Chapter 1

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**this book will have self harm and cussing in it. So if you can't handle that this book isn't for you.**

Lindy's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My alarm clock went off. Great I gotta wake up to go to another day in hell.

I rolled off my bed and onto the floor. Literally. Then, I heard footsteps. My bedroom door swung open. There stood Kian.

"What the hell Lindy! I thought you died." He yelled and sighed in relief. "Oh shut up. You're an overexaggerator. I just simply rolled off my bed and onto the floor. That is all. Goodbye peasant." I said and clapped my hands.

"Oh. You're gonna get it now, munchkin." He said and slowly walked towards me. "N-no. No." I said. "Oh yes. Yes." He smirked.

He reached me and started tickling me. "K-Kian....stop.....PLEASE!" I said in between laughs. "Say Kian is the most handsome, funniest, and kindest guy you've ever met." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"But my mama told me never to lie." I smirked. "That's it." He said and started tickling me harder.

"BUBBY! HELP ME! SAM! HELP!" I screamed. He came running upstairs an into my room with a baseball bat.

"What? what's wrong?!" he asked, worried and swinging the bat. "He's..... he's tickling me." I said while laughing. "Really! You had me worried over this." He said while pointing the bat at me and Kian. "Yes....Make him stop." I said. "Kian, let her go. She has to get ready for school." He said.

"Okay. But this isn't over." Kian said and kissed my cheek. "Whatever, peasant." I smirked. "Watch yourself, missy." He said. "Sissy, get ready for school." Sam said. "I don't wanna go back to the hell hole." I whined. "Well, you are. You made me, a diabetic, run up the stairs with an illuminum baseball bat in my hands. You're going." Sam said, sternly.

"Whatever." I said. He nodded and walked out, leaving me to get dressed.

I decided to wear a black 'Nirvana' crop top, a cream knitted cardigan, red skinny jeans, and black high-top converses.

I went into my bathroom and turned on the water to the shower. I stripped off my pajamas and stepped into the shower. I washed my body and hair, and shaved my legs and underarms.

I stepped out and quickly grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around myself and plugged in my blow dryer and hair straightener. While the straightener heated up, I blow dried my hair. Once I was done that, I got dressed.

After I was done blowdrying my hair and putting in my clothes, I straightened my hair. I walked out the bathroom and into my closet, grabbing my cardigan and my red beanie.

I grabbed my phone, book bag, my glasses, and converses and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Ricky and Trevor.

"Hey guys." I said. They turned around. "Hey munchkin. What's up." Ricky said. "Hey, Lind." Trevor said.

I walked over I the fridge and pulled out a water bottle. Then, I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a granola bar.

I walked over to the front door. "BYE GUYS. IM GOING TO SCHOOL. TREVOR C'MON." I yelled to them. I got 'byes' back. I heard footsteps and then Trevor with his book bag, an apple, and a water bottle.

"Lets go." I said and opened the front door. We walked over to my blue CRV and got in.

I put the key in the ignition and started the car. "Hey trev, what class so you have first?" I asked him. "Umm. I dunno. Let me check." He said and pulled out his schedule. "Spanish." He said.

"Aww man. I have history." I said. "Let me see your schedule." I said, taking his schedule and handing him mine.

"We have language arts, biology, and lunch together." I said. "I know. I just look at your schedule." He smirked. "Oh." I said.

"Off to the hell hole." I said and started driving. "Yes. Off to the hell hole." He agreed.

When we arrived at school, I stopped the car and turned to Trevor. "You promise that if I need you, you'll come, right?" I asked. "I promise. You promise that if I need you, you'll come, right?" he asked. "I promise, trev." I said.

"Well this is it." He said. "Yep it is. Love ya bunches, trevy." I said and kissed his cheek. "Love ya too, Lind." He said, hugging me and then kissed my cheek. "Bye trev." I said. "Bye Lind." He said.

We got out the car and Trevor walked to his friends, while I walked to my few friends. Trevor looked over at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back.

I had six friends. Their names are Mahogany, Jacob, Josh, Caroline, Michael, and Hayes. Me, Coraline, and Michael are the same age, 16. While Mahogany, Jacob, and josh are 17. Hayes is 15.

(A/N I changed hayes' age in this book)

"Hey guys." I said to them. "Finally another girl." Mahogany said. "Hey!" Caroline shouted. "Sorry. I forgot you were here." Mahogany threw her hands up in defense.

"Hayesey poo. How you doin'?" I asked and walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. "I'm fine. How 'bout you, Lind?" he asked, hugging me back. "I'm good." I said.

"Hey jake. Michael. Josh." I said and went over to hug them.

"Hey Lind. How ya doing?" Michael asked and hugged me. "Good. You?" I said and hugged back. He nodded.

I then walked over to Caroline and Mahogany. "Hey! What about us?" Jacob and Josh whined. "You guys are unworthy of my hugs." I said, making Caroline and Mahogany laugh.

"Umm. You might wanna run." Mahogany whispered to me. "Why?" I whispered back. "They have devilish grins on their faces." She said.

I slowly turned around to see Jacob and Josh looking at me. They started to walk towards me. I started walking backwards, when I noticed Michael wasn't standing where he was standing anymore.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I turned my head to see Michael holding me, smirking.

"Mikey. Put me down." I whined. "No can do, princess. Here Josh." Michael said and tossed me to Josh.

"Hey baby doll. How ya doin'?" Josh asked me. "Why does this happen a lot?" I asked. "I dunno. Ask Jacob. Heads Jake." He said and tossed me to Jacob.

"Hey Lindy. What's up?" Jacob asked. "Why does this happen a lot?" I asked again. "Well because you never give me or Josh hugs." He said. "Fine." I pouted and hugged him.

"Now. Put me down." I added. "Sorry. Can't do that. You didn't give Josh a hug." He said. "How am I supposed to hug him if your holding me?" I questioned. "You're right. Josh!" he yelled and I was once again tossed to Josh.

"Why hello, little bean." He said. "Don't call me that." I said. "Here." I added and hugged him. "Thank you." He said and kissed my cheek.

He put me down and I ran over to Mahogany. "Mahogany! I forgot to put on my makeup." I said to her. "Okay. Caroline. Lindy. To the bathroom." She ordered.

We followed her to the girls' bathroom and she pulled out a hot pink bag. I opened it and pulled out mascara, eyeliner, concealer, foundation, and red lipstick.

After I applied light mascara and eyeliner, I applied foundation and concealer. I then put on the red lipstick.

As if on cue, the homeroom bell rang. "Bye guys. I got to get to homeroom." I said. They waved bye and I walked out.

I have homeroom with 2/9 of my bullies....


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