Chapter 7

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"Hey bitch." Cameron said smirking.

Oh great here we go again...

Lindy's POV

"What do you want?" I asked, harshly. "You know we want." Carter said, coming closer to me. He snaked his arms my waist and pulled me closer him.

"Get off of me, perv." I said, punching his chest as hard as I could. "Now, you know that wont be happening." He smirked, rubbing my back. I forgot I was wearing a crop top.

"Now carter, you have to share." Matt said. "Fine." Carter whined, passing me to matt.

"Hey babe." Matt said and grabbed my butt. "Get off of me." I spat through my teeth. "Nope." He said, popping the 'p'.

'Hayes. C'mon. Notice I'm not in there, Hayes. C'mon'. I thought to myself.

Hayes' POV

We got in the secret place and I heard the wood slam into the wall. I looked to see where Lindy was.

"Guys where's Lindy?" I asked them. "Dunno. Go see if she's out there." Jacob said. "Well, jake. Come with me. Just incase I need to beat some bastards." I said. He nodded, laughing and followed me out.

We looked through the lines in between the wood and saw no one around. I quickly removed the wood and we stepped out.

I put the wood back and we started looking around.

"LINDY! LIND? WHERE ARE YOU?" Jacob screamed.

"JACOB HELP ME!" She screamed back. We looked at each other and then ran down the hall. We ran to the back staircase.

What we saw next made my blood boil.

Jacob's POV

"LINDY! LIND? WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed. "JACOB HELP ME!" Me and Hayes heard her scream.

We looked at each other then ran down the hall. We ran to the back staircase.

I saw Shawn and Johnson holding Lindy down, while the rest were beating her.

Hayes and I both turned red with anger. Hayes tried to open the door to the staircase, but it was locked. I was so mad, that I kicked it once and it flew open.

They didn't even realize that we were in there, because they didn't stop.

I texted in the group chat.


Josh: Kay we r comin.

Mikey: what's going on? are they hurting my poor princess.

Mahogany: damn, Mikey. Calm your tits.


Me: Okay. And hurry.

"Hayes. Mikey and josh are coming." I whispered. He nodded.

Michael's POV

I practically ripped the wood out of the wall. I jumped out and ran down the hall.

"Mike. Wait up!" Josh shouted. I stopped and caught my breath. "Mikey, calm down. She's gonna be fine." He said.

"You don't know that." I said, tears threatening to spill. "I think I may." He said.

I started running again. I reached the staircase. I saw Hayes and Jacob beating Cameron and Nash. The others were still beating on Lindy.

When jake and Hayes realized it, they tried to run to her, but Nash and Cameron grabbed them by their arms.

"Lets watch, shall we?" the smirked. Hayes and Jacob were trying to squirm out of their grips, but failed. They closed their eyes, and tears fell.

I ran up to the other and punched every single one in the face, then kicked them in their balls.

As they lied there on the ground, I scooped Lindy up, bridal style, and ran to mahogany and Caroline.

I kicked the wood in and step in with Lindy. "What the hell! Is she okay?!" Mahogany screamed. Caroline sat there, in shock and tears.

"Dunno. Go get the first aid kit." I ordered her. She nodded and brought it back to me.

"C'mon, princess. C'mon. I can't lose you. We can't lose you. We love you. Think of us if your gonna die. C'mon. We love you. I love you." I whispered to Lindy.....


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