become your sautan... Be careful... (Priyanka nods her head still staring at the duo)
Rudra: Ok... Why do you come here??
Ranveer: RaDuKa sent her here to take care of Madhu... You all know that Madhu is not well... And RaDuKa are not here as well... So, they sent this nurse to look after her...
Swet: But, we are here to look at Madhu?? What's is the need of her??
Ranveer: It's ok, Swetlana... They wanted to help us only... Now, we don't have to worry much about Madhu... She is here to look after Madhu...
Girl: (looking at Ranveer) Not only Madhu, I will take care of everyone...
Madhu: (goes to her and turns her) You don't have to take care of everyone... The person that you have to take care is me... Just do that work only... (The girl looks at Madhu from top to bottom... Madhu felt embarrassed with her look... Ranveer just chuckles looking at them)
Ranveer: Come... I'll find a good hotel for you to stay...
Kalyani: Why she have to stay in hotel?? Our house is not lack of space... She can stay here... Moreover, it's dangerous for her to stay alone outside??
Shakti: Maa is right... She can stay in one of the guest room...
Pinky: What's the needs to stay in guest room?? She is here to takes care of Madhu only... So, let her to stays with Madhu...
Girl: (shocked) No!!! How can I stay with her?? I will stay with Ranveer... I used to stay with him...
All: What??
Girl: I mean I used to stay alone without anyone...
Jhanvi: Ok... I'll ask the servant to arrange the room for you...
Girl: Thank you, madam...
The elders leave from there... The girl turns and see AniSou are looking at her...
Girl: Hi, madam...
Annika: Hi... Hi... (Looking at the girl from top to bottom) You always wear these many of make up??
Girl: (blushes) My friends always say that I look very pretty when I wear make up... So, I wear them to be more pretty...
Om: Real beauty is our inner beauty... Make up is just a mask for a person... (Looking at Ishana) Some people are very beautiful without wearing a single make up... (Ishana looks at him and they smile at each other...)
Soumya: How we have to call you?? You never tell your name...
Girl: (stumbles) You can call me sister... All used to call me that only...
Annika: (extends her hand) But, you can call me Annika and she is Soumya and she is Priyanka... (All extend their hand)
Girl: (folds her hand) Namaste... Nice to meet you all...
Shivaay: I'm Shivaay, he is Omkara and he is Rudra... (They fold their hands)
Girl: Oh, hi... Nice meeting you all... (Hugs them one by one... ShiOmRu are shocked with her sudden act... While AniSou are looking at them in jealous...)
Annika: (whispers to the girls) She felt michmichi to have handshake with us... But, she is not hesitate to hug our husbands...
Soumya: (whispers) Exactly, bhabhi!! And our husbands are just standing without pushing her...
Swet: But, they didn't touch her as well... They are shocked just like us...
Madhu: (goes and pulls the girl) Don't you feel ashamed... You are hugging the guys but not the girls...
Girl: (thinks a while) I'm a nurse and there is no different between guys and girls for me... All are same only...
Ranveer: Sister, Madhu feels bad that you are not hugging her... I think you must hug her... (The girl is shocked and refuses... But, Ranveer pushes the girl on Madhu... Madhu holds her... She feels something and pushes the girl from her... She turns away feeling confused while the nurse stares at Ranveer... Ranveer just chuckles...)
Ranveer: We will talk later... Sister, we have to inform RaDuKa that you came here safely... Please come with me... (He holds her hand and turns to leave)
Ishu: Wait a minute... (They turn to her but the nurse avoid to look at Ishana) Why I felt that I had seen you before??
Ranveer: Maybe you have seen her with your jijus...
Ishu: No, Ranveer... I think I have seen her more closer than that...
Swet: Ishu is right... In fact, I too feel like that...
Girl: No, madam... You are mistaken... This is first time I'm seeing you... (Looks at Ishana... Ishana felt something looking at the girl but she doesn't know what..)
Ishu: Ishana... You can call me Ishana...
Girl: Ok, madam...
Ranveer: Ok, Ishu... We will talk later... You all start to have your breakfast first... We will join you in a while...
Ranveer leaves with the girl to his room... The youngsters are standing there in different expressions, confused, jealous and angry... They leave to have breakfast except Ishana... Ishana is feeling suspicious with the nurse... Omkara noticed her and goes to her...
Om: Are you ok??
Ishu: Hmm???
Om: I think you are feeling disturbed with the girl's presence...
Ishu: I think I have seen her before... I could feel that...
Om: Feel??
Ishu: Yes... This feel only happens with one person only... But, I could feel the same with this girl...
Om: Maybe you are missing that person... This happens sometimes... Don't be confused...
Ishu: (smiles and nods) Maybe... (Thinks a while) Are you ok, now??
Om: I'm fine only... Why??
Ishu: No... I think you are worried about last night... (Recalls the glass breaking noise)
Omkara thinks that she is talking about the kiss that they almost have last night... He is thinking what to answer her... He opens his mouth to say something...
Ishu: (holds his arm) Are you sure that noise is because of the broken bulb?? I'm feeling that something bad going to happen... I don't want anything bad happen to anyone...
Om: (felt relieved... He holds her shoulders) You are worrying unnecessarily... That noise belongs to the bulb only... Don't stress yourself... We will not let anything happen to anyone... Now, let's go and have breakfast... It's already late... (Ishana smiles and they go to dining... All are looking at them and smile looking at each other... TejVi and ShaNky too could feel the connection between Ishkara... They just pray for their happiness...)

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