Chapter 126 | the last one

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Lindy's POV

*_skips to past new year_*

"New year. New me." I said. The girls nodded. You see, after the guys left, some new kids came to the school. They became popular fast.

So, like all other kids, decided pick on us. Matt and Cam still bully us as well. So we all decided to get new styles. We have school today, so we're getting ready.

Mahogany still has the fashion sense. But, her hair is a lavender colors with ombré pastel blue. It's pretty cool.

Paige's style hasn't changed. I don't think any of our styles have, just our hair. But anyway, Paige's hair was black and ombré red.

Caroline's hair was ombré light purple, pink, and light pink. Steph's hair was blue to ombré green. My hair was like Mahogany's, but lighter and without the blue.

But, back on topic. Our outfits.

Mahogany's outfit-
•polka dot dress
•black studded heels
•black cardigan

Paige's outfit-
•tight white long-sleeved crop top
•black knee-length leather skirt
•white pumps

Caroline's outfit-
•elephant crop top
•light washed skinnies
•blue zip-up
•blue converse

Steph's outfit-
•batman shirt
•black skinnies
•batman hoodie
•yellow converse

My outfit-
•"Franta" oversized sweatshirt
•black ripped skinnies
•"badass" beanie

We got dressed, did our hair and makeup, and went downstairs. "Morning, guys." Caroline said. "Morning." The boys yawned. "Who made breakfast?" I asked them, going into the kitchen with the girls. "No one." Jc said, following us.

I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge. I pulled out some fruit and put it on the table. "Eat up." I said to them. Jc was whispering something to Paige. She started blushing. "Eww. No dirty talk at the table." Mahogany cringed.

We laughed as Hayes, Sam, Kian, and Andrea walked in. "Hey." I said to them. "Hey, baby sister." Sam said. "Hey." Kian and Andrea said. "Hayes. Hurry up and get ready. And tell Trevor, too." I said.

"But. I'm tired." Hayes whined as he walked over to me. He hugged me and put his head on my shoulder. "Go get dressed." I said to him. "Fine." He groaned and went upstairs.

"TREVOR YOU GO, TOO." I yelled to Trevor. "I AM." Trevor yelled back. I laughed. "They have five minutes." Steph said. "You say that. But, really you give them like 20." Paige said. "That's so true." Steph said.

Jacob, Michael, and josh walked down and into the kitchen. We ate some fruit and talked a bit. After ten minutes, Trevor and Hayes came down. "Let's go." Trevor yawned. We said our goodbyes and went out to the CR-V.

I climbed into the drivers side, with Hayes in the passengers seat. The rest squeezed into the back. Once everyone got settled, I shut my door. "Ready?" I asked.

"Just drive." Paige said. She was mad because she didn't get passengers seat. I laughed and drive to school. About five minutes later, we arrived at school. As usual, I got out and opened the trunk to let out Michael, Josh, and Trevor out.

Everyone got out, I locked the door, and we walked in. When we all got to our lockers, there was Autumn.

I forgot to mention. Autumn started last month and we became friends with her. She is about my height, has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a girly sense of style. She's 17.

"Hey, Autumn." Paige greeted her. "Hey." She said. We put our stuff away and looked at the time. "We have 10 minutes." I said. "To the place?" Mahogany said. "To the place." We responded.

We walked down the hall. "It feels like forever since we've been here." Caroline sighed. "It feels like forever since we've been in school." Jacob said as we reached it.

We looked around, making sure no one was there. We started going went in and Hayes said, "Lindy. You go before me." I nodded and went in. We all sat there, on our phones.

I scrolled through Twitter. I saw James and Tristan and Brad and Connor. I smiled to myself. Connor and I's birthday is in three months. He said he'd come back if he could. I'm really hoping he can because I miss those five idiots.

"Oh my god! We have to get to class." Michael said. We all jumped up and grabbed our stuff. We quickly left the place and walked quickly through the hall. Hayes and I bid our goodbyes from everyone and went to homeroom.

"I feel like we barely hang out anymore. Just the two of us." Hayes said. "I know. We should soon." I said. We kept talking and Aaron and Taylor walked in. "Hey, guys." Taylor said.

"Took y'all long enough." I laughed. "Well. We have to look good." Aaron said. We laughed and the teacher walked in. I rolled my eyes and pushed my glasses up. "Good morning class." Mr. Shaul said. Nobody responded.

He started talk about something and Aaron threw a piece of paper at my head. I picked it up and opened it.

Paige said look at your phone

I crumbled it up again and threw it back at him. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. Paige texted me.


Me: Can't sorry. But if it makes you feel better, Aaron keeps throwing stuff at my head.


Me: sorry, babe

My love😘: whatever. Imma probably end up jumping out the window or stabbing his eye out. Either is fine.

Me: okay byeeeee

I looked at Aaron, who kept throwing eraser at me. I looked back down at my phone.


Aarbear💕: nah. I'm good


Aarbear💕: no he'll hit me

Me: if you don't stop throwing stuff at me, I'll hit you

Aarbear💕: whatevs bye

I looked at him again and smiled. He smiled back and Taylor threw something at Hayes. hayes threw it back. "Caniff. Grier. Stop throwing stuff." Mr. Shaul said. Aaron and I laughed, quietly.

The rest of the day flew by really quick. After we arrived back at the house, we had some pizza. We then changed and fell into a deep sleep.

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