Chapter 112

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Kian's POV

I ran back downstairs. I walked over to her. "Come with me. I want you to meet 'my sister'." I said and put air quotations around the last two words.

"Okay." She said as I took her hand. We walked back up the stairs. "Okay. We have to be quiet because Ricky is sleeping." I instructed.

She nodded. We walked in and saw Lindy still laying there with Ricky sleeping on her stomach. I smiled at them.

She looked up from her phone. Lindy tilted her head to the side a bit. "Andrea?" Lindy questioned. "Lindy?" Andrea questioned right back.

"Wait. You two... know each other?" I asked. "Yeah. Vidcon we met. Then, again at digifest." Andrea said with a smile. "Wait. Why did you need to introduce us?" Lindy asked.

"Because. We're dating." I stated. "Aww. Hashtag Kendrea." Lindy said, making a heart with her hands. Andrea blushed and put her head down. Then, she looked back up.

"Is Rindy real?" She asked Lindy. "What! No, no, no, no, no, no, no." Ricky randomly woke up out of no where. That made me laugh.

"Sorry. But, no. We're just friends." Lindy laughed. "Oh. Damn. I shipped it. Hard." Andrea laughed. Ricky and I exchanged a look.

"Well. You guys can stay up he-" Ricky was cut off by Sam. "LINDY. THERE'S A SURPRISE OR TWO DOWNSTAIRS FOR YOU." Sam called. "Okay. I'm scared now." Lindy laughed and shook Ricky off of her to get up.

After she stood up, it wasn't long before he reattached. She stood on his feet and he wrapped his arms around her waist. We walked downstairs.

"I ship it so fucking hard." Andrea and I whispered to each other at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Time to see what these surprises are." Lindy sighed.

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