CHAPTER 13(A) - IshKara thinking of Each Other

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Omkara tells Shivaay about Rudra mixing the alcohol in the fruit punch.. Shivaay gets angry on Rudra..
Shivaay: How could you do this, Rudra?? I warned you to not repeat the same act.. You promised us that you will not repeat it.. But, you break your promise.. I'm so disappointed with you, Rudra..
Annika: Yes, Rudra.. You only said that we have to know each other.. But, now, you ruined it.. We don't remember what we talked yesterday.. You really disappoint me, Rudra..
Om: You know what happened last night?? That girl.. (cuts by Kalyani)
Kalyani: Why you all are scolding Rudra?? He didn't do anything wrong.. (They see Kalyani comes with JhaNky)
Shivaay: Daadi, did you know what he did last night??
Pinky: We knew it last night itself.. And we don't have any problems with that.. You don't have to scold him..
Annika: But, Pinky Aunty, we don't remember anything that happened last night..
Rudra: Don't worry about it, bhabhi.. My mobile recorded everything.. (he recalls how he placed his mobile to record yesterday's events)
Prinku: That's good, Rudra bhaiya.. (both have a high five) Let's watch the videos..
Shivaay: Thank God at least you did this job.. We talked about important matter yesterday..
Soumya: Come, let's watch it..
Om: You guys watch it.. I'll join you later..
Shivaay: We will be in our room.. You join us there..(he leaves from there while SouPri follow ShivIka to their room)
Rudra (walks to Kalyani and JhaNky): Thank you for saving me from getting scold by them.. (hugs them)
Kalyani: You don't have to thank us.. Actually, we are glad that you never said that Ishana was the one asked you to mix it..
Rudra: How I will tell them...?? (Thinks a while) What?? How did you all know??
Jhanvi: Last night, I and Pinky saw her requesting you to mix alcohol in the juice.. We told mummyji and aunty ji.. Aunty ji told us to not to disturb you all.. Just let you all enjoy yourselves.. In fact, her grandchildren didn't have any party since two years..
Pinky: That is why we saves you from getting scold by them..
Rudra: (again hugs them) You all are the best mom, choti ma, and daadi in this world.. Love you all..
Kalyani: Ok.. ok.. Now, go and join them watching the video.. We have to go and join your papa and choti papa in kitchen.. (Rudra leaves from there)

Omkara's Room

Omkara walks pacing in his room.. He again recalls last night events till this morning he caressed the scar and she pushed him..
Om: (thinks) I don't know why but her scar is disturbing me a lot.. I felt to touch it... That's why I touched it... But she pushed me.. She must think bad about me... Which girl will like if a guy touched her like that?? But I have to talk with her and explain to her that I don't have any bad intention on her.. I must talk to her after she comes..
A servant comes and ask for his clothes for laundry.. Omkara gives his clothes.. The servant turns to leave.. Omkara stops him and gives him Ishana's clothes as well.. Omkara ask him to send the clothes back to him after laundry.. The servant agrees and leaves in confused state..


Ishana's Room

Ishana sits on her bed and recalls last night events.. Special fruit punch, party at poolside, she fell into swimming pool, Omkara saved her, their emotional talk and the hug they shared.. She gets up in shock thinking about the hug.. She felt ashamed thinking that she hugged a guy whom she knows only for two days..
Ishu: How you could do this, Ishana?? What he will think about me?? He must thought that I'm taking advantage on him.. Why I always felt weak when look at his eyes??
Ishana looks at the mirror and shocked to see that she is wearing a red dress..
Ishu: How this happened?? I never wear this dress for the party yesterday.. But, how come this dress on me and that too sleeveless?? (She recalls her falling in the pool and how Omkara saved her) That means he...Oh, no!!.. He.. my dress.. (covers her face embarrassed thinking that Omkara changed her dress) How I'm going to face him after this?? I thought to thank him and ask forgiveness as well.. But now, I can't even look at him.. (She sees her scar and recalls Omkara caressed it this morning.. A smile crept on her face but vanished remembered her pushing him) What have you done, Ishana?? What he will think about me?? But, I never showed this to anyone.. I must meet him and apologise to him.. I don't care what will happen..
Ishana goes and take her shower..

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