Chapter 67

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 Matt's POV

 I've texted all of the guys.

  none of them have answered. Where are they?

 And most importantly. What the hell are they up to?

 Paige's POV

 Lindy pulled me up to her room.

 "What're we doing?" I asked her. "I have to tell you something." Lindy said.

 "I have to tell you something, too. But, I need M and Steph up here with us." I said.

 "Okay. So, guess who called me earlier." She said, a bit excited. "Justin Bieber." I said, sarcastically.

 "Hmpt. I wish." She whined. "Calum Hood? Micheal Clifford? Luke Hemmings? Ashton Irwin?" I said, even more sarcastic.

 "Ha ha. Very funny. Keep guessing." She said. "I don't know. Was it someone famous?" I asked.

 "Maybe." She smirked. "Was it a guy?" I asked. She nodded.

 Think, Paige, think. Who does she know that's famous, is a boy, and is not anyone you are in the same house as.

 "I don't know. I give up." I huffed. "Connor." Lindy smiled.

 Why would Connor call her? He's right downstairs.

 "Isn't Connor downstairs." I said. "No. Not Franta. Connor Ball." She said.

 "Didn't you used to live by him?" I asked. She nodded.

 "How'd he get your new number?" I asked. Lindy just shrugged.

 "Let's go get the other two now." She said. I nodded.

 We ran downstairs and Lindy said, "Go get Steph. I got M."

 I nodded and ran to get Steph. She was talking to Sam and Jc still.

 "Hey, guys. Imma borrow her." I said. They nodded.

 I dragged her up the stais and to Lindy's room. Mahogany and Lindy were already there.

 "Okay. Now what did you wanna tell us?" Lindy said.

 "Well. Since Mahogany's birthday passed and I forgot to get her something, I got four tickets to see that one band with those four hot guys." I said.

 Their eyes widened. "YOU DID NOT!!" They screeched. "Oh and may I add. Backstage passes." I said as calm as possible.

 "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD!" They screamed.

 "When.. do we.. go?" Lindy managed to breathe out.

  "Friday night at 10." I said.

 Lindy turned around and walked towards her bed. When she reached it, she turned to face us again.

 She fell back onto her bed. "I'm gonna meet him. I'm gonna meet them. But, more importantly. I'm meeting him." She said, causing me to laugh.

 You see. We all are obsessed with one of the guys.

 I am obsessed with Luke. Lindy is obsessed with Calum. Steph is obsessed with Ashton. Mahogany is, like not even lying, OBSESSED with Micheal.

 She has literally posters of him on every single inch of her room. I mean. We all do. 

 If I turn around now, I will face and picture of Calum.

 "My bae awaits me. Hold on, Ashy. Three more days." Steph said, dramatically.

 "Calum. You will fall in love with me." Lindy said. "What about Cameron?" Mahogany said.

 "What about Jacob?" Lindy smirked. "Tooshay." Mahogany said.

 I fell to my knees and lied down on the floor. "Luke Robert Hemmings. You will lay both of your beautiful blue eyes on me and say 'holy shit. She's hot.' in that beautiful Aussie accent of yours. YOU GOT THAT?" I said.

 We all laughed. "My kiwi awaits me." Lindy sighed. 

 "Time to plan outfits." Mahogany said. We nodded. 

 "To that closet." Steph said and pointed to Lindy's closet. We walked into her closet and began looking at clothes for friday.

 Oh boy. I cannot wait.

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