Chapter 16

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Josh's POV

When we were in Lindy's room, I could feel someone staring at me. But, I didn't know who it was because I didn't dare to look up.

"Hey, josh. Yenno. Coraline was staring at you the whole time we were in Lindy's room." Michael said and wiggled his eyebrows. "Yea. She was. She coulda burned a hole into you, man." Jacob said.

"Really?" I asked, excitedly. I like Coraline. Only Jacob and Michael know that, though. But, I didn't think that he liked me back until now.

"Yea." Michael said. "So when are you gonna make your move, man?" Jacob said. "I should say the same to you about mahogany." I smirked. "Shut up!" He blushed.

"Well guys. I think we should get some sleep. Today's been a long day." I said. They nodded.

We all climbed into the seperate guest full sized beds. "Night guys." I said. "Night."that say in unison.

I turned off the lights and we slowly drifted away in slumber.

Kian's POV

As I sat in my bed, I thought. I thought that I might like mahogany. Nah. Who am I kidding.

She's pretty and all, but I have a crush on someone and I've liked them for a while. Lindy. Yep. Lindy.

Ever since Sam's dad brought her home that one day, we instantly clicked. Doesn't matter if she was six and I was eight. We always hung out with each other when we could.

It was weird. You woulda thought that me and Lindy had known each other for 10 years. Well, we have. But me and sam have known each other for a longer than that.

As I continued to think, I drifted off to sleep.

Ricky's POV

I wasn't feeling to good, so I called Jc. He ran into my room a couple of seconds later.

"What's wrong man?" he asked me, out of breath from running and clearly worried.

"I have a pounding headache and I can't move I was wondering if you could get me some water and aspirin from my bathroom." I said. "For sure, man." He said and walked into my bathroom.

He came out about five minutes later with a cup of water and a bottle if aspirin.

"Oh my god. Thank you Jc. You are a life saver." I said ad took the water and aspirin. "You're welcome, man. Now. Try and get some sleep." Jc said as I took my aspirin.

"Okay. Goodnight." I said. "Night." He replied.

As he walked out the door, my eyelids started to get heavier and heavier. Then, my eyes finally shut.


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