Chapter 12

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Lindy's POV

"Let's sit on the roof, poo bear." I said. "Okay. Wait we won't fall again, will we?" Hayes asked. "No." I said.

His phone was sitting on my bedside, and it kept on vibrating. "Poo bear, are you gonna get that?" I asked and pointed to his phone. "Oh. I didn't even know it was ringing." He said and picked it up.

"Hello.... I'm with some friends..... No I don't want you to....... I'm spending the night, why?....... yes I am... You don't tell me what to do....GOODBYE!" He said and hung up.

"Everything okay?" I asked him. "Yea. Everything's fine. It was my retarded brother." He said. "Well, let's get your mind off things." I said. He nodded.

We grabbed the food and walked out my room. We walked into the attic. I handed hayes the food and climbed through the window.

"Hayes, hand me the food." I said to him. "Kay." He said. He handed me the food and I set it on the roof.

"Now, give me your hand." I instructed. He gave me his hand and I helped him up.

"Woah. Look the sun's setting." He said and punted over to the sky. "It's beautiful." I said and rested my head on his shoulder.

I opened the bag of sour cream and cheddar cheese chips. I put a couple into my mouth and chewed them up. "Poo bear, do you want some?" I asked him. "Mhm." He said and opened his mouth. I grabbed some and then put them into his mouth.

"These are my favori-" I was cut off my Hayes' phone ringing. He picked it up.

"Hello.... No you're not picking me up..... I'm staying here...... why do you wanna know?...... No one cares about what you think about my friends.... GOODBYE NASH!" He said and hung up once again.

"I'm sorry he's doing this Hayes. I should've known he would..." I said. "It okay. I'll just put Nash and his friends on my do not disturb list." He smiled.

"Okay." I said. "So. Tomorrow is... his birthday." He said, saying the last part really quiet. "Yea. I think I'm gonna wear the dress he gave me before... it happened. Yenno. The pale yellow one. Maybe with my red converses. My hair down and curled." I said with a faint smile.

"You'll look absolutely stunning." Hayes said. "Thank you." I giggled.

We just sat there with a comfortable silence until.....


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