Chapter 22

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Michaels POV

"I guess you all are wondering why I asked you here today." The principal, Mrs. renita said. "Well. I have heard that there has been a lot bullying happening lately. Ecspecially in these two grades. So, we are having cameras installed. But, they won't be installed for another month. So, that means if you see or know about someone getting bullied or being a bulky, then you tell a teacher. Is that understood?" she asked. We all nodded.

"Good. Now. All of you can go to your next classes. Have a nice day." She said and walked off the stage. We got up and left.

"Really. Now they notice this. After five years of this, now yet notice." Lindy huffed, her voice cracking in the middle of her statement. "It's okay now, Lind. You're gonna have one of us in each of your classes. Okay. Don't worry." Coraline said. Lindy smiled and nodded.

"Okay. Now, baby girl. Let's head to history." Hayes said. "Okay." Lindy said.

"Bye, C. Bye, Mikey." She said and hugged us before walking away.

"Okay, C. Let's get to math." I said. She nodded and we walked to the room.


Sorry. Just a filler¡!

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