Chapter 58

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Mahogany's POV

 We all were talking, when the hospital door swung open. There stood, the one and only, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes,

 Oh hell no! What the fuck is he doing here? If he thinks he's gonna apologize, he better turn his song-singing, music-writing ass around.

 "Hey." Lindy said. We all stared at her wide wide ass eyes. "Why the fuck did you say 'hey'?" Steph said. I laughed a little.

 "He already apologized. A while ago, actually." Lindy said in a duh tone. I made the 'what the fuck' face at her.

 "Umm. Why the fuck didn't you tell us?" Paige asked, clearly annoyed. "I thought I did." Lindy said.

 "Well. You didn't." I said. Lindy and Paige look at me. "Were we talking to you?" They said, sassily.

 Everyone laughed. I sucked my teeth and flipped my hair, sassily. Paige and Lindy went back to their conversation.

 "Well then. Who the hell did I tell?" Lindy said. "Why is everyone cussing? 15-year-old ears in the room." Hayes said.

 "I will slap you." Steph said. He shut up quickly. Again, everyone laughed. I guess they thought this was funny.

 "All y'all need to shut up." Lindy snapped, playfully. Everyone shut up. "That's why y'all over there looking like a pack of whoreos." Lindy said.

 Paige, Steph, Caroline, and I started to break into hysterics. 

 We were laughing, when the door opened again. 

 Goddamnit! What now?

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