Chapter 105

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Paige's POV

 I woke up to the sunlight shining to the curtains. I squinted my eyes and looked around the room.

 A wooden desk. Neatly folded clothes in the corner. Laundry basket. No clothes on the floor. This is definetly not Lindy's room. 

 I felt the bed dip beside me. I jumped a bit, causing my headache to become worse. "Good morning, beautiful." Jc's voice said, soothingly.

 I sighed in relief and brought my hand to my temples. "Headache?" Jc asked. I nodded slowly. Jc got up and walked into his bathroom.

 He walked back out with aspirin and a glass of water. "Here." He said and handed the two items in his hands to me. "Thank you." I said.

 I took the aspirin and drank the water. I then set them on the bedside. I sat pup and noticed I was wearing Jc's AD DC shirt.

 "Did we?..." I trailed off. "Yeah." Jc sighed. "What happened to my hand?" I asked. "You beat Cameron's fucking face in." He chuckled.

 "What why?" I asked, worriedly. "You don't remember anything from last night, do you?" Jc asked, sorrowful. "Not really." I shooke my head.

 "Well. You, Steph, Sam, and Kian found out Cameron was in bed with Vanessa. Then, that happened to your hand." Jc explained.

 Anger filled me. What thee fuck is wrong with Cameron? He said, nope. He promised that he wouldn't hurt her again.

 I swear, next time I see him... This is way worse than fucking bullying. He cheated for Christ's sakes.

 "Oh." Was what I said. "Yeah. So, your head feel any better?" Jc asked. "Yeah. Thanks, babe." I smiled and kissed his lips softly.

 We pulled away an smiled. "Did you know?" He asked. "Did I know what?" I asked.

 "That your lips taste like strawberries." Jc stated.

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