Chapter 107

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Lindy's POV

 I ran up the stairs. I couldn't be seen like this in front of people. I ran to Connor's room. I just wanted to make sure this was true. It surely was.

 I walked oer to his closet. He left my favorite sweatshirt of his. I pulled it off the hanger and over my head. I stuffed my hands into the pockt and there was a piece of paper.

 I pulled it out and the front read To: Lindia Marie. I unfolded the paper and started reading.

Dear Lindy,

  I'm so sorry, angel. I am so sorry I left like this. I just wanted you to know that I love you so much. I should have let you know about this. Or, at least given you a hint. I know we tell each other everything. So, I will tell you the reasons why I had to leave. One. I was depressed. It's just that my thoughts were getting to me. I know I shouldn't have let them, but I did. Two. It was starting to get too cramped in that house. So many people. And three. This is the most serious one. I'm gay. That's why I was so depressed. Even if I didn't show it, I was. Now, you're the first person that I told about me being gay. Keep it that way until I do my video on Monday in like two weeks. I trust you with just another secret of mine. I promise to talk to you, always. I love you, angel.
                                                                                    ~Connor <3

I hadn't realized there were tears on my cheeks until they fell onto the paper. I wiped my eyes and walked to my room. When I entered, There were people in there. Ugh.

 "Hi, babe." Paige said, sympathetically. "Hi." I sniffled. "Are you okay?" Caroline asked. "Does it look like I'm okay?" I snapped, my voice cracking.

 They jumped a bit. "I-I'm sorry." I began to sob, quietly. "Hey, hey, hey. Stop that now." I heard Brad's voice. I tilted my head, tears still going down my cheeks.

 "Hi, love." He smiled. "Brad..." I trailed off, before the tears starting flowing like a waterfall. He walked over to me. "I think we're gonna leave now." Steph coughed.

 Everyone nodded. They got up and left. Brad wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his shirt. I guess my appearance didn't matter right now.

 I was wearing a tank top, Connor's sweatshirt, and boyfriend sweatpants. My hair was probably a rat's nest. And my face. Well, my eyes are probably swollen and red. My nose is probably red, too.

 "Babe, stop that crying." Brad said. I sniffled and looked up at him. I smiled, faintly. "See. Now, let's get you cleaned up. You're too beautiful to cry." He smiled.

 I blushed and looked down. Bad stood up and offered me his hand, which I accepted. He led me to my bathroom. "Sit there." Brad instructed. I nodded and did what I was told.

 He grabbed a wash cloth and wet it wth cold water. Brad walked back over to me. He dabbed the cloth around my eyes. "See. Bradley saves the day." He smiled, cheekily.

 I laughed and nodded. "Yes. Thank you." I said. "No problem." He said. He looked me in the eyes and I bit my lip. Bad habit. 

 Brad stepped foward and leaned in a bit. He ducked down and connected his lips to mine. He placed one hand on the side of my face and the other on my waist.

 The bad thing was that I kissed back.

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