Chapter 119

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(For your enjoyment _Emily4603 and its kinda creepy)

Steph's POV

The girls and I went shopping for a couple more hours. We then went from the stores to Starbucks. Then from Starbucks to taco bell. Then home.

"No. The funniest part was when that one dude grabbed Mahogany's ass." Lindy laughed. We all started laughing even harder as Lindy unlocked the front door.

We walked in and it was quiet. "What's going on?" C whispered. "About to find out." Lindy whispered.

We walked over to the couch. "What's wrong?" Lindy asked them. She walked over and layed across Calum, Mikey, Ashton, and Luke. "We have to tell you something." Shawn said and pointed towards James, Connor, Brad, and Tristan.

"Why? What's wrong?" Lindy asked quickly, sitting up onto Calum's lap. "Well, you see..." James started doing hand motions before trailing off. "We were invited to go on tour with Austin Mahone." Brad said.

"That's great." Lindy smiled. "Here comes the bad part." Paige whispered. "Well. You see, we leave in five days." Tristan said. "What?" Lindy asked, faintly. "Yeah." Connor said, sadly.

"Oh. That's... That's great." Lindy quickly wiped her eyes and put on a fake smile. She ran upstairs, Calum trailing behind her. "I got it." He said.

Calum's POV

"Lindy." I said as I walked up to her door. I knocked but she didn't answer. I heard her music blaring through her speakers. "Lind." I said and knocked again. No answer.

I cracked the door to look inside. I didn't see Lindy, but the bathroom door was shut. Oh my god. I walked in at a quick pace and to the bathroom door.

"Lindy." I said and jiggled the door handle. It was locked. "Lindy. Open up." I said and banged on the door a couple times.

She then unlocked the door and walked out. "What were you doing?" I asked, frantically. "Fixing my makeup." She smiled. "Why're smiling?" I asked.

"Because you care. I would never have thought my idol would know me. Let alone give an actual fuck about me. Thank you, Calum." She said, a year escaping from her eye . "Aww, babe. Come here." I said.

I took her into my arms, pulling her to my lap. "Why do so many good people leave at bad times?" Lindy asked me. "I don't know. But, I can promise you. I won't." I said.

And with that, I leaned down and kissed her


Y'all should read my other books.

Good girls


The roommates

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