Chapter 96

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Aaron's POV

 Right now, the time is 8:15.

 Sam got upto get the door after hearing the doorbell go off. Jc and Paige walked down the stairs as he did.

 Jc sat down next to me and Paige went to turn on the sterio. "Umm. No. Not any of these CDs. Mahogany, do you have your dj equipment?" Paige asked.

 "Yep. In my car." Mahogany said. "Well. Go get it." Paige said.

 Sam walked back in with four unfamiliar boys. "Uhh. Who're they?" I asked. "Hey guys." Lindy smiled. 

 "Hey, Lind." The Asian looking guy said to her. "Who are you?" Cameron shot at the dude, wrapping a protective arm around Lindy's waist.

 Steph broke into laughter, as did Paige. "And y'all are laughing at...?" Johnson said. "C-Cameron's... His overprotectiveness." Caroline managed to squeak out.

 "Shut up." Cameron glared. Mahogany walked back into the room with her equipment. "Oh hey, guys." She said to the for unknowns.

 "Still not knowing who the dude that said hi to my girlfriend is." Cameron said, emphasising 'my girlfriend'. The girls broke out into laughter again.

 Actually, we all broke into laughter. All, except for Cameron, that is. Connor, James, Brad, and Tristan walked into the room as the laughter died down.

 "What's everyone laughing at?" James said. We all looked at him.

 He had on a blonde wig, a pinkish- red flowy dress, matching heels, and a white purse. Did I mention he had grapefruits or something in his bra.

 We broke into laughter once again. Everyone this time. Even Cameron and the four unknowns.

 After we stopped laughing, Paige walked up to James. "Dude, they look so real." She said. "Dude, that's because they are so real." James mocked her.

 Paige took her finger and poked James' chest. "Not this again." James groaned. Tristan laughed. 

 Paige then walked over to Lindy and poked her boob. "WHAT THE FUCK, YOU DUMB BITCH!" Lindy screamed at Paige, her hand over her boob.

 Paige laughed, quietly. "Well, changing the subject now. Guys, you seem not to know who these four guys are. and these four guys don't know you, so introducing time." Mahogany said.

 We nodded. "Okay. So, this is michael. He has colorful hair. Luke. The tall one. Ashton. He has the goofy grin. And Calum. The Asian looking one." Mahogany said to us.

 "Well then." Calum pouted, putting his hand over his heart. "Yep." Mahogany smiled, cheekily. "Now, Moving on." The four nodded.

 "Okay. this is Aaron. The adorable curly head. That's Jc. Paige's boyfriend. Kian. The dumb blonde boy. Taylor. The bandana boy. Ricky. The pokemon lover. Jack Johnson. Adorable blonde. Jack Gilinsky. The dumb hottie. Connor. Franta that is. Shawn. The canadian with the angelic voice. Trevor. The tiniest out of all of us. Hayes. The blue- eyed cutie. Nash. Brother of the blue- eyed cutie. Carter. The actual Asian. Cameron. Overprotective boyfriend. Sam. Lindy's older brother. Josh. The dark haired tallie. Jacob. My boyfriend. Caroline. The short blonde girl. And Michael. The one with the glasses." Mahogany blabbed.

 "That was confusing. We should just get name tags." Steph said. Mahogany shrugged and quickly set up her equipment.

 She put on some music on. Turn down for what came on.

 "Okay. If any of y'all get drunk, I'll be the DD." Cameron said. "Dunkin Donuts?" Lindy said, confused. 

 "No. Designated driver. Meaning, if anybody that doesn't live in this house and gets drunk, I will be driving home." Cameron explained to his confused girlfriend.

 "Oh. So you can't drink." Lindy teased. Cam just nodded.

 After about five more minutes, people started rolling into the house.

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