Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

Aaron and I were sitting in history, talking and laughing, until Hayes and....LINDY?

Hayes and Lindy walked in, hand in hand, fingers intertwined and everything.

They sat down and started talking. Hayes whispered something in her ear. She laughed and started to blush.

When she smiles, her dimples come out. And I love girls with deep dimp- Wait. What am I saying? I've hated Lindy since the sixth grade.

I was snapped out of my train of thought by someone yelling my name. "Tay! Taylor! Yo, dude. You okay?" Aaron asked me.

"Y-yea. I'm fine. Just thinkin'." I said. "Bout what?" He smirked. "Nothing, you dirty minded little freak." I said, laughing. "Hey! You're my best friend. Not my fault." He said, throwing his hands up in defense.

"Whatever." I smiled.

Aaron's POV

I was talking to Taylor, when I realized he wasn't listening.

"Tay! Taylor! Yo, dude. You okay?" I asked him. "Y-yea. I'm fine. Just thinkin'." He said. "Bout what." I smirked. "Nothing, you dirty minded little freak." He laughed. "Hey! Your my best friend. Not my fault." I said and threw my hands up in defense. "Whatever." He smiled.

Then I noticed Hayes and Lindy, sitting three rows in front of us, talking and laughing. "Trader." I muttered under my breath.

"Huh?" Taylor asked, very confused. "What? Nothing." I said. "Mhm. Okay." He said and nudged my shoulder. "Oh shut up." I said and then a teacher walked in.

"Hello, class. I'm the substitute, Mr. Paineley. I will be filling in for Mr. Stokedon. He is unfortunately sick today." Mr. Paineley said. "I am going to start attendance now." He added.

After he said everyone's name, he said, "I don't think that there is anything planned for this period. I've looked, and can't seem to find anything."

Me and Taylor looked at each other, trying to contain out laughter, but failed. We bursts into laughter and got glares from everyone.

"Mr. Caniff. Mr. Carpenter. What is so funny that you would like to share with the rest of us." Mr. Paineley said. "We never said we wanted to share with the rest of you." I said.

"That's it. Detention, carpenter." He said. I noticed Lindy wasn't in her seat, same with Hayes. Then, I saw them crawling on the floor back to their seats.

Mr. Paineley sat down in the rolly desk chair and let out a yelp. I saw Lindy and Hayes turning red, trying to contain their laughter, but also failed.

"Alright. Who did this. Was it you, Carpenter?" he asked, angrily. "Sir, you were looking at me the whole time. Who could I have possibly done that?" I asked, pointing to the chairs full of tacks.

"Right. Was it you, Caniff?" he asked Taylor, who was laughing his ass off. "No sir. I've been sittin' her the whole time." He said. "Okay." Mr. Paineley said, looking around the room to see who it was.

I looked over at Lindy and Hayes. Lindy was tapping her feet on the ground, continuously running her fingers through her hair, and smiling too. Hayes was biting his lip and leaning back in his chair, nonchalantly.

"Grier! Rodriguez! DETENTION BOTH OF YOU ALONG WITH CARPENTER." Mr. Paineley said to Lindy and Hayes. "Whatever." Lindy said. Hayes just nodded, laughing.

"Hey. I don't wanna be left alone." Taylor pouted and sighed. "Forever alone." I said, laughing.

"Fine, Caniff. Carpenter, Grier, Rodriguez, and you have detention for the rest of this period." Mr. Paineley said.

Great. We've only have class for 15 minutes. Now we have detention for an hour and 45 minutes.

As we started to walk out, Mr. Paineley said, "Im also calling your parents." "I don't have parents." Lindy said and stuck out her tongue. "You must have a legal guardian then. What's their name?" he said. "Sam. Sam Pottorff." She smirked.

We walked out into the hallway. "Wait. Where's detention being held?" I asked. "Dunno. Lets make a run for it." Lindy said. "But first we make some pit stops." Hayes added. Lindy nodded.


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