Chapter 57

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Shawn's POV

 "Why the fuck are y'all here?" I asked, rudely. "Well damn..." Carter mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

 "We wanted to know why you ran out earlier." Matt said. "Y'all really wanna now why, eh?" I said. They nodded.

 "Well. I ran off because I couldn't take it anymore." I said. "Couldn't take what?" Nash asked.

 "I couldn't take bullying her anymore. Why would y'all even send her those messages? She was our best friend. And I know that everyone single one of us had a crush on Lindy, Steph, and Paige. But, we knew that only three of us would get them. And it looks like it's only Cam and Taylor. Jc got Paige. You're all dumb for bullying her. Hitting her. Calling her names. You're all stupid for being her bullies." I said.

 They stared at me in shock. "You bullied her, too. Yenno. This wasn't just us." Matt said. "No. Technically I didn't. I NEVER hit her. I NEVER called her a name. I NEVER bullied her." I said. "Yea. Whatever." Matt said.

 I looked at Nash and Carter. They had guilt written on their foreheads. I could see it in their eyes that they were sorry. 

 "Let's just go." Matt said. The other two nodded.

  Once I heard the front door shut, I whipped out my phone. I added Nash and Carter to a group chat.

Me: Do y'all wanna apologize to them?

Nash: YES!! I feel so fucking bad and so damn guilty, it's not even funny

Carter: Same here. When do you wanna Apologize?

Me: Uhh. NOW!

Nash: Okay. The hospital is the on Aleman Road. 

Carter: Kay. Thanks 

Me: Thanks. Bye

 I quickly grabbed my car keys and ran downstairs.

 "Shawn, where are you going?" Aaliyah asked me. "I'm going to see Lindy. Tell mom and dad that, yeah?" I said. She nodded.

 I ran out to my car and quickly hopped in.

 I drove straight to the hospital. I turned the car off and jumped out, locking it afterwards.

 I ran into the hospital and straight to the front desk. "Lindia Rodriguez." I breathed heavily.

 The desk lady nodded. "Room 632." She said. I nodded and ran down the hall.

 I looked at the room numbers. 628. 630. Ahh. Here we go. 632.

 I opened the door and an in. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

 Lindy smiled. Paige, Caroline, Steph, and Mahogany scoffed. Aaron, Gilinksy, Johnson, and Taylor looked at me in shock. Jc, Ricky, Connor, Sam, Trevor, Cameron, Hayes, Josh, and Jacob Stared at me like they witnessed me murder someone.

 "Hey." Lindy said. Everyone turned to her with wide eyes.

 Oh god. Shits. About. To. Go. Down.

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