Chapter 69

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Lindu's POV

 I woke up and looked at the time. 8:00 am.

 Oh shit. I have two hours to get ready.

 "Guys! Wake the fuck up!" I say to the other three passed out on my bed.

 They just groaned. "Oh my fucking god! Justin Bieber!" They shot up instantly.

 "Ha. Now get ready. I have to leave for modeling in two hours." I said and walked to my closet.

 I grabbed black sweats, grey tank top, purple hoodie, and my blue, white, and purple vans.

 I quickly slipped them on and ran out. I looked at the time. 8:45 am.

 "C'mon, guys." I said and threw my hair into a messy bun.

 We ran down the sairs and to the kitchen. I grabbed four pieces of fruit.

 "Wanna banana, orange, or an apple?" I said. "Banana." Steph said. "Orange." Mahogany says. "Apple." Paige said.

 I tossed them their fruit and ran to the car. We hopped into the car and i started it.

 I looked at the time again for the millionth time. 9:00.

 Jeez. It takes forty five minutes to drive there. 

 I started driving. 

 We arrived there around 9:40.  Good timing.

 We hopped out the car and ran for the entrance. I ran to Eric.

 "Hey." I said, breathing heavily. "Hi, sweetheart. Okay so go to the dressing room and get your make up and hair done. Then, come back here and get changed." Eric said.

 I nodded and walked to the dressing room. "Hey guys." I said as I entered the room. "Hey, Lind." The hair dresser, Peppaye said.

 I got my make up done first. Then, we went onto my hair.

 The did it in a half up, half down-do. They gave me a prurple flower crown.

 "Thanks guys." I said and walked out the room. I walked back to Eric.

 "Ready?" He asked. I just nodded.

 "Okay." He said and handed me some clothes. 

 A baby blue crop top with a light purple high waisted skater skirt.

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