Chapter 99

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Connor Ball's POV

 I hate seeing Lindy like this.

 She is sobbing. Crying her eyes out. She already has all the makeup down her face, and on my already dirty shirt.

 All she needs is four of her best friends that she's known her whole life. And I'm waiting for the other three.

 Lindy was still sobbing when the trap door bursted open and Brad ran right over to us. "Are you okay?" He asked Lindy, worried wih his guitar hanging from his side.

 She just started sobbing even harder. Brad sighs while James and Tristan came up. Tristan handed me my accoustic guitar, which James also had.

 "Oh my god." James said as he took a look at the sight. "What happened to her?" Tristan asked.

 "Do you want me to tell them or do you wanna?" I whispered gently in her ear. She shook her head, letting me know she didn't wanna tell them herself.

 "She... Uh... She found her boyfriend in bed with her school slut." I explained. "Well. Is she sure that he wasn't drunk?" Brad asked.

 "Remember he said that he was DD." Tristan said. "Guess what?" Lindy sniffled out. "What?" We all said.

 "I love who ever brought the beer." She cracked a weak smile. "Well. Luckily, I did." Tristan smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

 "Well then. I love you, Tris." Lindy laughed and got up. She walked over to Tristan, kissed his cheek and took a beer.

 James, Brad, and I pouted. "I told you I want to bring the beer." Brad said with his bottom lip out. "Aww." Lind said and leaned over, kissing his cheek.

 He smiled, widely. "Hey!" James and I said. She kissed my cheek. Then, she got up and walked over to James.

 "James, you know this is kinda awkward." She laughed, but kissed his cheek anyway. We laughed and she walked back over to me.

 She sat down and laid her head on my shoulder. "Are y'all gonna play or what?" Lindy asked, taking a sip of the beer.

 She handed it to me and I took a sip, handing it to Brad. This is what we did before I moved away. 

 We would sneak some beers and go out to some secret, quiet place. Brad handed the beer to James. 

 "Yeah. What song?" Brad asked her. "It don't matter." She said and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Wild heart?" I whispered to Brad. He nodded and whispered to James, who was passing the beer to Tristan.

 James turned to Tristan, whispered to him, and then smiled at Lindy. Tristan handed the beer back to Lindy and nodded at me.

 I lifted her off my lap and set her on Brad. "I'm not a hot potato." She laughed. "You sure about that?" Brad smirked.

 Lindy blushed and started playing with her lip ring. "Dude, stop flirting with my little sister." Tristan smiled widely at Lindy.

 "Just sing." Lindy muttered. We laughed and Brad started singing.

 " I was walking away, but she's beautiful it made me stay." He sang. "I don't know her name, but I'm hoping she might feel the same." James sang.

 "So here I again. She got again." I sang. "Tonight we'll dance. I'll be yours and you'll be mi-i-i-i-ine. We won't look back. Take my hand and we will shi-i-i-i-i-ine." We sang.

 "Sing Lindy." I whispered. "Oh woah oh. She needs a wild heart. She needs a wild heart. I got a wild heart." Lindy sang, quietly.

 James and I stopped strumming and Tristan stopped drumming. Brad looked at us with wide eyes. "What?" Lindy asked, nervously.

 "Woah." We said.

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