Chapter 81

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 Steph's POV

 We all were sitting in the car, silently.

  I spoke up to break the silence. "Did anyone tell them we have boyfriends?" I asked, nervously.

 "I didn't." Lindy said. "Nope." Paige says. "Nada." Mahogany said, not taking her eyes off the road.

 "Damnit." I mumbled under my breath. Limdy had fallen asleep after she spoke. Same with Paige.

 "What's wrong, Stephie?" Mahogany asked. "How much longer until we get to the house?" I asked.

 "And hour. Now. Tell me what's wrong." She repeated. I nodded my head before starting.

 "Well. Is it everyday you get to meet your idol? No. It's not. And I really like Ashton. Not brcause he's famous or anything. But because he opened up to me, as I did to him. I think he feels the same way, too. And I know you, Paige, and Lindy are feeling the same way. But, what about Cam, Josh, Jc, and Jacob? Did we really think this through?" I ranted.

 "Steph. We didn't know that they were gonna invite us to stay after. None of us did. As for the boys, we'll just have to wait and see." Mahogany said. We have about thirty more minutes until we reached the house.

 "So. Who's gonna wake them up. Because I'm not trying to get slapped, punched, or kicked." I said, changing the subject.

 "We can get Cam and Jc to carry them in." She said. "Good. They have tempers of five year olds." I said.

 "You do, too." Mahogany said. "So do you." I said. "Kay then." She smiled.

 "I'm hungry." I said out of the blue. "Me too. We havem't eaten since like two in the morning." Mahogany said as she turned down the street to the house.

 "I had fun. Ashton's hair is so soft." I daydreamed. "Yeah. Well. Mikey's hair is so colorful." Mahogany retorted.

 I laughed, loudly. I'm surprised that Paige and Lindy didn't wake up. Mahogany pulled into the driveway.

 "Okay. We'll go inside and get Jc and Cam to come out here and get them." I said. She nodded.

 We got out the car and walked inside. We looked in the living room to see everyone sitting there on the couch, wide awake.

 "Hey." I said. heir heads shot our way. "Thank the fucking Lord that y'all are okay." Sam said, getting up.

 He looked at us in a confused way. "I'm pretty sure that there were four of you when you left." He said.

 I looked at Mahogany with a 'play along' look. She nodded.

 "Oh. You see. They said we couldn't leave them. So, we said that Paige and Lindy could stay with them if we could leave." I said as serious as possible.

 "You what?!" Hayes, Sam, Jc, Cam, and Kian shouted. Mahogany was nodding the whole time while biting her lip. Probably to keep from laughing.

 Me and Mahogany could not take it anymore. We bursted into a fit of laughter. "Just... kidding. They're out in the car sleeping." Mahogany said.

 I saw Hayes and Jc run out there, which for some reason, made me laugh even harder.

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