Chapter 19

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Coralines POV

We walked into Lindy's room and she walked to her closet. "What do you guys wanna wear?" she asked us.

"Can I wear the cute dress... yenno. The one I always try and steal from you?" mahogany said. She nodded and walked into her closet.

She came back out with a dress that had jean on the top part and the bottom part was red with white polka dots. It stopped at mid thigh. "Thank you." Mahogany said and started to change.

"What about you, C?" Lindy asked. "Can I have the black high waisted shirt and a galaxy shirt." I said. "She nodded and walked into her closet again. She walked out with the clothes. "Thanks." I said. She nodded.

"What're you wearing, Lind?" mahogany asked. "This." Lindy said, walking out of her closet.

She had a beautiful pale yellow dress that had lace all over it. It looked like it stopped at mid thigh. She also had and pair of red converses. "That's so pretty." I exclaimed. "Thanks. My brother, before the incidents saved up his money and bought this for me to wear when I could fit it." Lindy said and a tear escaped her eye.

"It's okay, Lind. Just go. You use the bathroom first to get everything done." I said with a smile. "She nodded and hugged me. "Thank you." She muffled into my shirt. "No problem, babe. Now go. " I said.

She ran off into the bathroom with her clothes.

Lindys POV

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I set my stuff down and stripped of my, or should I say Sam's sweats.

I put the dress on and looked at myself in the mirror. I loved this dress. It had a perfect flow to it.

I slipped on my converses and opened my makeup bag. I pulled out foundation, concealer, mascara, red lipstick, and eyeliner.

I did my makeup and curled my hair. I walked out of the bathroom to find Coraline and mahogany dressed and ready to go.

"Let's go." I said. "You. Look. Beautiful." They said. "Thanks." I said as we walked down the stairs.

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